• 到去年年末来自客户收入业务的百分之八十。

    Revenue from new customers accounts for over 80 per cent of new business by the end of yesteryear.


  • 我们革命性议会拥有两个统治地位团体一年

    This is the year in which we have two dominant groups in the new revolutionary Parliament.


  • 刚刚得到一台电脑(12.1英寸的屏幕更高分辨率10英寸屏幕的电脑容易使用),但是windows7的过渡版本已经不再主流地位了。

    I just got a new computer (12.1″ screen, higher resolution and much easier to work on than a 10netbook) and the Windows 7 transition has been less than stellar.


  • 尽管利率上升,但是固定利率抵押贷款所有抵押贷款一半

    Despite rising rates, fixed-rate mortgages still account for half of all new mortgages.


  • 其中,在美国出生归化入籍亚裔公民的亲属绝大多数

    Family members of native-born or newly naturalized Asian Americans accounted for most of these.


  • 那些让位给共和制的地方,比如叙利亚今天,也可能是利比亚明天王朝仍然统治地位。

    And where they have given way to republicans, new dynasties, such as Syria's today and Libya's probably tomorrow, still hold sway.


  • 据世界卫生组织(世卫组织)估计,2008年数量最多结核病例发生于东南亚区域全球发病病例的35%。

    WHO estimates that the largest number of new TB cases in 2008 occurred in the South-East Asia Region, which accounted for 35% of incident cases globally.


  • 1990年以来每年加入永久居民人数保持在稳定水平总人口的0.7-0.8%。

    The number of new permanent residents accepted every year has held steady since 1990, at 0.7-0.8% of the population.


  • 产电整个国家电力83%,并且人口最多的南威尔士州比例更高。

    Coal generates about 83% of the country's electricity, and even more in New South Wales, the most populous state.


  • 今年巴基斯坦病例显著增加目前全世界病例总数的四分之一

    This year, Pakistan is experiencing a significant increase in new cases, and now accounts for nearly a quarter of all cases worldwide.


  • 肾脏替代治疗费用总预算的2%以下”,警告如果泰国不能注重预防减少病例,费用大幅度增长。

    "The cost of renal replacement therapy is still less than 2% of the total budget," he says, but warns the cost could blow out should Thailand fail to focus on prevention and reduce new cases.


  • 世纪交替之际,就业岗位劳动力总数比例达到惊人55%,其中三分之二岗位所在的行业薪酬高于平均水平。

    A stunning 55 per cent of the total workforce was in new jobs by the turn of the century, two-thirds of them in industries that paid more than the average wage.


  • 作为歪曲示例注意Firefox每个元素即使源代码文档中并不是这样的。

    For an example of distortion, notice that Firefox puts each element on a new line, even though it is not so in the source document.


  • 美国收到了4万9000件庇护申请所有工业化国家申请案13%。

    It received about 49,000 new asylum claims, accounting for 13 percent of all applications in industrialized countries.


  • 推出官方黑客户端之后,来自客户端的注册用户7 - 8%。

    Since the new Blackberry application was launched, it has accounted for 7 to 8% of new sign.


  • 认为高清电视要一部分原因”,HorizonMedia资深研究会长以及报告作者BradAdgate说道,“体育类节目杀手级应用。”

    "I think part of it is HDTV, " says Brad Adgate, senior vice president of research at Horizon Media and author of the new report. "It's the killer app for sports."


  • 根据世界卫生组织6月14日世界献血者发表全球数据25岁以下报告自愿献血人数中估计38%。

    People under the age of 25 contribute an estimated 38% of reported voluntary blood donations, according to new global data from the WHO, released on World blood Donor Day, 14 June.


  • 厨师Crolla为了向英国发行电影表示敬意,给的创作品个名字,叫007皇家赌场比萨饼

    Chef Crolla has dubbed his creation \\\\\\\'The Pizza Royale 007\\\\\\\' in honour of the new James Bond film which has just been released in Britain.


  • 承诺退休一份65日的民意测验表明爱尔兰目前开始支持条约54%,而十月投票时,只有28%。

    He has promised to retire, and a June 5 poll shows the Irish are now set to approve the treaty 54 percent to 28 percent when they vote again in October.


  • 美国基金会提供数据,在2600死亡人数中,35确认是军事首领总数1.3%。

    According to the New America Foundation, out of the 2, 600-odd deaths, 35 were recognised militant chiefs, or just 1.3% of the total.


  • 大肠癌每年世界各地癌症病例9%。

    Colorectal cancer accounts for nine per cent of new cancer cases every year worldwide.


  • 国际劳工组织估计可再生能源如果全世界能源生产30%,就能创造多达两千万份就业

    The International Labor Organization estimates that renewable energy could generate up to 20 million new jobs, if it were to represent 30 percent of the worldwide energy output.


  • 数据表明去年英格兰威尔士年龄35岁以上女性所生育婴儿达14.1万,两地生儿总数(70.6万)的五分之一。

    The new figures showed that 141,246 babies were born to mothers over the age of 35 last year, a fifth of the 706,248 births in England and Wales.


  • 福特表示,截止2012推出2电动车3混合动力车;五款车型未来10年福特全球销售的10%到25%。

    Ford has said it will begin selling two electric vehicles and three new hybrids by 2012 and that such models will constitute 10 percent to 25 percent of its worldwide fleet in a decade.


  • 巴塞尔资本协议III使银行持有核心股本其总资产的比重一番。

    The new Basel 3 rules will have the effect of doubling the amount of core equity that a typical big bank holds as a proportion of its assets.


  • 美国一项研究已发现比例动脉斑块致命引起心脏病发作中风原因以及大多数其它动脉斑块是良性的、明显危害的原因。

    A new US study found why a very small proportion of arterial plaques become deadly and lead to heart attack or stroke and why the vast majority others stay benign and apparently do no harm.


  • 花儿散播芬芳友谊传递温暖让我们洋溢希望一年里不同起跑点,胜利地抵达起跑

    Flowers spread fragrance and friendship spreads warmth. Let 's start in a hopeful New Year from different starting points to reach triumphantly a new one.


  • 一阶段这两的无线电技术的订单至少全球订单的一半以上

    The two accounted for no less than half the world's increase in wireless-technology subscriptions in that period.


  • 一阶段这两的无线电技术的订单至少全球订单的一半以上

    The two accounted for no less than half the world's increase in wireless-technology subscriptions in that period.


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