• 卢克雷西亚·洛维拉阿根廷时装设计师

    Lucrecia Lovera is an Argentinian fashion designer.


  • 巴黎郊区勒瓦卢瓦-佩雷市长萨科齐的亲密朋友告诉了RTL电台这件

    The deputy mayor of the Paris suburb of Levallois-Perret and a close friend of Sarkozy's told RTL radio this thing.


  • 雨天,坐在纽约的一辆出租车上,41岁格雷琴。卢宾突然她自己生活最想要的是什么

    In a taxicab on a rainy day in New York City, Gretchen Rubin, 41, suddenly asked herself what she wanted most in life.


  • 这项研究结果最早发表在由圣安德鲁斯大学行为生物学家凯文·雷兰德卢克·伦德尔组织比赛

    The finding emerged from a tournament set up by the behavioral biologists Kevin Laland and Luke Rendell of the University of St. Andrews.


  • 他们或者又会引用保守主义者(查尔斯·穆雷拉梅什·珀奴卢),称那些拿到大学文凭,反正本来不够聪明

    Or they quote conservatives, like Charles Murray and Ramesh Ponnuru, who suggest that people who haven't graduated from college aren't smart enough to do so.


  • 霍金因罹患雷氏症而几乎全身瘫痪,无法说话在邮件中写道:“我们如今进入危险与日俱增历史时期。”

    "We are entering an increasingly dangerous period of our history," said Hawking, who has Lou Gehrig's disease, leaving him almost completely paralyzed and unable to speak.


  • 工人社会党仅仅控制着埃斯特雷马尚未投票安达卢西亚和巴斯克两个地区

    The Socialists are left in control of just Extremadura and two regions that did not voteAndalusia and the Basque country.


  • 贝尔·托雷要求法官不得同意米尔斯请求贝卢斯科尼作为证人以及直布罗陀收集证据

    Bertole asked the judges not to agree to two requests by Mills's lawyer: to call Berlusconi as a witness and to gather evidence from Gibraltar.


  • 卢伽雷氏症患者不会很久因为这个病症很早就影响我们呼吸能力而且变得越来越严重。

    We don't live as long, because it affects our ability to breathe early on, and it just gets worse.


  • 没有卢拉可能有这个胜利,”保罗·菲格雷多边甘蔗巴西甜酒边

    "Without Lula this victory wouldn't have been possible," said Paulo Figueiredo as he sold caipirinhas, a Brazilian drink made of sugar cane alcohol.


  • 卢柏逝世之时,雷莱恩企业集团已经成为印度最大企业之一。

    By the time Dhirubhai died, Reliance was one of India's biggest companies.


  • 这项计划已经北安普顿、米尔顿·凯恩斯卢顿雷丁、斯劳、斯蒂文·纳吉、伯明翰萨里特福德得到了开展。

    The programme has already been undertaken in Northampton, Milton Keynes, Luton, Reading, Slough, Stevenage, Birmingham, Surrey and Watford.


  • 大卫·里斯,47岁,演过最有角色《哈利·波特》系列电影里的雷姆斯·卢平;弗雷尔,34岁电视剧《灵指神探中扮演查克

    Thewlis, 47, is best known for his role in the 'Harry Potter' series as Remus Lupin; Friel, 34, played Chuck on TV series' Pushing Daisies. '.


  • 2011年1月27日,德国柏林阿根廷籍时装设计师卢克雷西亚·洛维拉正在展示录像带回收磁带制作而成的还为此创立了一个商标,名叫“Retape”。

    Argentinian fashion designer Lucrecia Lovera poseswith a reel of videotape and a bag made from recycled VHS videotape, for herlabel "retape" in her studio in Berlin, on January 27, 2011.


  • 其他60年代弗雷·泽塔艺术作品而出名电影海报还包括狐狸身后”,“勇敢吸血鬼杀手”叫做什么“卢阿纳”的电影所创作的那些。

    Other 1960s movie posters distinguished by Frazetta's artwork included those for After the Fox, the Fearless Vampire Killers and something called "Luana".


  • 年轻时,男性米拉·卢卡人杰雷克训练绝地武士,向灌输无尽的求知欲,有不少知识甚至驱使自己去寻找。

    In her younger days, she trained the Miralukan male Jerec to Jedi Knighthood, instilling in him an insatiable desire for knowledge that drove many of her own actions.


  • 劳雷尔沿着铺满心到头看见了面包师儿子,正站面包房门旁开心地笑呢。

    Laurel followed the trail of hearts all the way to the end. There she found Lou, the baker's son, grinning by the bakery door.


  • 维拉斯。博阿斯报价卢卡莫德里奇,均被托特纳姆热拒绝,但是他仍然相信他们会得到帕拉莫的阿根廷球星哈维尔·帕斯托雷。

    Villas-Boas has seen two bids for Luka Modric rejected by Tottenham Hotspur and is still believed to be in the hunt for Palermo Argentinean star Javier Pastore .


  • 苏格拉底柏拉图·拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生与亨利·大卫罗。马娅·安杰卢与奥普拉·温弗瑞。查尔斯昆西·琼斯·鲍勃·诺伊斯与史蒂夫·乔布斯

    Socrates and Plato. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey. Ray Charles and Quincy Jones. Bob Noyce and Steve Jobs.


  • 替补:文字上来说,老雷没有任何替补。都在场上一起···他们戈麦斯赫德斯通,杰纳斯帕夫柳琴科巴松桑,乔尔卢卡汤森

    Subs: Presumably Harry's saying he doesn't have any. No wait, here they are: Gomes, Huddlestone, Jenas, Pavlyuchenko, Bassong, Corluka, Townsend.


  • 以名画《蒙娜·丽莎》《最后晚餐》而著称意大利艺术家和科学家雷奥纳尔多·达·芬奇逝世于安布瓦斯附近的克卢克城堡

    Leonardo do Vinci, Italian artist and man of science, noted for his painting of the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, died at the Chateau Cloux near Amboise.


  • 随后,阿内尔卡未能领会托雷斯传球意图,足球最后落入法国球员马卢达脚下。最终完成惊人击,确保了切尔西取得一场漂亮的胜利

    And Malouda's thunderous finish, which came about when Anelka misread Torres' pass and the ball fell to the French international, proved the final flourish in a satisfying Chelsea win.


  • 随后,阿内尔卡未能领会托雷斯传球意图,足球最后落入法国球员马卢达脚下。最终完成惊人击,确保了切尔西取得一场漂亮的胜利

    And Malouda's thunderous finish, which came about when Anelka misread Torres' pass and the ball fell to the French international, proved the final flourish in a satisfying Chelsea win.


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