
  • 59其他潜水员在距离意大利诺里海岸150英尺地中海奈莫花园工作

    From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemo's Garden in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy.


  • 了一点家庭的魔力和大量的关注,克确信,八一到,这些将是他见过的最漂亮的西红柿。

    With a little bit of family magic and a lot of attention, Luke was certain these would be the most beautiful tomatoes he had ever seen once August arrived.


  • 克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦品牌由于财政问题今年最后一次展出,同时埃拉·巴特利品牌也11停止销售

    Christian Lacroix presented his last collection due to financial problems this year, and Luella Bartley ceased trading in November.


  • 不幸的,1945年1堡被苏军逮捕而且报告说被捕死亡但是关于他死亡真相众说纷纭

    He was arrested by the Russians in January 1945 and was reported to have died two months later, although the circumstances of his death have long been in dispute.


  • 桩丑闻开始斯科尼的妻子韦罗妮卡•拉里奥宣称离婚并且无法再忍受一个“与未成年人交往”的男人一起

    The scandal began in early May when Mr Berlusconi’s wife, Veronica Lario, announced that she was divorcing him, adding that she could no longer stay with a man who “consorts with minors”.


  • 但是巴马先生成功地巴西进行访问据说拉的继任者迪尔玛•罗赛夫相处

    But Mr Obama made a successful visit to Brazil in March, and is said to get on well with Dilma Rousseff, Lula's successor.


  • 于是1979年第一所学校米拉岛成立。

    The first was opened in South Miladhunmadulu Atoll in March 1979.


  • 2004年4坎塔管理团队奔赴奥兰多出席公司举办所有人-运营商大会

    In April 2004, Cantalupo and his management crew traveled down to Orlando for the company's owner-operator convention.


  • 你看美国汽车电气化不会一夜实现,”已经退休通用公司董事长鲍勃.的时候

    "Look, the electrification of the American fleet is not going to happen overnight, " says Bob Lutz, who retired as vice chairman of GM in May.


  • 就算斯科尼辞职只是几天事情大选最早在明年一开始。

    Even if Mr Berlusconi leaves office in a matter of days, an election could not be held until January.


  • 图为因纽特渔民格陵兰利萨特冰湾垂钓。

    This May picture shows shows Inuit fishermen in Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland.


  • 场声势浩大的活动展开——“和谐顿”——这可不只是一厢情愿:29,000个居民在睦邻友好的誓约签名

    A campaign launched in january-luton in harmony-is more than wishful thinking: 29,000 residents have signed a neighbourly pledge.


  • 场声势浩大的活动份展开——“和谐顿”——这可不只是一厢情愿:29,000个居民在睦邻友好的誓约签名

    A campaign launched in january-luton in harmony-is more than wishful thinking: 29, 000 residents have signed a neighbourly pledge.


  • 南共体330日一个首脑会议,拉瓦纳纳可能会出席

    The SADC has a summit on March 30th, which Mr Ravalomanana may attend.


  • 2006年19至35日,地区国内流离失所营地报告了37例疑似病例包括5例死亡(病死率13.5%)。

    Between 9 January and 5 March 2006, 37 suspected cases including 5 deaths (CFR 13.5%) have been reported in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in Gulu district.


  • 2005年111日伊拉克,伊拉克新兵武器在肩上接受训练

    On June 11, 2005, a newly trained Iraqi soldier holds his weapon on his shoulders during a drill in East Fallujah Iraqi Camp, a base for recruits of the Iraqi armed forces.


  • 1214日举行一次信任投票斯科尼先生宣称,如果失去信任意大利将会面临重新选举

    A vote of confidence will be held on December 14th; Mr Berlusconi has said that Italy will face fresh elections if he loses.


  • 因为大多数选民眼里信守事关承诺,倘使一轮不能胜出1029日第二轮选举很可能赢。

    Lula will probably win, in the second round on October 29th if not in the first, because in the eyes of most voters he has kept the promises that matter.


  • 周一出版商沃特(Bluewater表示12制作发行传记漫画Facebook创建者扎克伯格》一书。

    Publisher Bluewater Productions on Monday said it will issue the biographical comic "Mark Zuckerberg; the Creator of Facebook" in December.


  • 一点也不会斯科尼觉得9国会重新召集之后自己压力能有所减轻迟早被迫要求国会投票他重新进行授权

    Not that that will relieve the pressure on Mr Berlusconi when parliament reconvenes in September. Sooner or later, he may want to go to the polls for a renewed mandate.


  • 4以来,8个国家进行游说利比亚非洲联盟首脑会议上举办奥运会不是富国专有权利

    Since April, Lula lobbied in eight countries and the African Union summit in Libya, he said hosting the Olympics wasn’t the exclusive right of rich nations.


  • 不仅毫无恙,我是个超人”91号回应其分居妻子暗示时,斯科尼如是说。

    "I'm not only not sick," said Silvio Berlusconi on September 1st, referring to a hint by his estranged wife. "I'm a Superman!"


  • 迪格比,罗伯特·温特贝茨格兰特130处决,托马斯·温特,克·伍德,凯斯次日执行死刑。

    Digby, Robert Wintour, Bates and Grant were executed on 30 January, with Thomas Wintour, Rookwood, Keyes and Fawkes dying the next day.


  • 4个人站点标题,“道歉”,要求接受使用一个商人

    But in April, on his website under the heading, "I Apologise", Mr Roh said that he had requested, received and used money from a businessman.


  • 今年四以来,斯科尼先生一直麻烦不断,当时同床共枕二十妻子宣布离婚部分原因是此人与一位十八岁内衣模特诺埃米·莱蒂奇亚的不当关系

    Mr Berlusconi has been mired in scandal since April, when his wife of 20 years announced she was divorcing him, in part over his alleged relationship with an 18-year-old lingerie model, Noemi Letizia.


  • 整个审判预定六日开始,说来是造物弄人(或者斯科尼的支持者必将会争辩说是恶意设计名审判法官女性

    The full trial is due to begin on April 6th, and by a twist of fate (or, as Mr Berlusconi's followers will no doubt contend, malevolent design) all three judges at the trial will be women.


  • 金融时报》的雷切尔·桑德森(Rachel Sanderson)当时指出5地方选举斯科尼把它搞得关于自己公投”,结果落花流水。

    As the Financial Times' Rachel Sanderson pointed out at the time, local elections in May were presented by Berlusconi as "a referendum on himself," wherein he was pretty well trounced.


  • 金融时报》的雷切尔·桑德森(Rachel Sanderson)当时指出5地方选举斯科尼把它搞得关于自己公投”,结果落花流水。

    As the Financial Times' Rachel Sanderson pointed out at the time, local elections in May were presented by Berlusconi as "a referendum on himself," wherein he was pretty well trounced.


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