• 医师无国界协会(比利时)地区派遣临床医生环境卫生专家以及后勤专家,已建立适当隔离设施

    Medecins Sans frontieres (Belgium) has deployed clinicians, water and sanitation experts and logisticians to the area and has established appropriate isolation facilities.


  • 由于面临起诉可能,所以卫生官员找到了其它的安全词汇,最后他们决定起用医师辅助死亡”(physician-assisted death)这个说法。

    Faced with the possibility of a lawsuit, bureaucrats at the state public health division have cast about for a semantic escape hatch , eventually settling on the phrasephysician-assisted death”.


  • 评估发现卫生工作者短缺包括全科执业医师以及产科外科专科医师

    The assessment also found shortages of health workers - including in general practitioners, and specialists in obstetrics and surgery.


  • 全国精神病学家全科执业医师接受培训以便社区人民提供精神卫生保健

    Psychiatrists and general practitioners throughout the country have been trained to provide mental health care to people in the community.


  • 国家卫生流行病学研究所建立公共卫生实验室诊断服务临床医师和微生物学家进行培训

    A public health laboratory diagnostic service was established at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and training courses were conducted for clinicians and microbiologists.


  • 卫生同时提醒所有医师医疗机构继续可疑病例保持警惕。

    The Ministry has reminded all medical practitioners and healthcare institutions to continue to be vigilant to suspect cases.


  • 医师考核结果,考核机构应当报告准予注册卫生行政部门备案。

    The assessment institutions shall report the results of the assessment of doctors to the health administration departments approving the registration.


  • 相当合理卫生父母医师澄清这些药物多少作用。”Thompson记者招待会上称

    "It would be quite reasonable for the Department of Health to make clear to parents and GPs how much help the drugs are," Thompson told a press conference.


  • 卫生行政部门应当注销注册收回医师执业证书

    The administrative department of health should cancel the registration and withdraw the practicing certificate of doctors.


  • 2002年,来的再普乐日本上市10个月该国卫生官员就要求礼来公司警告医师不要糖尿病人开再普乐。

    And in 2002, only 10 months after Lilly began selling Zyprexa in Japan, medical regulators in that country required Lilly to warn doctors against using Zyprexa in diabetic patients.


  • 完成这些工作时,精神科医师知晓关注卫生资源公平分配

    While doing so, psychiatrists should be aware of and concerned with the equitable allocation of health resources.


  • 目的根据区域卫生规划要求制定云南省医疗医师配置标准

    Objective According to the requirement of regional health planning, to establish the allocation standards for medical doctors in Yunnan province.


  • 就是牙科助理医师牙科卫生供不应求原因

    This is why there is such an incredibly enormous demand for dental assistants and dental hygienists.


  • 卫生技术人员中,2002年以前统计口径医生护师、护士,2002年为执业医师注册护士。

    The statistical range refers to doctors and junior&senior nurses before 2002, whereas to doctors with authorization and registered nurses since 2002.


  • 崔永强副教授广安门医院主任医师,世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心中医针灸国际培训中心主任,多次担任WHO传统医学顾问。

    Prof Dr Cui is the professor and Chief physician at Guang'anmen Hospital and the Director of International Training Centre of Clinical Acupuncture & TCM WHO Collaborating Centre for TM, Beijing.


  • 医师考核结果,考核机构应当报告准予注册卫生行政部门备案

    Evaluation institutions should report evaluation results of doctors to the administrative department of health granting registration for the record.


  • 卫生保护局信函提醒神经科医师,1976年猪流感美国爆发,疫苗接种死于流感本身的人数更多

    The Health Protection Agency letter reminded physicians that, in the 1976 bout in the United States, more people died from the vaccination than the flu.


  • 医院医师两个主体着手,从认知管理、主体参与先进医疗器械使用培训几个方面深入分析了卫生支农中存在的种种误区

    Mistakes of medical supports for rural areas were analyzed from hospital and doctor's cognition, management, individual involvement, advanced medical equipment utilization, training and so on.


  • 接受精神病学培训期间,约翰霍普金斯大学精神卫生住院医师培训宣扬折中主义,从中接触到了约翰怀特霍恩那样老师杰罗姆弗兰克很适合

    In my psychiatric training, the eclecticism of the psychiatric residency curriculum at Johns Hopkins where I encountered such teachers as John Whitehorn and Jerome Frank suited me well.


  • 医师项情形之一情节重大者,移付中央卫生主管机关惩戒

    Physicians with one of the preceding two Paragraphs of serious gravity shall be referred to the central competent health authority for disciplinary action.


  • 卫生监督职能包括医疗机构执业医师监督。

    Sanitation supervision functions did not include the supervision of medical institutions and medical practitioners.


  • 第三各级卫生行政部门应当加强医师外出会诊监督管理

    Article 3 the health administrative department at each level shall strengthen the supervision and administration of doctors' going out for consultation.


  • 医师考核结果,考核机构应当报告准予注册卫生行政部门备案

    The said institution or organization shall submit the results of the assessment to the administrative departments for public health that are in charge of registration for the record.


  • 例如身为医师扶轮社员义务这些小朋友服务教导他们保持口腔卫生

    For instance, Rotarian dentists volunteer their services to the youngsters and teach them oral hygiene.


  • 代表博士以及世界卫生构造驻华代表处开心介入中国医师协会第二次全国会员代表大会揭幕式。

    On behalf of Dr. Henk Bekidam and the World Health Organization office in China, I am pleased participate in this Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Genera Congress of Chinese Medical Doctor Association.


  • 其中一研究报告主要作者加拿大温尼伯地区卫生局(Winnipeg RegionalHealthAuthority)的重症护理病房主治医师库玛尔说,我们严重疾病

    This is the most severely ill that we've ever seen people, 'said Anand Kumar, lead author of one of the studies and ICU attending physician for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in Canada.


  • 其中一研究报告主要作者加拿大温尼伯地区卫生局(Winnipeg RegionalHealthAuthority)的重症护理病房主治医师库玛尔说,我们严重疾病

    This is the most severely ill that we've ever seen people, 'said Anand Kumar, lead author of one of the studies and ICU attending physician for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in Canada.


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