• 当艾斯卡罗比亚国大使回到午饭把他夫人吓了

    When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock.


  • 罗比表示选举以来,办公室查封,他的报纸国家信托》(Etemad - e - Melli),在遭居家软禁的时候被关闭

    Karroubi said that since the election his office has been sealed off and his newspaper, Etemad-e-Melli (the National Trust), closed down while he was under informal house arrest.


  • 这个问题罗来纳州重要因为该州的养蜂人全国其它州的养蜂人

    He said the issue is of great importance to North Carolina because it has more beekeepers than any other state in the country.


  • 去年罗莱纳州种植任何要多红薯

    Last year North Carolina grew more sweet potatoes than any other state.


  • 纽约时装另一个潮流趋势植物花卉,到目前为止没有罗琳娜·海莱拉钟情于植物花卉。

    Another trend sprouting up at New York Fashion Week is florals, and no one so far has done them bigger than Carolina Herrera.


  • 度过蜜月呢,要是那么天,我会一个罗琳娜有异国情调地方比方多莉或者巴黎

    I've never had a honeymoon, and I would choose somewhere a little more exotic than the North Carolina mountains. Like maybe Dollywood or Paris.


  • 其中一些公寓的售价新的丰田罗拉还少

    There are some selling for less than a new Toyota Corolla.


  • 劳动力市场规模较小的州里,比如罗莱纳密歇根黑人数量失业率较低的衣阿华蒙大拿要多。

    States with weaker Labour markets, like South Carolina and Michigan, also tend to have larger black populations than low-unemployment states like Iowa and Montana.


  • 艾斯·罗·比亚的大使回到午饭时,把他夫人吓了

    When the Ambassador or Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock.


  • 社会学家菲利普·科恩罗立大学研究婚姻家庭说:“婚姻生杀大权掌控在男方手里,因为维持婚姻底线就是他们的婚后生活是否比从前快乐”。

    “The bottom line is that men, not women, are much happier when they’re married,” says Philip Cohen, a sociologist at the University of North Carolina who studies marriage and family.


  • 博物馆馆长罗琳·温菲尔德木乃伊要年轻两三

    Museum curator Carolyn Wingfield said the mummy was also two or three years younger than first believed.


  • 罗莱纳竞选同样职位时候,在去年大选增加很多席位的情况下,55%的得票比例决赛中胜出。

    When she ran for the same office at Carolina, she was elected with 55 percent of the vote in a runoff with a bigger turnout than the previous year's general election.


  • 至于雅虎,现在该说了,的也都做了,雅虎董事会成员们最终可能不得不承认这名欧特克董事观点也许对于雅虎而言,可能再找到比罗尔·巴更好首席执行官了。

    As for Yahoo, when all is said and done, its own board members might end up echoing the sentiment of that Autodesk director: maybe there wasn't a better CEO for Yahoo than Carol Bartz.


  • 1976年,欧洲核子研究所加速器改造质子-反质子对撞机征程意大利实验物理学家罗·鲁比亚引领下启航了。

    By 1976 the drive to convert CERN's new accelerator into a proton-antiproton collider was on, spearheaded by Carlo Rubbia, an Italian experimental physicist.


  • 一周出现罗来纳州夏洛特的一个体育馆里。一次,阿肯色队76比72击败杜克大学队夺得全国冠军

    A week later I was in the arena in Charlotte, North Carolina, when Arkansas won the national championship, defeating Duke 76-72.


  • 的赞助者包括国家来复枪协会印第安纳生活权利组织,麦克·哈克·阿比以及来自罗来纳的富有煽动性的议员吉姆戴明特

    He was endorsed by the National Rifle Association, Indiana Right-to-Life, Mike Huckabee and Jim DeMint, a rabble-rousing senator from South Carolina.


  • 罗莱纳州的比克夫,切罗基印第安人沃克尔·尔霍恩的孙子帕特里克树皮,用来做药茶

    In Big Cove, North Carolina, Cherokee Indian Walker Calhoun and grandson, Patrick, collect witch hazel bark for brewing medicinal tea.


  • 弗兰代表乌拉圭攻入29入球国家队总进球上排名第二,仅比老射手海克托·斯罗尼少两个

    Forlan now has 29 career goals, to put him 2nd in Uruguay's all-time list, 2 behind Hector Scarone.


  • 我们始终认为,我们可能找到罗尔更好的首席执行官了。

    We always concluded we couldn't find anyone better than Carol.


  • 保守10个除了密西西比外,依次分别爱达荷州亚拉巴马州、怀俄明州犹他州南达科他州路易斯安那州、北达科他州罗林纳阿肯色州

    Mississippi is followed by Idaho, Alabama, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Carolina and Arkansas in the list of top 10 most conservative states.


  • 1951版电影爱丽丝梦游仙境就是根据路易斯·罗尔小说改编的。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》一书比电影版问世了86很久之后另一种形式出现在了大众面前。

    The studio's 1951 hit Alice in Wonderland was based on Lewis Carroll's novel, published 86 years earlier and long since reverted to the public domain.


  • 这种潜在致命疾病常见于密西西比州阿肯色州路易斯安那州亚拉巴马州得克萨斯州罗莱纳州的狗仔。

    This potentially fatal disease was most often detected in dogs from Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas and South Carolina.


  • 来自康涅狄格州森姆斯柏瑞•温尼克把上周日纽约巨人(橄榄球)队以41比9大比分输给罗琳娜美洲豹队的一则新闻报道放进了粉碎机,这场比赛使纽约巨人队晋级决赛希望化为泡影

    Ben Winnick of Simsbury, Conn., shredded a newspaper story about the New York Giants' 41-9 loss Sunday to the Carolina Panthers, which ended the Giants' playoff hopes.


  • 有些包括阿拉巴马州佛罗里达州佐治亚州路易斯安娜州密西西比州罗来纳州罗来纳州得克萨斯州,都那些无法获得私人公司保单的人提供风暴灾害保险

    Several states, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas, offer windstorm coverage pools for people who can't get private coverage.


  • 之后参与了攻打密西西比州维克斯堡的重大战役,他也加入了东部最后一役,攻占罗莱纳州本顿维尔市。

    Later, he led a corps in one of its climactic campaigns, against Vicksburg, Mississippi, and he commanded a federal army in the last battle of the war in the East, at Bentonville, North Carolina.


  • 桑德拉.1942年出生罗莱纳州的吉布森维尔,篮球热爱源于父母希尔顿.姚莉比.姚。

    Sandra Kay Yow was born in nineteen forty-two in Gibsonville, North Carolina. She developed a love for basketball from her parents, Hilton and Lib Yow.


  • 一个罗写道:“过度乐观卖家紧钱包的买家共同制造这个惨淡周二现代艺术”。

    A week latter, Vogel reported, "A mix of overly optimistic sellers and price-conscious buyers made for a bumpy evening at Sotheby's sale of contemporary art on Tuesday night."


  • 叙事人尼克.罗威描述盖茨比年轻文雅健壮的,大概三十一二岁,说话一本正经可笑。” (这里查看网上中文版本的是“个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。”)

    Narrator Nick Carraway describes him as "an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over 30, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd" and then leaves us to fill in the blanks.


  • 来自北罗来纳州密西西比哥伦比亚地区母亲可能从不结婚

    Mothers in North Carolina, Mississippi, and the District of Columbia were the least likely to have never married.


  • 去年罗莱纳州种植红薯任何要多

    Last year North Carolina grew more sweet potatoes than any other state.


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