• 粘度计具有全焊接316ss建设真正卫生设计没有密封轴承移动部件就地清洗(CIP)兼容的。

    The viscometer has a truly hygienic design with an all-welded 316ss construction, no seals, bearings or moving parts, and it is clean-in-place (CIP) compatible...


  • 建设项目劳动安全卫生评价制度一件很有意义事情,对今后建设项目的劳动安全卫生设计工作起到积极促进作用。

    The pre-assessment of labour safety and hygiene of projects is a work of importance, which can help promote the design of labour safety and hygiene of projects.


  • 位于阿皮亚动物产品卫生新近设计卫星中心现已投入运营

    A newly designed satellite centre is operational on the premises of the Animal Production and Health Division (APHD) in Apia.


  • 那些使用研究成果的人——卫生工作者患者——必须参与确定研究重点设计研究方案。

    Those who use research - health practitioners and patients - need to be involved in setting priorities and designing research.


  • 2007年,摩洛哥通过补贴机制设计实施了一个供水卫生oba试验项目。

    In 2007, using a subsidy mechanism, Morocco designed and implemented a water supply and sanitation OBA pilot.


  • 研究设计干预措施为了培训吸纳社区卫生志愿者,从而尼泊尔实施社区为单位的控制项目

    Interventions based on research were designed to train and engage community health volunteers (CHVs) to implement a community-based control programme in Nepal.


  • 为此世卫组织联合国儿童基金会一起设计一系列婴幼儿母乳喂养咨询课程工作指导卫生保健工作者咨询员使用

    To this end, WHO has developed, together with UNICEF, a range of infant and young child feeding counselling courses and job AIDS for use by health care workers and lay counsellors.


  • 推崇这种设计的人认为这种厕所卫生节水并且容易清扫保持

    It is said the such toilets are healthier, more water-saving, and easier to clean and maintain.


  • ICD设计卫生保健产生直接影响因为影响公共卫生规划预防理赔治疗

    The design of the ICD has a direct impact on health care, as it influences public health programmes, prevention, reimbursement and treatment.


  • 许多国家明确知道需要做些什么尤其是知道应将学校课程本国重点卫生需求挂钩,特别是应针对缺医少药社区的问题设计课程。

    Many countries have a clear idea of what is needed, particularly in terms of matching school curricula with a nation's priority health needs, especially in underserved communities.


  • 维也纳的戈特沙尔下水道开门迎客前做好准备工作不是容易的事。他是位工程师,曾经设计卫生工程项目

    'it's not so easy to prepare the sewer for visitors,' says Mr. Gottschall in Vienna, an engineer who once designed sanitary works.


  • 为了粮农组织成员国提供支持,动物生产卫生设计国家区域全球各级实施具体项目。这些项目的资金可由粮农组织直接提供,或由捐助者通过双边或多边协定提供。

    In support of FAO's Member countries, the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) designs and implements specific projects at country, regional and global levels.


  • 在此之前公司业绩开始下降,原因是餐馆不卫生,服务态度冷漠以及人们对垃圾食品的顾虑。设计一个复苏计划强大市场营销支撑,并推举贝尔先生首席运营

    He devised a recovery plan, backed by massive marketing, and promoted Mr Bell to chief operating officer.


  • 用于2005年世界卫生日活动世界卫生组织材料包括:一工具手册一张印有世界卫生图案设计口号的招贴画和胶贴

    The WHO package of materials, for use in conjunction with World Health Day 2005, will include this toolkit, a poster and stickers with the World Health Day design and slogan.


  • 有些专家担忧金融危机可能拖延大规模农业以及基础建甚至可能威胁到改善健康教育以及卫生社会计划

    Some experts worry that the crisis could delay large-scale agriculture and infrastructure projects and could even threaten social programs to improve health, education and sanitation.


  • 世界卫生活动设计口号可以右边的链接上找到,可以世界卫生组织总部2005年世界卫生日协调员获得

    The World Health Day campaign design and slogan are available at the link to the right, and may also be obtained from the World Health Day 2005 Coordinator at WHO Headquarters.


  • 需要提醒组织者注意的世界卫生日的图案设计口号版权归世界卫生组织所有,而且只能用于世界卫生日相关的活动材料当中。

    Organizers are reminded that both the design and slogan are WHO copyright property and should be used together solely to identify events and materials related to World Health Day.


  • 我们描述保险卫生保健产品生命周期管理(PLM)行业提供仪表板设计

    We'll also describe the dashboard design we provided for the Insurance, Healthcare and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) industries.


  • 我们鼓励准备世界卫生材料活动使用设计

    We encourage you to make use of this design when preparing your materials and events in support of World Health Day.


  • 我们已经选择了耐用材料以及防止厨房卫生潮气大的房间生霉设计

    We've chosen durable materials and a design that prevents mold in rooms where moisture is high, such as the kitchen and bathroom.


  • 为了世卫组织的标准并入工作中,许多国家已经重新设计他们儿童健康记录升级了人体测量设备重新培训了卫生工作人员

    Many countries have redesigned their child health records, upgraded their anthropometric equipment and retrained health staff to incorporate the WHO standards into their work.


  • Marin晨星牧场,那里的居民他们生活方式叫做自觉原始主义”,一种超越过度富裕,也超越了最低卫生条件生活设计

    At the Morning Star Ranch in Marin, the residents called their way of life "voluntary primitivism," a design for living that transcended both excessive affluence and minimal hygiene.


  • 创立于2004年,产品开发设计生产销售经营规模一体卫生用品专业公司

    Founded in 2004, set product development, design, production, sales, operating scale in one professional company hygiene supplies.


  • 最重要的是这些设施很好的设计可以保持一个卫生情况

    It is important that these facilities are well designed and can be maintained in a hygienic condition.


  • 世界卫生设计图案内涵

    The World Health Day design concept.


  • 1986年JackClements设计了这种盖子这种名为‘SOLO或者正式名称卫生杯盖”的盖子,让艺术总监评论家SteveHeller成为忠实粉丝

    Designed by Jack Clements in 1986, the Solo or "sanitary lid," as it is officially called, can also claim art director and critic Steve Heller as a devoted fan.


  • 游客中心建筑面积达53000平方米,包括礼品店餐馆、游客卫生等,另外这里设计更多国会办公场所广播室。

    It includes gift shops, restaurants and restrooms for visitors. Also added to the plans were more congressional office space and broadcast studios.


  • 部分包含接触产品移动任何人都可以轻易拆卸清洗消毒非常卫生设计

    The parts which contain or touch the product are removable. Anyone can disassemble, wash and sanitize easily. It is very hygienically designed.


  • 基础上探讨了卫生填埋场边坡理论最优实际坡形设计

    On this basis, the theoretically best slope form and designation of practical slope form in sanitary landfill are discussed.


  • 基础上探讨了卫生填埋场边坡理论最优实际坡形设计

    On this basis, the theoretically best slope form and designation of practical slope form in sanitary landfill are discussed.


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