• 三国积极评价中国应对国际金融危机气候变化重大全球性问题积极努力建设性作用

    The latter made positive remarks on China's active efforts and constructive role of coping with such major global issues as international financial crisis and climate change.


  • 就像奥斯卡王尔德追求不可评价东西不可预言的”:目前美国次级抵押贷款危机备受关注,对其造成的影响损失众说纷纭

    AS OSCAR WILDE might have said, it is the unspeakable in pursuit of the unrateable. America's Congress is holding hearings on the subprime-mortgage shambles and the losses that have resulted.


  • 此次危机提供理智评价一国自身国际战略合理地评估他国行动带来风险契机

    The crisis brings the opportunity to sensibly and rationally evaluate one's own international strategies and the risks emerging from the actions of other states.


  • 萨科齐表示,法方高度评价中国各项事业取得的成就,赞赏中国应对金融危机气候变化重大国际地区问题发挥的重要作用

    Sarkozy spoke highly of China's achievements in various fields and its important role in dealing with the major international and regional issues such as the financial crisis and climate change.


  • 巴马先生的共和党竞争对手约翰·麦凯恩则普遍评价危机反映迟钝。

    John McCain, Mr Obama's Republican rival, was widely judged to have fumbled his response to the crisis.


  • 虽然对于评价当前事物我们必须谨慎,但是仍然对认为银行业放松管制(虽然局部的)是最近信用危机一个原因的看法持怀疑态度。

    Although one must be tentative in evaluating current events, I suspect that the deregulation (though again partial) of banking has been a factor in the current credit crisis.


  • 该部影片的女主角蒋勤勤评价这部作品道:“这部影片其实隐喻中年危机。”

    According to the film's female lead Jiang Qinqin, the movie is a metaphor for a mid-life crisis.


  • 普京对瓦尔代俱乐部评价可以看出,普京轻率相信俄罗斯经济增长不会全球经济危机影响。

    Throughout his remarks to the Valdai group, Mr Putin seemed blithely confident that Russia's economic growth would not be affected by the global crisis.


  • 如何评价2010年玛切嘉利财务业绩考虑到最近危机影响坏的时期已经过去

    How do you rate Marcegaglia's 2010 financial results, taking into account the impact of the recent crisis? Would you say that the worst is over?


  • 基于经济危机大肆流行,怎么评价当前房价上涨的情况。

    How do you evaluate the raised housing prices on the ground of overwhelming economic crisis?


  • 基于经济危机大肆流行怎么评价当前房价上涨情况

    How do you evaluate the situation of rising housing prices under the pandemic of economic crisis?


  • 联盟失败归结主要原因有联盟伙伴选择不当治理结构的选择不当、信任危机绩效评价指标和方法的缺失

    The main reasons for alliance failure can be attributed to selecting wrong partner, lacking of trust, forming unsuitable governance structure, no effective matrix to evaluate performance.


  • 现金企业财务分析评价中起举足轻重作用国外现金指标建立财务危机预警模型取得很好的预警效果

    Cash flow plays a decisive role in financial analysis and assessment of firms, and overseas forewarning systems for financial crisis based on cash-flow indicators have yielded good results.


  • 基于经济危机大肆流行怎么评价当前房价上涨的情况。

    How do you evaluate the situation of rising housing prices on account of the pandemic of economic crisis?


  • 构建突发公共卫生事件应对能力评价指标体系城市危机应对能力建设有效应对具有重要意义

    Establishment of appraisal index system of city's response capacity on emergent public health events has important significance to construct city's response capacity on risks and effective response.


  • 媒体组织危机处理中具有扩音、媒体审判功能,媒体对组织形象设定效果直接决定公众对组织形象的接受评价程度。

    Media have the function as enlarging voices and making judgment, and it will greatly influence the public accepting and judgment of the organizations involved.


  • 然后指出国际规划面临危机切实开展规划实效评价意义

    Then, the author discusses the crisis which international planning circle is facing and the significance of evaluating effects of planning implementation conscientiously.


  • 首先,对现代社会道德危机进行分析评价认为现代社会道德缺失很大程度上是因为现代道德教育低效失效。

    Firstly the thesis analyzes the modern social moral crisis, thinking that the lack of modern social morals in a great degree is due to the low efficiency or the lost of efficiency of moral education.


  • 危机管理理论为基础风险预警通过收集已辨识评价风险因子信息状态,来预警企业的安全生产状况

    Risk forewarning, based on crisis management theory, is to gather information status of the identified and evaluated risk factors, and to warn the enterprises of their production safety status.


  • 这个巴马表现的严苛评价发表之际正在处理美国海外军事行动、国内的失业率疲软股市房市问题,以及墨西哥湾漏油危机

    The tough assessment of Mr. Obama's performance comes as he deals with military action abroad, high unemployment at home, weak stock and housing markets and the oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 他们评价:“过去半个世纪来,要让欧洲成为一个密不可分联盟努力正是如今欧元区危机产生主要原因。”

    They added: "the effort over the past half century to create a more united Europe is now the principal casualty of the euro crisis."


  • 我们积极评价20国集团领导人峰会应对国际经济危机方面发挥重要作用

    We both positively spoke of the important role of G20 summit in tackling the international financial crisis.


  • 我们积极评价20国集团领导人峰会应对国际经济危机方面发挥重要作用

    We both positively spoke of the important role of G20 summit in tackling the international financial crisis.


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