• 因为阿诺特先生卫斯特先生预测大盘组合周转率仅有10%。

    Messrs Arnott and West estimate the annual turnover of a large-cap portfolio should be just 10%.


  • 卫斯一个有节操并且除了能做到的事情从来不承诺

    John Wesley was a man of principle and he never made his promise but put into practice of it.


  • 林肯先生乘坐火车驶进卫斯特菲尔德几百聚集在那里迎接

    Mr. Lincoln's train pulled into Westfield where hundreds of people had gathered to greet him.


  • 1993年,卫斯·霍夫·曼恩15岁从来没有走出过的家乡爱兰周围山头

    In 1993, when Travis Hofmann was a freshman of 15, he had traveled little beyond the sand hills that surrounded his hometown, Alliance, Neb.


  • 而且,交易成本不会那么的;因为阿诺特先生卫斯特先生预测大盘组合周转率仅有10%。

    And trading costs should not be that high; Messrs Arnott and West estimate the annual turnover of a large-cap portfolio should be just 10%.


  • 秋天早晨, 天气格外清爽米歇尔·德卫斯打开牲口棚她的 “伙计” 喂食, 为梳洗打扮

    On a crisp fall morning, Michele Davis opened the barn door to feed Mac and brush him up.


  • 提供来自哈佛大学麻省理工学院加州大学伯克利分校免费在线课程;今年秋天,它将增加理、乔治敦德克萨大学的课程。

    It offers free online classes from Harvard, MIT and the University of California-Berkeley; this fall, it will add classes from Wellesley, Georgetown and the University of Texas.


  • 1917年到1975年去世前不久一直曼彻》撰稿的内维尔·卡德现在撰写板球运动文章而闻名

    Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket.


  • 凯尔团队分析了65张西拍到照片有些太阳飞船身后时拍的,有些是太阳差不多卡西尼前面时拍的。

    Tiscareno and his team analyzed 65 Cassini images of Rhea, some of which were taken with the sun behind the craft and some with the sun more or less in front of Cassini.


  • 图里亚王子基金会在为世组织工作带来荣誉同时,承认有必要更加公平分享医疗进步带来的益处

    By honouring the work of WHO, the Prince of Asturias Foundation is also honouring the need for greater fairness in sharing the benefits of medical progress.


  • 报》记者尼克.戴维关于报纸产业讣告---《地球新闻》中,对这样的伪记者有精彩详细地描述!

    No, this the churnalism so wonderfully detailed in the Guardian journalist Nick Davies's obituary of the newspaper industry, Flat Earth News.


  • 拜耳如何扩大现有承诺,控制昏睡组织开始了讨论

    Bayer has started discussions with WHO on how to evolve their current commitment to fight sleeping sickness and Chagas disease.


  • 英国以前曾报道说,他们因为无法找到·费尔,才逮捕了妻子

    The Guardian newspaper previously reported that Mostafaei's wife was arrested when they were unable to find him.


  • 19世纪后期,霍布·豪曼彻》(《报》前身)担任主笔。1907年,他前往伦敦大学,担任当时创建社会学系的系主任。

    Hobhouse worked as a leader writer on the Manchester Guardian in the late 19th century, before taking up a newly created chair in sociology at the University of London in 1907.


  • 组织无烟草行动负责人道格拉.巴彻博士这样一来,世界就有95%接触烟草行业各种没有任何限制的营销活动

    The Director of WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative, Dr. Douglas Bettcher, says that leaves 95 percent of the world's population exposed to the unbridled marketing activities of the tobacco industry.


  • 赛诺菲安万特同意未来延长对世组织昏睡、布鲁里溃疡病以及利什曼病规划支持

    Sanofi-aventis has agreed to renew its support for the WHO programme to eliminate sleeping sickness, and its support for Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis for the next five years.


  • 如蒙大拿州参议员乔恩·泰州的勒议员吹嘘自己长期拥有枪支的生涯表明立场支持第二修正案

    The likes of Jon Tester, a new senator in Montana, and Heath Shuler, a North Carolina congressional freshman, did much bragging about their lifelong gun ownership and support for the second amendment.


  • 安得写道鲁本宗教画作“风格夸张不过皇后大臣画得老成世故,正如其人。”

    From Antwerp he wrote that the religious paintings of Rubens are “theatricalBut what he can do is paint a queen, a statesman, well analysed, just as they are.


  • 十六普罗米修在图中显示中部一个斑点

    Saturn's moon Prometheus appears as a speck above the rings near the middle of the image.


  • 获知,“绿化计划作为其他公共部门的典型,已经缩小了规模。

    But plans to "green" the Palace of Westminster as an example to the rest of the public sector, have been scaled back, the Guardian has learned.


  • 努德·特伦博士继续担任组织代理干事总干事就职

    Dr Nordstrom will continue to serve as Acting Director-General of WHO until a new Director-General takes office.


  • 较特另外土星——土十三轨道更加靠近土星,由它们共同创建出独特土星星系,称做“特洛伊星”。

    Another moon, Telesto, orbits in front of Tethys, creating a grouping unique to the Saturnian system known as trojan moons.


  • 使子濯孺子使庾公之。

    The people of Chang sent Zi Zhuo Ru to make a stealthy attack on Wei, which sent Yu Gong Zhi to pursue him.


  • 》报道,在诸多成功出价人当中,直言不讳著称的无神论者牛津大学进化生物学家理查德·道金赫然在列

    Among the unsuccessful bidders, according to the Guardian newspaper, was Oxford evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, an outspoken atheist.


  • 太太插了一句说:确信丹尼尔工作合适的人选

    For example: "I'm sure Daniel's the best man for the job." Mrs.


  • 刚过去今年六月接到《报》编辑阿兰·拉布里杰(AlanRusbridger)的电话能否办法安排一次安全的谈话,有些神秘

    This past June, Alan Rusbridger, the editor of The Guardian, phoned me and asked, mysteriously, whether I had any idea how to arrange a secure communication.


  • 米玛土星里面星之一,也是“西尼”号的个重点观测目标由于表面巨大环形陨坑,土看上去好似一只牛眼。

    Mimas, one of Saturn's innermost moons, was another of Cassini's targets--which is fitting because Mimas looks rather like a bulls-eye, thanks to the huge circular crater on its surface.


  • 米玛土星里面星之一,也是“西尼”号的个重点观测目标由于表面巨大环形陨坑,土看上去好似一只牛眼。

    Mimas, one of Saturn's innermost moons, was another of Cassini's targets--which is fitting because Mimas looks rather like a bulls-eye, thanks to the huge circular crater on its surface.


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