• 2011年阿萨·巴斯两岸已是矿坑遍布。

    By 2011, pit mines surrounded the Athabasca River.


  • 露西亚追击下,许多鞑靼人在杀死淹死

    Pursued by Russians, many Tatars were killed or drowned while crossing the Oka.


  • 哈萨克斯坦边界周边都40-50高的冷杉树林。

    The fir -trees that are 40-50 meters long are situated along the Karkar river at the border with Kazakhstan.


  • 柴达木北缘卡河地区达肯大坂岩群划分为斜长角岩岩片岩岩组。

    Dakendaba Group occurred in Iqe area, northern margin of Qaidam basin, can be divided into amphibolite assemblage and schist assemblage.


  • 那里挂了幅画内容是1860年的一场激战士兵绳索滑轮渡过巴兰

    There a painting shows soldiers crossing above the Barranca River in 1860 using ropes and pulleys during a pitched battle.


  • 那里挂了幅画内容是1860年的一场激战士兵绳索滑轮渡过巴兰

    There a painting shows soldiers Barranca River in 1860 using ropes and pulleys during a pitched battle .


  • 打捞砂砾用来添加打磨地板材料,用在水边设置最后一个环节中。

    Gravel from the River Neckar was added to the polished screed flooring, creating one final link to the waterside setting.


  • 德国西南部山区,位于莱茵与内之间四季旅游区,以钟表玩具工业而著名

    A mountainous region of southwest Germany between the Rhine and Neckar rivers. It is a year-round resort area that is famous for its clock and toy industries.


  • 达省的砂矿开始1967年,最早矿井上图(1984年)离阿萨巴斯最近的那个。

    Oil sand mining began in Alberta in 1967.That first mine is closest to the Athabasca River in the top image (1984).


  • 图片显示贝齐·布(原图上可以看到干流)南面景象此地海岸大约40公里(25英里)。

    Immediately south of the Betsiboka River, which is visible in the large image, this area is roughly 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the coast.


  • 左岸遍布茂密森林,19世纪60年代一位名为考夫曼的俄罗斯教授注意到一种奇怪变迁物种。

    All the left bank of the river Oka is covered with a dense forest. In the 60s of the XIXth century one Russian professor Kaufman took notice of a strange transitional nature in this place.


  • 贝齐·布马达加斯加西北部流向大海网状网注入布贝托克(Bombetoka Bay, Wiki)。

    In northwestern Madagascar, the Betsiboka River flows toward the coast, its braided streams emptying into the Bombetoka Bay.


  • 南北走向泛美公路太平洋之间,蜿蜒流淌着廷格里里依偎畔的山谷比托斯纳(1),就是科尔查山谷。

    NESTLING beside the Tinguiririca river, between the north-south Pan-American Highway and the Pacific, the Colchagua valley is sometimes compared to Tuscany.


  • 此时正是仲夏白夜时节太阳几乎不会落山我们婚典上一直次日早上,然后在莫伊卡河漫步到昂格勒酒店去用早餐

    It was the midsummer season of white nights, when the sun never fully sets, and we stayed at the wedding party till morning, wandering along the Moika embankment for breakfast at the Hotel Angleterre.


  • 因此,本周周末的墨西哥象处于成败关头.对他的格兰对岸邻居而言,也是如此,本次大选的重要性远远超过今年其他拉美国家的选举.墨西哥并不仅仅是美国非法移民和可因供应地;

    For its neighbour across the Rio Grande, too, this election matters more than any of the many others in Latin America this year.


  • 罪恶感到后悔吧,削去你的头发麻布遮起你那丰硕的腰身。坐在庙前乞讨或者跳下克拉去祈祷至少下辈子有个纯净人生吧。

    Repent your sins, shave your head, cover your amply loins with sackcloth, sit at the temple gate and beg or drawn yourself in sarayu after praying for a cleaner life at least in the next birth. . .


  • 这种组织目前存在各种包括多瑙尼日尔万戈三角洲、红萨瓦等。

    Such outfits now exist for various rivers, including the Danube, the Niger, the Okavango, the Red, the Sava and so on.


  • 州停火特赦协议调解人百斯特门纳,“我们知道危机产生原因。”

    "We know the cause of this crisis," says Bestman Nnwoka, who co-ordinates the amnesty in Rivers state.


  • 旅驻加沙影子司令艾哈迈德·贾巴里,重申行动正式目标在于夺回地中海约旦巴勒斯坦领土

    Ahmed Jabari, the Qassam Brigades' shadowy commander in Gaza, reiterated his movement's official determination to recapture all Palestinian land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river.


  • 基亚靠近密西西比密苏里商贸成为一个一个有影响高度发达社群

    Cahokia, near the importance trade routes of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers became an influential and highly developed community.


  • 图为洛基峡谷流淌着的斯威夫特,它就新罕布什尔州的堪·格斯公路旁

    Pictured here: the Swift River runs through Rocky Gorge, next to the Kancamagus Highway in New Hampshire.


  • 莫比尔市北部一道蜿蜒曲折的乡村公路汤比格比之间坐落着簇密集的利旺色调的建筑群蓝绿色的海泡石图形,淡黄蓝色的沙灰。

    TUCKED between the Tombigbee river and a rural highway meandering north from Mobile sits a warren of huge buildings in Willy Wonka-colours: sea-foam blue and green, desert beige and mauve.


  • 格洛里:“通过研究确定主人公就是比安背景中的就是横跨博比奥市特雷比座。”

    Glori said: "From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio."


  • 阿摩司他们离开卢安瓜谷地南方的赞比西漂流的时候,特告诉了射杀事件。

    Amos said that Tkach told her about the shooting only after they left the Luangwa Valley and went south, to the Zambezi River, for a rafting trip.


  • 阿摩司他们离开卢安瓜谷地南方的赞比西漂流的时候,特告诉了射杀事件。

    Amos said that Tkach told her about the shooting only after they left the Luangwa Valley and went south, to the Zambezi River, for a rafting trip.


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