• 恒力即将举办奥运”。

    The village of Hengly was going to have the Bean Olympics.


  • 小黄一对即将举办婚礼的“准新人”。

    Yong Zhou and Huang are a couple are going to hold the wedding ceremony.


  • 小黄一对即将举办婚礼“准新人”。

    Yong Zhou and Young Huang are a "couple-to-be" who are going to hold the wedding ceremony.


  • 体育部上层动荡不应对巴西筹备即将举办体育盛会什么影响

    The turmoil at the top of the sports ministry should have little effect on the preparations for the big sporting events Brazil is soon to host.


  • 2010年下半年即将举办课程如下,请根据需要进行选择

    Upcoming programs in the second half year of 2010 are list in below, your organization can select individual course to meet your specific needs.


  • 事实上代表国家出席即将举办echelon 2011亚洲创业会

    In fact, it will be representing the country in the upcoming launchpad for Asian startups - Echelon 2011.


  • 做了一个照片集,里面关于奥林匹克照片即将举办奥林匹克城市的照片。

    I set a storyboard filled with photos of the Olympics and of the city where the games were hosted.


  • 对方通过电传答复说当作礼品即将举办北京展览会上派发给参观者

    The response, by telex: for distribution at an upcoming exhibition in Beijing as give-away items to visitors.


  • 博客打响头炮,我们即将举办次征文大赛,头奖是挪威之旅!

    To kick off this new start – we will buy one of you a trip to Norway!


  • 参加少先队员的入宣誓大会他们决心积参加即将举办环城赛跑

    I attended the meeting at which some Young Pioneers were accepted to join the League, all of whom made up their minds to take an active part in school activities and entered the coming round-the-race.


  • 已经知道北京即将举办2008年奥运会的消息了,是吗?北京人兴奋

    You have known Beijing will be the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, haven 't you? Everyone in Beijing is very excited.


  • 国际能源协会即将举办世界能源展望而开发方案也许可以让人们略窥能源的前景。

    A scenario developed for the International Energy Agency's forthcoming "World Energy Outlook" offers a sense of what may unfold.


  • 我们与会者呈现世博会雏形使他们对于即将举办的世博会有了大致的了解

    It showed a miniature of World Expo 2010 to help the delegates understand the event.


  • 即将举办北京国际高科技,北京将会展示一批各高科技企业开发尖端技术

    In the International Hi-tech week to be held in Beijing, Beijing will display some most advanced techniques developed by some Hi-tech enterprises.


  • 现在即将举办婚礼缺少一名伴郎,原本留给一个铁哥们位置空空如也

    Now there will be a missing groomsman at the wedding and empty air in the place of a steadfast friend.


  • 拉德正在洛杉矶即将举办首次美国展览说:“最心爱作品当然巴马全家的雕像。”

    Speaking in Los Angeles, as he was about to launch his first American exhibition, Willard revealed: 'My favourite piece has to be President Barack Obama and his family.


  • 现有Web站点基于一个文档存储库,这个库用来交换文档更新关于即将举办活动信息。

    The existing Web site is based on a document repository that provides a way to exchange documents and update the members about upcoming events.


  • 拉德正在洛杉矶即将举办首次美国展览说:“最心爱作品当然巴马全家的雕像。”

    Speaking in Los Angeles, as he was about to launch his first American exhibition, Willard revealed: 'My favourite piece has to be President Barack Obama and his family


  • 他们当今中国盆景的蓬勃发展由衷赞叹,并对中国即将举办WBC2013充满信心。

    They think high praise for Penjing developments in China in recent years, believing that coming WBC2013 convention to be a successful affair.


  • 简单地释放修剪刷新光盘,即使北京即将举办奥运最低及格线时间最大爆破行动

    Simply release the clip, reload your discs and reengage the clip for minimum rearming time and maximum blasting action!


  • 本文认为,北京市作为一个国际化大都市,特别是2008年即将举办奥运会出租车服务水平至关重要

    Beijing is an internationalized metropolis, and it will host the 2008 Olympic Games. The service standard of taxi industry is then of great importance.


  • 最新一期即将举办的,有趣苔藓微景观手作体验课,无论已经芳草地会员或是尚未加入,都欢迎你来参加。

    The upcoming workshop is a fun moss terrarium workshop. Whether you are already a member or aren't a member yet, we would like to invite you over.


  • 双方欢迎即将举办的2008年北京夏季奥运会2010年温哥华冬季奥运会,期待着它们进一步促进两国人员往来文化交往提供舞台。

    We welcome the upcoming Olympic games in Beijing in 2008 and Vancouver in 2010 and expect that the games will provide the venues for further enhanced exchanges of people and national treasures.


  • 马克·阿瑞法罗(Mark Arevalo)来自美国来参加这次拍卖会这个周末即将举办奥林匹亚音乐狂热者唱片展览会的,他解释这种吸引力,他说:“收集者心态奇怪的。”

    Mark Arevalo, who had travelled from the us for the auction and the upcoming Olympia Musicmania record fair this weekend, tried to explain the appeal. "the collector mentality is very strange."


  • 如果兴趣在等候名单加入成为联合创造者(:自我平衡静修简讯不同于常规的自我平衡简讯。如果你订阅自我平衡静修简讯那么你只会得到即将举办静修活动的更新消息,其他的什么都得不到。)

    Join me as a co-creator click here if you are interested or get on the waiting list note: the Balance in me retreat newsletter is different from the regular Balance in me newsletter.


  • 如果兴趣在等候名单加入成为联合创造者(:自我平衡静修简讯不同于常规的自我平衡简讯。如果你订阅自我平衡静修简讯那么你只会得到即将举办静修活动的更新消息,其他的什么都得不到。)

    Join me as a co-creator click here if you are interested or get on the waiting list note: the Balance in me retreat newsletter is different from the regular Balance in me newsletter.


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