• 年前婚姻破裂,打以来吉尔四个孩子一直哥哥家中的间单人房间内。 她哥哥的位于首都波哥达以北160处名叫的小镇中。

    Since the breakup of her marriage three years ago, Gil and her four children have lived in a single room in her brother's house on the outskirts of a small town, Samacá, about 160 kms north of Bogotá.


  • 小贝今天晚些时候芬兰,由专家·奥·拉瓦主刀进行手术

    Beckham will have an operation in Finland later today under the supervision of specialist Sakari Orava.


  • 古巴舞蹈老师玛丽苏·瑞士所舞蹈学校,一年中有一时间会

    Cuban dance instructor Marisuri Garcia opened a dance school in Switzerland, where she lives part of the year.


  • ·奥·拉瓦为小贝芬兰手术认为这位34的球员依然还上场

    Professor Sakari Orava, who performed the operation in Finland, insisted the 34-year-old should be able to play again.


  • 在塔斯县形成,路向东北方向奔袭,席卷伯明翰的龙卷风威力巨大时速超过165,留下了一条宽1.5英80英的废墟带。

    The one that ran from Tuscaloosa north-east to Birmingham was immense, 1.5 miles across and 80 miles long, with winds exceeding 165 miles per hour.


  • 电影加维亚克拉克穿越怀有敌意美国原著民地盘以及与猜忌的图桑特。夏博战斗陷入爱河。

    In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.


  • 星期三号称直径(1.6)的龙卷风刮过阿拉巴马州的塔斯

    Widely reported to be a mile (1.6 kilometers) wide, a tornado barrels through Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Wednesday.


  • 朋友盖斯波·尼请一位内科医生来调查此事最终洗脱了罪名。

    Guiseppe Carpani, a friend of Salieri, had a physician inquire into the matter, and Salieri was eventually cleared.


  • 的确莫桑比克已经拥有了非洲大陆具能量水力电气工厂,即位于太特城西北面200处松戈堡拉-大坝国有hcb发电站。

    Indeed, Mozambique already has Africa's most powerful hydroelectric plant, the state-owned HCB power-station on the Cahora Bassa dam at Songo, some 200km (124 miles) north-west of Tete.


  • 玛利亚·德尔·罗萨里奥·耶塔娜·阿尔冯·维多利亚·尤金妮亚·弗朗西斯·菲茨-詹姆斯 ·斯图尔特··席尔瓦西班牙最有女人之一

    Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva is one of the richest women in Spain. Photograph: Carlos Alvarez/Getty


  • 听说这位有着独特风格的电影导演他自己的电影演男主角的时候,我想像着一个奥森·威尔斯[3]那样伟大的导演加明星或者华伦·比蒂[4]约翰·卡萨提[5]这样的帅男。

    When I heard that this auteur sometimes took the lead in hisown pictures I envisioned a filmmaker-movie star as formidable as OrsonWelles and as handsome as Warren Beatty or John Cassavetes.


  • 一封于 1498年3月8写给多·贝奇的信马基雅以严厉批评口吻叙述了沃纳罗拉的次慷慨激昂布道

    In a private letter to Ricciardo Becchi dated 8 March 1498, Machiavelli described one of Savonarola’s impassioned sermons quite critically.


  • 从现有的例子得出这样的结论:穆巴拉克放弃太快扎菲利赫反应太慢失去使用武装力量的时机。

    For all practical purposes, Assad has concluded that Mubarak and Ben Ali were too quick to quit, and Gaddafi and Saleh were too late to respond by using decisive force.


  • 我们埃德逗留89以西洛·尼愉快的地方我们返回

    Our stay at Edessa 89 KMS west of Thessalonica was delightful and a place we would all love to return to.


  • 伊万尼舍维大选运动期间表示一旦格鲁吉亚之梦党上台,·什维利官员们面临未指定的“法律制裁”。

    For his part, Mr Ivanishvili said during the campaign that Mr Saakashvili and his officials would face unspecified "justice" once Georgian Dream came to power.


  • 虽然一切很脆弱但是通过承认失败·什维利先生传递给国家胜利的讯号,使伊万尼舍维大乱阵脚,表示从未允许赢得选举

    It is all still fragile. But by admitting defeat, Mr Saakashvili handed his country a victory and wrong-footed Mr Ivanishvili, who had said that he would never be allowed to win elections.


  • 很久以前亚拉巴马州塔斯市。有一天在最喜欢的那套公寓,我写下了我的第一封情书。公寓在一片竹林后面

    A long time ago, when I was living in my favorite apartment behind a bamboo patch in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, I wrote my first love letter.


  • 阿兹位于的地方。小天狼星是特地绕道萨里的。

    Azkaban is far to the north, and Sirius chose to travel to Hogwarts with a detour through Surrey.


  • 米兰奥利维拉坚称赛季结束皇家拉格租借回归

    Milan outcast Ricardo Oliveira insists that he has earned a return from his loan spell at Real Zaragoza at the end of the season.


  • 随着法布雷加斯转会巴和曼城,阿森纳预计本周将再次埃弗顿中后卫贾吉尔出价

    Arsenal are expected to make a renewed bid for Everton centre-half Phil Jagielka this week, with the club set to lose both Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri to Barcelona and Manchester City respectively.


  • 11月17日戴维梅伦参加了工程奖启动萨里开设工厂工厂每年制造昂贵4000辆昂贵超级跑车。

    On November 17th David Cameron attended the launch of a new engineering prize and opened a factory in Surrey that will make 4,000 expensive supercars a year.


  • 马丁内斯如果年前或者他们刚开始·尔德带领的时候,曼城今天的表现就好像那时的他们一样。

    Martinez: If you look at Barca 3 years ago, or when they started with Rijkaard, they had these flashes that Man City have been showing.


  • 后来老鼠纽约市艺术俱乐部

    Later, Larissa takes Carrie and Mouse to an art club in New York City.


  • 周时间到过米兰那不勒斯威尼斯弗洛伦庞培索兰托

    Also, during these eight weeks, I travelled to Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence, Pompeii, Sorento and Capri.


  • 干酪是在墨西哥城购买的,之前坐长途公车便宜旅行穿越市,斯杜兰戈奇瓦瓦市直边境厄尔巴索市,远远两

    I'd bought the cheese three days ago in Mexico City before the long cheap bus trip across Zacatecas and Durango and Chihuahua two thousand long miles to the border at El Paso.


  • 最新传闻指出意大利国家队中场球员·蒙托利沃(26岁)已经越来越可能一月份离开佛罗伦加盟AC米兰了。

    According to latest rumours, Italian international midfielder Riccardo Montolivo (26) is more and more likely to leave Fiorentina in January for joining AC Milan.


  • 最新传闻指出意大利国家队中场球员·蒙托利沃(26岁)已经越来越可能一月份离开佛罗伦加盟AC米兰了。

    According to latest rumours, Italian international midfielder Riccardo Montolivo (26) is more and more likely to leave Fiorentina in January for joining AC Milan.


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