• 我们下届卫生大会报告进展

    We will report on progress at the next Health Assembly.


  • 国际卫生伙伴关系新的行动这些进展带来希望

    New initiatives such as the International Health Partnership hold hope for such progress.


  • 报告全面分析非洲区域主要公共卫生问题以及解决这些问题方面进展

    The Report provides a comprehensive analysis of key public health issues and progress made on them in the Africa Region.


  • 正如马勒博士指出增进穷人健康缩小卫生结果方面巨大差距进展确实我们本来希望要慢

    As Dr Mahler suggested, progress in improving the health of the poor, in reducing the great gaps in health outcomes, was indeed slower than we would have liked.


  • 只要采用这些战略预防这些感染传播卫生机构均取得显著进展

    Whenever these strategies are used to prevent the spread of these infection, individual health Settings can make dramatic progress.


  • 这次更新至关重要,以便跟上最近医学进展信息技术卫生领域使用改进用于国际比较基础。

    This update is vital in order to keep up with recent progress in medicine and the use of information technology in the field of health, and to improve the basis for international comparisons.


  • 协议供应药物数量减少是因为各国努力把麻风作为一个公共卫生问题消灭并正在取得惊人进展

    The lower amount of drugs supplied under the new agreement is due to the impressive progress being made in the struggle to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem in all countries.


  • 一个国际专家咨询小组刚刚世界卫生组织(WHO)召开了会议,讨论异种移植方面的进展问题。

    An advisory group of international experts has recently met at the World Health Organization (WHO) to discuss progress made in xenotransplantation.


  • 对根除脊髓灰质炎所取得不同程度进展做了汇报表达克服时而妨碍未来公共卫生成就的经济障碍希望

    She reported on the mixed progress towards polio eradication and expressed the hope of overcoming the legal barriers in the way of future public health achievements.


  • 呼吁社区精神卫生服务尤其及时因为尽管卫组织2001年发出明确信息,但是只有少数国家方面取得适当进展

    The call for community mental health services is especially timely since, in spite of a clear message from WHO in 2001, only a few countries have made adequate progress in this area.


  • 选取的几个卫生指标可以表明这一进展

    The progress is shown in selected health indicators.


  • 近几年中的迅速进展主要是因为扩大麻风病服务覆盖范围,而且将麻风病治疗纳入一般卫生系统

    The rapid progress in recent years is largely due to improved coverage of leprosy services, with the integration of leprosy treatment into the general health system.


  • 药物方面的进展飞速向前然而公共卫生资源增长相对慢。

    Progress in medicine RACES ahead, yet resources for public health grow more slowly.


  • 几十年来我们全球卫生方面进展并非侥幸达成。

    The progress we have made in global health in recent decades has not come about by accident.


  • 尽管中央公共卫生基础结构以及薄弱采购供应管理系统面临着很多问题,但是塞内加尔在扩大治疗方面取得进展

    Progress in treatment scale-up in Senegal has been achieved despite challenges posed by a centralized public health infrastructure and weak procurement and supply management systems.


  • 主要疾病公共卫生重点事项都需要医疗装置缺乏设备种类方面信息,就会进一步妨碍工作进展

    Progress is further inhibited by a lack of information on the types of medical devices needed for prevailing diseases and public health priorities.


  • 公共卫生专家努在全球范围内彻底根除疟疾但是进展缓慢人们始终在寻找,达到此目标更好更简单方法

    Public health experts are working towards the eventual global eradication of malaria, but progress is slow and there is a constant need for better and cheaper ways to get there.


  • 2007年以来,资金干预覆盖面公共卫生影响方面疾病流行国家已经取得了创纪录进展

    Since 2007, endemic countries have seen record-breaking progress in terms of funding, intervention coverage, and public health impact.


  • 表示根据疫情防治进展情况,中国逐步恢复组团东盟国家旅游采取有效卫生检疫措施。

    I would like to mention here that, as SARS control makes progress in China, we will gradually resume group travel programs to ASEAN countries and take effective health measures accordingly.


  • 迄今取得的进展、美国疾控中心以及全国各地卫生部门积累的专业技能来看,消除结核病一个适当的令人振奋的、并且是可行目标

    With progress to date, and the expertise gathered here in CDC and in health departments across the country, elimination is an appropriate, inspiring, and feasible goal.


  • 可以详细记录卫生规划取得进展

    It allows step-by-step recording of the progress made by health programmes.


  • 卫生大会双年度报告指出虽然该战略有关建议实施取得了一些进展成果不是普遍的。

    The biannual report to the WHA notes that while some progress has been made towards implementation of DPAS recommendations, the results are not universal.


  • 今年一份出版物世界卫生统计》突出了这项促进我们所有活动核心信息职能方面的进展

    Progress on this core information function for all our activities is also highlighted this year by a new publication, World health statistics.


  • 今年以来贸易额大幅上升,两教育旅游卫生民航等领域合作也取得进展

    He noted that bilateral trade volume has been on the rise and cooperation between the two countries in education, tourism, public health and civil aviation has registered new progress since this year.


  • 2006至2015年工作规划准备工作已取得很大进展明年卫生大会提交

    Preparations are also well advanced on the General Programme of Work for 2006 to 2015, which will be presented to the Health Assembly next year.


  • 城市社区卫生服务体系建设取得重大进展

    Significant progress was made in developing a system of community-based health services in urban areas.


  • 卫生官员,2004年10月11月,就脊髓灰质炎非洲暴发开展了大规模协调一致免疫接种运动,一最初反应以来取得的进展积极的也是不稳定的。

    Health officials say that progress made since the first response to the outbreak in Africa - massive co-ordinated immunization campaigns in October and November 2004 - has been positive but fragile.


  • 监测促进卫生部门在实现普遍获得艾滋病毒服务方面的进展

    monitoring and promoting health-sector progress towards achieving universal access to HIV services;


  • 监测促进卫生部门在实现普遍获得艾滋病毒服务方面的进展

    monitoring and promoting health-sector progress towards achieving universal access to HIV services;


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