• 这些辅助工具虽然不同,但由于它们便利性即使当今社会受过良好教育的人们也仍在使用它们。

    Such aids, while different, are still used even by the most educated in today's society due to their convenience.


  • 虽然可能没有意识到即使睡觉时,大脑处理评估你的点子和想法。

    Although you may not be aware of it it, even when you're sleeping your brain continues to process and evaluate your ideas and thoughts.


  • 即使传统主义者也保留财富传给下一代权力虽然前提条件是可以依靠他们财富的基础上建设不是将财富挥霍一空。

    Even the traditionalists reserved the right to entrust their wealth to the next generation, although only if the children could be relied upon to build on the fortune rather than fritter it away.


  • 虽然选项实现了实时性能并且即使负载条件也可使操作系统顺利地运行,但这样做也付出了代价

    Although the option enables soft real-time performance and even under load makes the operating system execute more smoothly, it does so at a cost.


  • 虽然很令人吃惊许多垃圾食品达到素的标准,即使无益健康

    Surprisingly, though, a lot of junk food qualifies as vegan, even if it is unhealthy.


  • 现在我们知道了,即使健康人饭后高血糖随着时间推移,也会损伤身体虽然不会引起糖尿病

    Now we know that even in healthy people, high blood sugar after meals can, over time, damage the body, even if it never causes diabetes.


  • 虽然句话有可能真的会产生误导而且已经导致了许多开发人员即使需要的时候也避免使用同步

    While this statement may be true, it is also quite misleading and has led many developers to avoid synchronizing even in cases where it is needed.


  • 例如不良事件虽然非常罕见,即使大型临床试验很难出现,但在为大量人群接种流行性流感疫苗可能变得很明显

    For example, adverse events too rare to show up even in a large clinical trial may become apparent when very large Numbers of people receive a pandemic vaccine.


  • 虽然可能工作并不要求一直穿着职业套装但是即使穿着牛仔裤T恤也只穿睡衣更有工作的感觉。

    Depending on your line of work you may not need to wear full business attire, but even jeans and a T-shirt will make you feel ready to work more than wearing your pajamas.


  • 帐篷虽然华丽但是即使最短背包旅行来说都实在太重、太大了。

    While this tent is slick, it is entirely too heavy and bulky for even the shortest backpacking trip.


  • 今年早些时候,虽然对于欧洲经济预期即使看起来不是很明朗但是不比其他富裕国家的黯淡。

    Earlier this year, the prospects for the euro area's economy seemed, if not bright, then less dim than for some other parts of the rich world.


  • 虽然文中鲜有解决方案,但即使批评者这份诊断书无可挑剔。

    His critics would not disagree with this stark diagnosis, even if he offered few answers.


  • 虽然特拉睡着了,萨莉打扫新泽西州杰克逊市的这个,(即使只是)擦擦门把开关

    While Stella napped, Sally would clean her Jackson, New Jersey, home yet again, wiping down doorknobs and light switches.


  • 即使亚洲虽然目前还没有叶病,但种植新的橡胶树就得砍伐雨林,是公众不赞成的。

    Even in Asia, currently blight-free, planting new rubber trees often means cutting down rainforest, to general disapproval.


  • 即使布莱先生家里不起眼房间,也能引人深思,比如仆人们的寒碜食物虽然微不足道,也尽显昔日的气派。

    Even the most unpromising rooms in Mr Bryson's rectory provide food for thought, such as the miserable provision made for the servants, an all but invisible presence in the grand old days of yore.


  • 书中写道:“看来即使危机时期经济运行也总能修正内在的偏差,重上正轨虽然有时过程极为漫长)”。

    Even in crisis, economies seem inevitably to right themselves (though the process sometimes takes considerable time,” he writes.


  • 书中写道:“看来即使危机时期经济运行也总能修正内在的偏差,重上正轨虽然有时过程极为漫长)”。

    Even in crisis, economies seem inevitably to right themselves (though the process sometimes takes considerable time, ” he writes.


  • 虽然我们知道宇宙怎样-,现在即使哥白尼的理论也完全正确了-,但是诗歌偏爱托勒密的宇宙观。

    Whereas we all know that the universe is of a certain kind-- -- we can't even call it Copernican anymore-- poetry has this odd preference for Ptolemaic astronomy.


  • 即使显式地均衡Rope之后,虽然匹配快了3.5,Rope的性能还是没有达到StringStringBuffer相同的水平。

    Even explicitly rebalancing the Rope, which makes matching 3.5 times faster, doesn't put Ropes in the same league as either Strings or StringBuffers.


  • 即使更富裕萧条日本虽然GDP不能这些数字相比,仍然显得西方发达国家恢复要快

    Even richer and more sluggish Japan, which cannot match that figure, seems to be recovering faster than its Western peers.


  • 进而发现即使夜间老鼠暴露微弱的灯光下,虽然食量和那些在黑暗中过夜的同类一样。

    Spent their evenings in the dark. Though they all ate the same amount, the fat mice snacked more.


  • 菱形表示判定虽然示例中判定只有两种可能结果;但即使更多可能结果,同样容易

    The diamonds represent decision points, although, in this example, the decision point had only two possible outcomes; it could just as easily have had many more.


  • 即使今天虽然活动徽章自我记录人物日记提供各种方便,但是不法分子手中资料可能扼杀

    Even today, although active badges and self-writing appointment diaries offer all kinds of convenience, in the wrong hands their information could be stifling.


  • 虽然很多人来说那样控制饮食困难,但许多医生即使小小的一步也可以造成很大不同

    While it's hard for many people to control their diet like that, many doctors are saying that even small steps can make a big difference.


  • 虽然敏捷开发重点经过测试软件交付,但是交付的其他方面仍然非常重要即使它们并不属于强调重点

    While the emphasis of agile development is on tested software delivery, other aspects of that delivery are still important, even if they're not the focus.


  • 如此持续牛市行情之后,即使冷静的人现在表示虽然目前的市盈率超过50,但市场可以继续上冲。

    After such a sustained bull run even the most sober-minded are now saying the market can continue to rise in spite of prices that are more than 50 times earnings.


  • 虽然糖尿病可以治疗的,即使血糖水平控制范围内,也大大增加心脏病中风风险

    Diabetes is treatable, but even when glucose levels are under control it greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.


  • 虽然糖尿病可以治疗的,即使血糖水平控制范围内,也大大增加心脏病中风风险

    Diabetes is treatable, but even when glucose levels are under control it greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.


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