• 这是卢旺达人民加入新领域并改变其生活的一个机会,”赫尔曼说,“通过建设更多的盒马村,卢旺达有机会成为一个数字农业国家。”

    "It's a chance for Rwandan people to join the new field and change their lives," Herman said, "Through building more Hema Villages, Rwanda has the chance to become a country of digital agriculture."


  • 2010年,柯林斯科诺更进一步他们卢旺达同事们一起使得卢旺达49家地区医院加入到了这一整合艾滋病防治与相关精神疾病救助的行动当中。

    Furthermore, in 2010, Collins and Cournos helped support the efforts of their Rwandan colleagues to include Rwanda's 49 district hospitals in the integration of HIV-related mental health services.


  • 英国承诺卢旺达今后10年内每年会向他们提供1亿美元的援助但附带轻微的制约性”(也就是说,就卢旺达不回再次侵犯刚果而达成共识)。

    Britain has promised Rwanda $100m in aid a year over the next decade, with onlylight conditionality” (in essence, an understanding Rwanda will not reinvade Congo).


  • 卢旺达战士们难民们聚拢起来承诺他们将有肉吃增强体质,并最终有望重访卢旺达

    The soldiers gathered the refugees together with promises of meat to fortify themselves for a promised return to Rwanda.


  • 卢旺达慷慨的援助国英国宣称,如果卡加梅不停止在邻国刚果暗度陈仓的行径,就削减卢旺达资助

    Britain, Rwanda's most generous backer, gave warning that it would cut its aid if Mr Kagame did not clean up Rwanda's act in next-door Congo.


  • 来到这里学会许多卢旺达语言,学会了卢旺达国歌,了解了卢旺达文化传统,卢旺达人对我很友好。

    When I came here, I learned some of the local language, and the national anthem, and I learned Rwandan heritage.


  • 卢旺达内在动机调查的主要结果埃塞俄比亚卢旺达共同调查得到的结果惊人相似

    The main result for intrinsic motivation in Rwanda was strikingly similar to the result obtained for Ethiopia and Rwanda combined.


  • 首先,柯林斯开始记录并估算卢旺达心理健康机构需要艾滋病救助防治,以及卢旺达艾滋病防治者们所需要的心理健康服务培训

    Collins started by documenting HIV care and prevention needs in Rwandan mental health facilities and assessing the need for mental health services and training among Rwandan HIV care providers.


  • 卢旺达国会副议长让•达马塞纳•纳塔胡说,“审视卢旺达人口问题时,我发现我们国家的贫困妇女存在生育率现象。

    When I look at the problem of Rwanda's population, it starts with the high fertility rate among our poor women.


  • 萨科奇卢旺达之行后,很多法国商人纷至沓来,他们的目标邻国刚果矿产木材卢旺达则是运输渠道。

    French businessmen came in Mr Sarkozy's slipstream, eyeing minerals and timber in neighbouring Congo, for which Rwanda is a conduit.


  • 随后ICAP卢旺达分部卢旺达卫生部以及德拉神经性精神病医院开始通力合作,以德拉医院建立艾滋病相关的服务

    Subsequently, ICAP-Rwanda, the Rwandan Ministry of Health, and Ndera Neuropsychiatric Hospital worked together to establish HIV services at Ndera.


  • 我们深感自豪还有卢旺达议会妇女占据超过半数议席。卢旺达议会在世界都是女性比重最高的议会。

    We are proud as well that women make up more than 50 percent of the members of parliament in Rwanda - the highest proportion in the world.


  • 除了卢旺达没有哪个国家实现女性议会议席的平等(因为缺乏其他数据卢旺达并不包含在我们的报告中)。

    No country has reached parity on women in parliament except Rwanda, which is not covered in our report because we lacked other data.


  • 1986年,卢旺达,我一班卢旺达妇女合作开设国家小额信贷银行

    In 1986, I moved to Rwanda, and I worked with a very small group of Rwandan women to start that country's microfinance bank.


  • 卢旺达已经启动了一个宽带无线网,以便卢旺达第一个移动通信经营者――南非MTN公司一家分公司竞争

    Rwandatel has launched a broadband wireless network to compete with Rwanda's first mobile operator, a subsidiary of MTN South Africa.


  • 如果他们这样做,卢旺达重新考虑合作问题——卢旺达必须重新考虑自己选择

    If it did, he said, the issue of cooperation would have to be reconsidered - Rwanda would have to rethink its options.


  • 卢旺达首都最大城市,位于卢旺达中部基伍湖以东人口5',700。

    The capital and largest city of Rwanda, in the central part of the country east of Lake Kivu. Population, 5', 700.


  • 金亚旺达语卢旺达班图语言,与基隆迪语关系密切,是卢旺达官方语言。

    A Bantu language of Rwanda, closely related to Kirundi and an official language of Rwanda.


  • 基加利卢旺达首都最大城市,位于卢旺达中部基伍湖以东人口156700。

    The capital and largest city of Rwanda in the central part of the country east of lake Kivu. Population 156700.


  • 很多去过卢旺达评价说卢旺达非洲大陆独一无二北部火山热带丛林,还有地区则散布秀丽的山谷湖泊等

    Many people who have been to Rwanda regard the nation is unique in Africa. They are impressed by the volcano and jungle in the north and the scattered beautiful valleys and lakes.


  • 很多去过卢旺达评价说卢旺达非洲大陆独一无二北部火山热带丛林,还有地区则散布秀丽的山谷湖泊等

    Many people who have been to Rwanda regard the nation is unique in Africa. They are impressed by the volcano and jungle in the north and the scattered beautiful valleys and lakes.


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