• 四个孩子所以即使吃,他们也会狼吞虎咽吃光。

    I have four children, so they will gobble all it up, even if I'm given the first choice.


  • 但是即使错误的话,也是出于谨慎考虑。因为长辈们需要他们退休金感到安全,感到信心

    But I must err on the side of caution, so our seniors can have some confidence that their pensions are safe.


  • 总是焦虑因为这个世界那么强大人们那么多期望总是不能他们满意,即使现在暂时能让他们满意早晚也都会让他们失望。

    I live with anxiety, because the world can be overwhelming and people have expectations that I always, sooner or later, fail to meet.


  • 张说:“瞄准更年轻一代他们注意干净卫生即使不断告诉人们这个做浴盆对便秘好处。”

    "We're targeting the younger generation. They're more aware of hygiene," Zhang said. "Though I keep telling older people that the bidet helps with constipation."


  • 即使他们觉得他们来讲困难选举因为其他更多更资格候选人,但他们还是参选,因此令人振奋的。

    Even if they feel it is going to be a difficult election for them because there are other more qualified candidates, they still want to participate and I think that is very encouraging.


  • 即使危险认为如果小心,你就可以避开他们

    Even though there are dangers, I do think you can sidestep them if you are careful.


  • 可是知道,即使天早晨醒来发现人人同一个种族,同一种信仰,同一种肤色中午之前他们也会找到某种别的偏见理由

    If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.


  • 即使赞成这样生活方式,但是这样生活——必须他们耐心

    While I could never live like this, this is how some people do live - and you have to have patience with them about it.


  • 随着2011年到来仍然看好球队在和湖人对决中打出什么荣耀比赛即使他们两笔关键签约

    As 2011 approaches, I'm still not predicting... wait for it... glory days for a team continuing to match up badly against the Lakers even after a key pair of additions.


  • 他们了,那种姊妹的感情,大概前世缘份的关系,沟通即使语言不通也没关系

    They treated me very well, just like a sister. Perhaps it was due to affinities made in previous lives. We could communicate perfectly despite the language barrier.


  • 即使最后运行,虽然,抓地力福肯轮胎表现非常高兴他们支持

    Even though on my final run, I struggled with grip, my Falken tires performed extremely well and I was very happy to have had their support.


  • 即使太平洋中间小岛上,那些从来离开过的人也告诉他们希望能够去看看伦敦或者纽约

    Even on an island in the middle of the Pacific, people who would probably never depart their home island talked to me of one day hoping they could see New York or London for themselves.


  • 取消了40多年制定规定,这项规定导致一些奶牛场可能每年10,000美元来证明他们能够控制泄漏——因为牛奶不知何故被油类这样的规定,即使洒了牛奶,也值得大哭场(crying over spilled milk)。

    We got rid of one rule from 40 years ago that could have forced some dairy farmers to spend $10,000 a year proving that they could contain a spill -- because milk was somehow classified as an oil.


  • 取消了40多年制定规定,这项规定导致一些奶牛场可能每年10,000美元来证明他们能够控制泄漏——因为牛奶不知何故被油类这样的规定,即使洒了牛奶,也值得大哭场(crying over spilled milk)。

    We got rid of one rule from 40 years ago that could have forced some dairy farmers to spend $10,000 a year proving that they could contain a spill -- because milk was somehow classified as an oil.


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