• 识别危险列出控制这些危险的预防措施

    Identify the hazards and list preventative measures to control them.


  • 因为体型棕熊北极熊而且面临更大来自危险动物威胁所以它们可能幼仔采取额外的预防措施

    Because sloth bears are smaller than brown and polar bears and are under greater threat from dangerous animals, they may have adopted the extra precaution of carrying their cubs.


  • 这些规划诸如物质使用其他健康危险行为预防早期干预作为重点

    Programmes should also focus on prevention and early intervention in other health risk behaviours, such as substance use.


  • 报告强调了所有国家都需要做什么减少人们接触危险因素并且改善用以预防治疗传染性疾病服务

    The report also highlights what all countries need to do to reduce people's exposure to risk factors and improve services to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases.


  • 优先考虑研究公共卫生措施进一步界定疾病负担,探索可变危险因素利用有效预防战略

    They should prioritize research and public health initiatives to further define the burden, explore variable risk factors and utilize effective prevention strategies.


  • 这样我们就可确保危险人群更加容易地获得预防处理结核病和艾滋病的信息服务

    By doing so, we can ensure that people at risk have easier access to information and services to prevent and manage TB and HIV.


  • 睡眠时间一个可变危险因素肥胖症预防治疗有着潜在的重要意义

    Sleep duration is a modifiable risk factor with potentially important implications for obesity prevention and treatment.


  • 教育个人社会了解溺水溺水有关危险掌握水域生存技能似乎是前景看好预防溺水战略

    Individual and community education on drowning awareness, risks associated with drowning and learning waters survival skills appear promising strategies to prevent drowning.


  • 综合策略具成本效益的措施相结合,以便预防共同危险因素处理共同的卫生保健需求

    The integrated approach incorporates cost-effective measures to prevent common risk factors and to address common health-care needs.


  • 联合国儿童基金会的这份报告令人鼓舞的,然而只要儿童因为可以预防原因而处境危险,我们不能掉以轻心、自满自足。

    The UNICEF report is encouraging, but while there are still children at risk due to a preventable cause, there is no room for complacency.


  • 通过改变避免以下主要危险因素,约30%癌症可以得到预防

    More than 30% of cancer could be prevented by modifying or avoiding key risk factors, including.


  • 美国5,700,000人面临2型糖尿病危险临床医生们如何决定应该优先享受预防保健治疗

    With over 57 million Americans at risk for type 2 diabetes, how do clinicians decide whom to bump to the front of the line for preventive care and treatment?


  • 妇女没有多少没有药物不能获得预防治疗服务时,她们健康明显处在危险之中

    The health of women is clearly at risk when they have little money, no medicines and no access to prevention or treatment services.


  • 然而,这种疗法一级预防方面好处有限研究表明服用阿司匹林必须权衡利弊防止出血危险

    However, evidence in primary prevention is limited, with studies suggesting that any benefit of aspirin must be weighed against the risk of bleeding.


  • 避免危险因素增加预防因素可能会减低癌症的风险但是不是就不会患癌症了。

    Avoiding risk factors and increasing protective factors may lower your risk but it does not mean that you will not get cancer.


  • 预防迄今为止最好选择存在这些疾病的共同危险因素部门却不在公共卫生当局直接控制之下。

    Prevention is by far the better option, yet the Shared risk factors for these diseases reside in sectors beyond the direct control of public health.


  • 世界心脏主题你的心有多年轻”,致力于通过控制危险因素饮食身体活动烟草使用预防心血管疾病

    The theme of World Heart Day, "How Young is Your Heart" addresses prevention of cardiovascular diseases by controlling three major risk factors: diet, physical activity and tobacco use.


  • 其结果就是——许多简单预防措施例如检查有潜在危险房屋没有执行

    As a result, he argues, simple precautions, such as checking the buildings most at risk, should have been taken.


  • 病毒感染者可能另一种疑似疾病而住院以及没有充足预防措施的情况下开展检测治疗程序产生危险引起担忧

    Concern arises from the risk that persons infected with the virus might be admitted for another suspected illness and undergo testing or treatment procedures without adequate precautions.


  • 预防健康普查能够医生有关心血管危险程度大量信息

    Preventive health screenings can give you and your doctor a lot of information about how at risk you are for cardiovascular disease.


  • 危险恐惧成为预防动力。一个害怕的人恰巧了恐惧有机可乘。

    Let the fear of a danger be a spur to prevent it; [s] he that fears not, gives the advantage to danger.


  • 雷电天气危险可以预先做好预防措施自己先于受伤死亡

    Lightning storms are dangerous, but you can take precautions that will diminish your chances of being hurt or killed.


  • 然而毫无防护地暴露预防疾病之下则更加危险举例来说,超过90%的未接种人群接触麻疹后引发感染。

    The risk of unprotected exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases is far higher: for example, more than 90 percent of unvaccinated people exposed to measles will become infected.


  • 强调:“如果我们能够查明酗酒这个问题产生模式,我们就可以针对这些处于危险境况中的采取预防措施。”

    He also highlights that "if we can detect the patterns in which the problem, alcohol consumption, appears, we can issue prevention campaigns aimed at these people in greater risk situations".


  • 美国疾病控制预防中心最近一项研究发现,22%超重(43%的肥胖)青年人血脂异常甘油三酯高等引发心脏病危险因素

    A recent C.D.C. study found that 22 percent of overweight (and 43 percent of obese) young people had, abnormal blood lipid levels, like high triglycerides, which are risk factors for heart disease.


  • 熟练的掌握一系列初级体式才能让我们顺畅地进入倒立学习预防潜在的危险

    Proficiency in some preliminary asanas will speed your learning and go a long way toward preventing problems in Headstand.


  • 熟练的掌握一系列初级体式才能让我们顺畅地进入倒立学习预防潜在的危险

    Proficiency in some preliminary asanas will speed your learning and go a long way toward preventing problems in Headstand.


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