• 新娘米罗斯拉娃卡尼洛娃,怀孕个月,做出贡献熨烫

    Bride Miroslava Khalilova, seven months pregnant, pitched in with ironing.


  • 萨科第一位战后出生法国总统外祖父来自尼卡犹太人

    Mr Sarkozy, whose maternal grandfather was a Jew from Salonika, is the first French president born after the war.


  • 这些武装分子就像那些瓦济斯坦,帕克·提卡,霍斯特地区为基地游击队一样,通过加兹尼公路渗透西瓦尔达克加尔的地区。

    These groups, as well as those based in the Waziristan-Paktika-Khost region, have also moved up the highway via Ghazni to infiltrate Wardak to the west and Logar to the east.


  • 旗,代表夏威夷群岛主要岛屿:尼华、考艾岛、瓦胡岛、毛伊岛、、拉岛、卡霍奥拉维岛以及大岛等

    The state flag has eight stripes representing the Hawaiian archipelago’s major islands: Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii.


  • 校长亚瑟·勒瓦尼卡,是皇家后代,王国巴罗茨兰位于赞比亚西部

    The headmaster was Arthur Lewanika, a scion of the Lozi royal family whose kingdom, Barotseland, lay in western Zambia.


  • 尼卡·努尼门前在跑步绑了一个小型感应器

    Veronica Noone attached a small sensor to her running shoes and headed out the door.


  • 斯卡一向对媒体很友好,不过这次他利比亚局势缄口不言,一直观望态度

    The normally media-friendly chief executive has stayed mum on the situation and has taken a wait-and-see approach.


  • 年轻费利西蒂·尼卡兹诺·贝尔德拉尔夫·贝尔德夫妇在约翰内斯堡动物园附近玩拼字游戏

    Young marrieds Felicity Nyikadzino Berold and Ralph Berold, both 33, enjoy a game of Scrabble near Johannesburg's Zoo Lake.


  • 斯蒂奇尼最新研究对约1000名美国实习卡车司机行为分析。 他研究伙伴是斯蒂芬•伯克斯(StephenBurks)、杰弗里•卡特(Jeffrey Carpenter)伦茨•戈特(LorenzGoette)。

    Rustichini's latest research – with Stephen Burks, Jeffrey Carpenter and Lorenz Goette – studies the behaviour of about 1, 000 trainee truck drivers in the US.


  • 这些照片是泰坦尼克号图坦卡蒙”,因为它们传达出丰富历史细节包括这个显示损伤程度痕迹

    Molony called the photographs "the Titanic equivalent of Tutankhamen's tomb," because of the richness of historical detail they conveyed, including the mark highlighting the extent of the damage.


  • 令人百感交集比赛保罗·马尔蒂尼最后场比赛,·安切米兰教练席上的最后一场比赛。

    It was a game full of emotions: the last game of Paolo Maldini and the last one of Carlo Ancelotti on the Milan bench.


  • 目的观察重度高血压性心动过速患者急诊手术联合应用尼卡地平和拉贝·疗效

    Objective To observe the curative effect of the combination of nicardipine and labetalol on patients with serious hypertension and sinus tachycardia undergoing emergency operation.


  • 意大利维罗纳半决赛第一回合比赛中以96:62轻松击败尼卡队,希腊人在下个星期回访中将比分拉平真是不容易。

    Verona of Italy comfortably beat Salonica 96-62 in their semifinal, first leg encounter…surely too great a deficit for the Greeks to make up in the return match next week.


  • 我们埃德萨逗留89公里以西·尼卡愉快的地方我们返回

    Our stay at Edessa 89 KMS west of Thessalonica was delightful and a place we would all love to return to.


  • 目的观察尼卡地平和艾司尔联合用药高血压冠心病患者气管导管拔管期间心血管反应影响

    Objective To observe the effect of combined administration of nicardipine and esmolol on cardiovascular response to tracheal extubation of patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease (CHD).


  • 旗,代表夏威夷群岛主要岛屿:尼华艾岛、瓦胡岛、毛伊岛、岛、拉岛、卡霍奥拉维岛以及大岛等

    The state flag has eight stripes representing the hawaiian archipelago ' s major islands : nihau, kauai, oahu, maui, molokai, lanai, kahoolawe and the big island of hawaii.


  • 描述信使告诉阿喀琉斯巨人·尼卡对峙吓人场景,当时阿喀琉斯准备与萨·尼卡作战

    He recounted the scene where a messenger tells Achilles how scared he would be to confront the giant Thessalonian, whom Achilles was preparing to battle.


  • 术中应用硝酸甘油艾司去氧肾上腺素尼卡地平山莨菪碱。

    Nitro - glycerin, esmolol, noradrenaline, nicardipine, anisodamine were used during operation.


  • 不信犹太人塞萨·尼卡误码率挑起令人不安众多”。

    But unbelieving Jews from Thessalonica came to Bera "stirring up and troubling the multitude".


  • 人各个处所层层叠叠立方体意象一直延伸立体派艺术家画作里,包括毕加索名作《格尔·尼卡》风格绘制的壮丽绘画

    The repeated cube imagery extends to the cubist painting seen in the various Mandalorian Spaces, including an epic painting done in the style of Picasso's famous Guernica.


  • 罗兹庄园拥有大片专属的葡萄园主要品种赤霞珠艾格尼科莎当妮法兰吉娜诺,格雷

    Rose with vast estate exclusive vineyard, main varieties cabernet sauvignon, etam nico, Thoreau palmer card, chardonnay, flange zina, phenanthrene north, gray grams, etc.


  • 公元前384年,亚里士多德出生于今尼卡马其顿沿海一带希腊殖民地斯塔吉拉。

    Aristotle was born at Stagira, a Greek colony on the Macedonian coast of modern Salonica, in 384 BC.


  • 库迪奇尼帮助切尔西创造纪录保证他会留在这里。

    CARLO CUDICINI has vowed to stay at Chelsea after helping secure the club's place in the record books.


  • 有关转会市场呢,我们不会我们中场球员加图索安布罗西尼皮尔还有卡卡别的球队交换。

    As far as the transfer market goes, I would not change our midfield with Gattuso, Ambrosini, Pirlo, and kaka with any other team's.


  • 个人来看,马尔蒂尼、卡卡、因扎吉皮尔有资格获得,我不想去排顺序,来说他们有实力去获得这个奖项,我也相信他们中的一个获得金球奖

    Personally I think that Maldini, Kaká, Inzaghi and Pirlo are all worthy of winning it. I won't make a graduatory, but for me they all deserve it and I'm sure one of them will win it.


  • 为了艾滋病毒发现权,蒙塔尼争夺多年卡罗林斯卡医学院做出决定之前,孰是孰非其实已有结论

    In order to the discovery of HIV, Gallo and fight for montagny has for many years, the Karolinska medical school to make a decision before the charge is already a conclusion.


  • 漂亮的米兰:19分钟卡卡接道皮尔传球射门多尼的精彩扑救避免了第二失球

    It was a good Milan: in the 19th minute, kaka received the ball from Pirlo and took a first time shot, a great save by Doni denying the second goal.


  • 卡卡队长马尔蒂尼一起蒙特卡领奖,尽管米兰伊斯坦布尔夜晚

    Kaka goes to Monte Carlo with captain Paolo Maldini, despite the Rossoneri being held away from the competition after the night in Istanbul against Liverpool.


  • 卡卡队长马尔蒂尼一起蒙特卡领奖,尽管米兰伊斯坦布尔夜晚

    Kaka goes to Monte Carlo with captain Paolo Maldini, despite the Rossoneri being held away from the competition after the night in Istanbul against Liverpool.


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