• 唯一报道事实致力于客户控告媒体的侵权行为的伦敦律师卡特·拉克的案子,其客户包括个人全球性集团

    The only fact the Guardian can report is that the case involves the London solicitors Carter-Ruck, who specialise in suing the media for clients, who include individuals or global corporations.


  • 大气层使成为太阳系中和地球最为相像星体之一,至于土二,科学家希望更多了解它的构造活动

    Titan's atmosphere makes it one of the most Earth-like bodies in our solar system, and scientists are hoping to learn more about Encaledus' tectonic activity.


  • 组织首份关于孕产妇儿童生保健重点药物清单各国建议拯救生命的最重要药物。

    WHO's first ever list of priority medicines for maternal and child health recommends to countries which medicines are most important for saving lives.


  • 霍金1967年在世组织月报发表了一篇论文说明食盐中的DEC即使烹调过,也保持稳定药效

    In 1967, Hawking published a paper in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization showing that DEC stays stable and potent in salt, even after being cooked.


  • 坦率地说组织很喜欢罪孽”,因为既可以筹集资金同时维护健康

    Frankly, WHO loves "sin taxes", as they raise money while also protecting health.


  • 组织原子机构抗击癌症方面负有共同的使命,两者相辅相成。

    WHO and the IAEA have complementary mandates when it comes to fighting cancer.


  • 西尼号此次掠过土一飞行期间,它捕获了土一高清晰温度图谱,可以揭示温暖地区令人意想不到的模式,而这张图令人回忆起幼时常玩的“吃豆小精灵”。

    During the flyby, Cassini also captured the highest-resolution temperature map of Mimas, revealing an unexpected pattern of warm regions reminiscent of the arcade icon Pac-Man.


  • 虽然某些国家获得治疗中毒抗毒素但是世组织确保3月19日上午泰国提供抗毒素。

    Although antitoxin for the treatment of botulism is only available in some countries, WHO was able to ensure delivery of antitoxin to Thailand by the morning of 19 March.


  • 除非确保长期可持久性普遍覆盖计划联系在一起,否则国家健康保险方案一种过渡措施”,世组织的Durairaj

    "The National Health Insurance Scheme will remain as a transitory measure unless its long-term sustainability is assured and it is linked with universal coverage plans," says WHO's Durairaj.


  • 组织正在实施加强结核病实验室快速检测五年期项目以确保多人尽早受益拯救生命治疗

    WHO is engaged in a five year project to strengthen TB laboratories with rapid tests in nearly 30 countries. This will ensure more people benefit early from life-saving treatments.


  • 2011年3月21日-组织首份关于孕产妇儿童生保健重点药物清单各国建议拯救生命重要药物。

    March 2011 - WHO's first ever list of priority medicines for maternal and child health recommends to countries which medicines are most important for saving lives.


  • 年级老师将教鞭轻轻拍打了一下桌子,宣布了上课开始珊珊和她同学们便整齐的起立。

    The students in Shan's fourth grade class rose in unison as the teacher, Du Nengwei, tapped his pointer against his desk to start the lesson.


  • 希望沙漠另一边,城。

    I hope he will live to reach the town of Wei, beyond the desert.


  • 我们盼望了解冥王星-这样系统如何形成

    We are eager to know how a system such as Pluto - Charon could form .


  • 每个人都是双但是过去拉里·休斯一起打球时候,我状态好我打进攻打组织后

    Everybody calls me a combo guard, but when I played with Larry Hughes, when I'm on I'm the two guard, he's the point guard.


  • 做为看过整个职业生涯比赛的公牛可以说均衡的双

    After watching throughout his career as a Bulls fan, I can call him an average combo guard.


  • 不久以后娅须要星球时,狂野卡尔德号”上配置了一个虚假的帝国应答,确保艘飞船载着抵达目的地。

    A short time later, when Leia needed to get to the planet Wayland, Ghent rigged a fake Imperial transponder code on the Wild Karrde that allowed it to carry her there.


  • 介绍了长钢热轧h型钢生产线轧机系统装配形式设计原则

    The type of assemblage, design principle of the guide system for universal mill of hot rolling H-beam of Changzhi Iron and steel Co.


  • 介绍了长钢热轧H型钢生产线轧机系统装配形式设计原则

    The type of assemblage, design principle of the guide system for universal mill of hot rolling H-beam of Changzhi Iron and steel Co. Ltd. were introduced.


  • 一次接受《报》采访时,她:“现场音乐可以人们欣赏耳熟详的歌曲的同时,享受这种最佳零距离互动方式

    In an interview with The Guardian, Sharkey said: "Live music is the closest and best interaction that people can get with those records they've been listening to."


  • 意味着道路-自行车道太阳板估计传统面板产生降低30%的电力

    According to the Guardian, that means they're expected to produce 30 percent less electricity than conventional panels.


  • 据世组织估算,千人中至少10份献血才表明一个国家满足一般输血供应

    WHO estimates that a minimum of 10 donations of blood per 1000 population indicates there is general availability of blood in a country for transfusion.


  • 目前消费量当前一空载最大值传感器吸收负荷

    The current consumption is the maximum value of the noload current Io that the sensor can absorb without a load.


  • 表面常保年轻,是因为有许多活火山

    The unusual surface of Io is kept very young by its system of active volcanoes.


  • 英国报》报道中国准备好放弃限制温室气体排放量抵制期望达成一份对抗气候变化全球协议

    China is ready to abandon its resistance to limits on its greenhouse-gas emissions and wants to reach a global agreement to fight climate change, the Guardian reported.


  • 英国报》报道中国准备好放弃限制温室气体排放量抵制期望达成一份对抗气候变化全球协议

    China is ready to abandon its resistance to limits on its greenhouse-gas emissions and wants to reach a global agreement to fight climate change, the Guardian reported.


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