• 乔治梅森大学卡托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free-market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 乔治梅森大学卡托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 卡托波普尔思想库恩思想的“有效综合使成为经济学家吸引力的人物

    Lakatos's "effective" synthesis on Popper's thoughts and Kuhn's thoughts make him be a attractive figure for economist.


  • 另一科学哲学家劳丹指出,在我们的科学演进当中还不能找到库恩卡托描述相符合的(科学)。

    Laudan, another philosopher of science, observes that we cannot square that which Kuhn and Lakatos describe with what we know about the evolution of science.


  • 用库恩主义的术语说就是,战略管理学科种前范式还是后范式;或者卡托斯主义的术语,战略管理学科是门不成熟科学还是成熟科学?

    To uses the Kuhnian terminology, is it a pre-paradigm or post-paradigm or, to use the Lakatosian’s, is it an immature or mature science?


  • 布赖恩先生还要查阅美国记者安东尼·卡杜托写本书

    Mr. Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.


  • 到19世纪,那不勒的面包师拉法尔卡·埃波西托才开始销售第一批现代披萨。

    It was the nineteenth century before Rafacla Esposito, a baker from Naples, began to sell the first modern pizzas.


  • 令人印象深刻的永久收藏包括特纳罗姆尼临时展览项目卡纳莱托来自艾夫艺术家

    The impressive permanent collection includes Turners and Romneys and the temporary exhibition programme has Canaletto and the artists from St Ives.


  • 每个人都在研究托雷一举一动时,看起来大家已经忘记卡卡——状态似乎还没有恢复巅峰。

    While everyone's been studying Torres' every move, it seems people have forgotten about Kaka -- his loss of form seemed to be unrecoverable.


  • 福西厄•墨卡托投影1569年问世,马上就派上了用场因为不变方位描绘直线航海非常方便。

    Gerardus Mercator's projection, published in 1569, was immediately useful because it depicts a line of constant bearing as a straight line, which is handy for Marine navigation.


  • 科赫兄弟建立卡托研究所莫卡特中心之后,也意识到了单靠智囊团并不足以成事。

    The Koch brothers, after helping to create Cato and Mercatus, concluded that think tanks alone were not enough to effect change.


  • 的真名其实里卡多•伊泽克森•多·桑托·雷特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite, but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


  • 桑托说:“卡哈马卡的火爆局势正在升温如果人们感觉自己排除在外,温度就达到沸点。”

    "The situation in Cajamarca is heating up and could boil over if people feel excluded," says Mr Santos.


  • 一些中型城市——比如巴西库里提巴弗洛里亚诺波利墨西哥的托卢卡和梅里达,哥伦比亚的麦德林——正在开启展示那些大型城市更加活跃的经济。

    Some medium-sized citiessuch as Curitiba and Florianópolis in Brazil, Toluca and Mérida in Mexico and Medellín in Colombiaare starting to show more dynamism than the urban behemoths.


  • 学者维尔弗雷多·帕雷托卡根据意大利经历,提出意大利的少数精英始终统治着大众

    Intellectuals Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca drew on Italy's experience to argue that elite minorities always rule majorities.


  • 玻利瓦·卡塞雷冰川退缩影响玻利维亚埃尔·阿尔这些大城市的电力供应

    The retreat of the glaciers also affects the electricity supplies of major cities such as la Paz and el Alto in Bolivia which depend on hydro power, says Bolivar Caceres.


  • 他们拥有18惊人产品水果白兰地各种甜酒陈年威士忌和当地产的格慕塔米那、麝香葡萄卡托巴品种的葡萄酿造的具有麝香味的葡萄果渣白兰地。

    They have an astonishing 18 products, from fruit brandies and liqueurs to aged whiskies and musky grappa made from local grapes like gewürztraminer, muscat and Catawba.


  • 回到纽约之后,社会研究学校报名参加厄文·皮卡托(ErwinPiscator)主管工作室开办表演这里同事沃尔特·马索(WalterMatthau)也是的苏渥校友

    Back in New York, he enrolled in acting classes in the workshop headed by Erwin Piscator at the New School for Social Research, where one of his colleagues was another Seward alumnus, Walter Matthau.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市安托法加塔(Antofagasta)东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿塔·卡马沙漠中。

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile's port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3,050 meter (10,010 feet) above sea level.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市安托法加塔(Antofagasta东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿塔卡沙漠中

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile’s port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3, 050 meter (10, 010 feet) above sea level.


  • 贝齐·布卡马达加西北部流向大海网状河网注入布贝托克(Bombetoka Bay, Wiki)。

    In northwestern Madagascar, the Betsiboka River flows toward the coast, its braided streams emptying into the Bombetoka Bay.


  • 马拉·卡纳体育场见证了巴西足球许多时刻1969年11月19贝利桑托伽马的比赛中打入职业生涯的第1000粒入球。

    The Maracana has also witnessed some of the most memorable moments in the history of Brazilian football, such as Pele's 1000th career goal for Santos against Vasco on 19 November 1969.


  • 托布鲁克一家发电站的工程师纳尔•阿布克尔(Nasr Abu Bakr):“最大问题外国轰炸而不是卡达菲。”

    “The big problem is foreign bombing, not Qaddafi,” says Nasr Abu Bakr, a technician at a power plant in Tobruk.


  • 医学博士佛瑞德卡托雷曾写过《过敏症哮喘治疗》,他尤其是喜欢早上锻炼的人要注意这一点,因为早上五点十点之间空气中花粉含量最高的。

    Especially if you're a morning guypollen counts are highest between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. says Fred Pescatore, M.D., author of The Allergy and Asthma Cure.


  • 美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)位于瑞士苏黎世ibm研究实验室托比亚•卡劳(TobiasKraus)同事们提出一种新奇方式将那些有用的微型结构压印出来。

    Tobias Kraus, of IBM's Research Laboratories in Zurich, Switzerland, and his colleagues have come up with a new way to print such structures which could help.


  • 一个良好美国就业机会一直目标。”庄臣控制公司(JohnsonControls)的27岁的技术工卡米拉·托雷介绍道

    "It has always been my goal to have a good American job," Johnson Controls technician Camilla Torres, 27, said.


  • 3月22日太阳落山时,洛伐克男孩骑车穿过靠近利普托夫基·米库拉什中心城市冰冷的利普托夫卡·马拉水库大坝

    Slovakian boys ride through the frozen Liptovska Mara dam as the sun sets near the central town of Liptovsky Mikulas, on March 22.


  • 3月22日太阳落山时,洛伐克男孩骑车穿过靠近利普托夫基·米库拉什中心城市冰冷的利普托夫卡·马拉水库大坝

    Slovakian boys ride through the frozen Liptovska Mara dam as the sun sets near the central town of Liptovsky Mikulas, on March 22.


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