• 欧洲英国比荷卢三以及瑞典

    Europe (United Kingdom, Benelux & Sweden)


  • 自此富通业务核心荷比卢三银行保险业务已经上市公司无缘。

    Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business and has no chance of listed companies.


  • 大声嚼鸡肉明治

    Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.


  • 过去夏天里水下活动加入了园艺

    For the past three summers, Luca has added gardening to his underwater activities.


  • 整个铁人项比赛中,我感觉很好,也很自豪,因为我正给予克一些东西。

    I feel good and proud during the whole triathlon, for I'm giving something to Luke.


  • 果你改变你看待事物的方式,你会发现克有很多可能性,他可以像我们一样游泳、骑自行车甚至是铁人项。

    If you just change how you see things, you can see there are many possibilities where Luke can do swimming, biking or even triathlons, like we do.


  • 斯科尼及其子女拥有主要商业电视频道还能个国有电视频道中的两个施加重大影响

    Mr Berlusconi and his children own the three main commercial channels and he exerts strong influence over two of the three owned by the state.


  • 星期将于伦敦拍卖物件包括一部1870版莎士比亚作品集西安·弗洛伊德蚀刻版画。

    LONDON - the items up for bidding on Wednesday included an 1870 collection of the works of William Shakespeare and two etchings by Lucian Freud.


  • 但是巴马先生成功地巴西进行访问据说拉的继任者迪尔玛•罗赛夫相处

    But Mr Obama made a successful visit to Brazil in March, and is said to get on well with Dilma Rousseff, Lula's successor.


  • 星期阿拉巴马塔斯卡人骑车路过早先龙卷风破坏住宅商业区。

    On Wednesday a cyclist passes homes and businesses destroyed by a tornado in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, earlier in the day.


  • 于是1979年第一所学校米拉岛成立。

    The first was opened in South Miladhunmadulu Atoll in March 1979.


  • 世界自然基金会保护司司长吉利·埃林污染水域进行考察后如果漏油接近海岸引起全球性危害

    WWF director of conservation Dr Gilly Llewellyn, who conducted a three day expedition through the polluted waters, said if the spill were closer to shore there would be global outrage.


  • 周末,就消息英国大臣们清楚家投标人打算保留还是肢解埃尔斯米尔英国分厂。

    It has also emerged that as recently as the weekend, British ministers did not know whether the three bidders were planning to save or scrap the UK plants at Ellesmere Port and Luton.


  • 到访瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员了对马克欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa, I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 到访瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员了对马克·欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 星期阿拉巴马州塔斯卡人们漫步早先龙卷风夷平街道上

    On Wednesday, people roam streets leveled by a tornado in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, earlier that day.


  • 墨西哥旅游局的数据显示,坎昆、墨西哥城卡沃斯为去年美国人旅游首选目的地

    According to the Mexico Tourism Board, Cancún, Mexico City, and Los Cabos were the top three destinations visited by Americans last year.


  • 随着我们渐渐接近苏姆(肯尼亚的第大城市民族首府),路上到处乱丢碎石与燃烧的汽车

    AS the road approaches Kisumu, Kenya's third-biggest city and capital of the Luos, the country's third biggest but angriest ethnic group, it becomes littered with rubble and burnt vehicles.


  • 埃米利亚诺·卡·卡洛斯大学指出即使是现在西班牙创造2000年起其他欧洲国家更多工作岗位

    Even now, Spain has created more jobs (net) since 2000 than any other big European country, points out Emiliano Carluccio of Carlos III University.


  • 接着月份收获了在欧洲巡回赛中的冠——在西班牙安达西亚公开赛折桂,并一举击败英国理查德·芬奇苏格兰的彼得·怀特·福德,他们分别差他并列排名第二

    Then in March he finally won his first European Tour event at the Open DE Andalucia in Spain beating England's Richard Finch and Peter Whiteford of Scotland, who were tied second by three strokes.


  • 马克斯克特-福格特,圣痕公司该州提供宠物火葬服务四家公司之一,另外设在明尼阿波利斯、圣保罗

    McStott-Voigt says Heavenly Paws is one of four pet cremation services in the state, with the others in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth.


  • 几十辆装载着以色列蒙面突击队员吉普车黎明驶入约旦河西岸城市纳布包围名巴勒斯坦枪手住房

    Dozens of jeeps carrying masked Israeli commandos rolled into the West Bank town of Nablus before dawn and surrounded the homes of three Palestinian gunmen.


  • 宣布季度业绩较为稳健有所改善同时英德宣布将新建一个部门负责利用水果蔬菜谷物牛奶开发创新性营养品

    Reporting solid, improved results for the third quarter, Nooyi also announced a new unit responsible for developing innovative nutrition products using fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy.


  • 为什么意大利人民既19942001之后次次选了斯科尼?

    Why did Italian voters return Mr Berlusconi for a third time, after his previous wins in 1994 and 2001?


  • 认为不必要花费最近运气好城里私人交易英磅

    I think this an unnecessary expense, but Lupin said he had had a piece of luck, having made three pounds out a private deal in the City.


  • 星期场龙卷风摧毁阿拉巴马塔斯卡萨,这里是美国阿拉巴马大学所在地。

    On Wednesday, a tornado devastated the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, home to the University of Alabama.


  • 星期号称直径英里(1.6公里)的龙卷风刮过阿拉巴马州的塔斯卡萨。

    Widely reported to be a mile (1.6 kilometers) wide, a tornado barrels through Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Wednesday.


  • 斯科尼上了电视屏幕否认所有指控

    Berlusconi, who also took to the nation's television screens on Wednesday night, has denied all the charges.


  • 不过公司创始人斯•玛索乌米奥利弗•科哈拉兹博士指出,他们现阶段的侧重点是争取进入更多城市(服务即将覆盖新的城市),与更多医生医院达成合作。

    For now, though, company founders Cyrus Massoumi and Dr. Oliver Kharraz say they are focused on adding new cities (three more are in the pipeline) and signing up more doctors and hospitals.


  • Patterson担任服装设计奥斯卡新达》(1998)《妇人肖像》(1997)(译成淑女本色或者伴我一世情)《钢琴》(1994)分别次提名。

    Patterson has been nominated for Oscars for her costumes for "Oscar and Lucinda" in 1998, "The Portrait of a Lady" in 1997 and "The Piano" in 1994.


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