• 研究推测,对于在学业方面有所准备黑人学生来说,或许拥有白人室友可以帮助他们进行调节适应一所白人占主导地位的大学

    The study speculated, having a white roommate helps academically prepared black students adjust to a predominantly white university.


  • 创建一个伊斯兰教信念占主导地位的社会。

    He wants to create a society where Islamic principles predominate.


  • 女子体育运动正在打破障碍进入一些先前由男子占主导地位领域

    Women's sports are breaking down the barriers in previously male-dominated domains.


  • 的和的一样所以无法反驳占主导地位理论

    He hadn't done any more than Young had been able to do, so he couldn't disprove the dominant theory.


  • 现在传统艺术占主导地位观点罗马艺术家缺乏创造力技巧,与他们之前希腊艺术家相比更是如此

    Now the dominant view in traditional art is that Roman artists lacked creativity and skill especially compared to the Greek artists who came before them.


  • 亚拉那拉提瓦北大年是穆斯林人口占主导地位地区,他们一直抱怨在这个佛教为主国家受到忽视歧视

    Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation.


  • 因此占主导地位批判成为艺术史学家们所使用的方法一种专业性学术方法,致力于艺术品所创作时代文化背景下发现艺术品的意义”。

    Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialized academic approach devoted to "discovering the meaning" of art within the cultural context of its time.


  • 主导地位出口品肉,出口收入三分之二

    The leading export is the coconut product copra, which accounts for about two-thirds of export revenue.


  • 一直以来在全球工业公司主导地位通用汽车可能面临破产

    And one of the major industrial corporations of the world-of all time [General Motors] could be on the brink.


  • 到了知识经济时代,知识社会占主导地位资源生产要素

    In the knowledge economic era, knowledge will be the main source and productive factor in the society.


  • 这个消费者主导地位的世界里重播节目电影已失去光彩

    Repeats and old films lose their appeal in a world in which consumers can instantly call up vast archives.


  • 直到最近IBM占主导地位的大规模编辑格式一直都是IBMIDDocSGML

    Until recently, the primary large-scale authoring format inside IBM was IBMIDDoc SGML.


  • 因为两者都果断的哲学倾向所以其适合计划推理重组准备占主导地位这些领域

    Of a decidedly philosophical bent, it does best in areas where planning, theorizing, reorganization and preparation play a primary role.


  • 项目级别新的方法可能被需要例如打印的、广播文档电子占主导地位的模型的变迁。

    At the project level, the new approach may require, for example, migrating from printed, signed off documents to electronically maintained models.


  • 一个沙坑守卫前线绿色右上角主导地位做法谨慎球员发挥诱惑,右手边麻烦似乎潜伏

    The one bunker guarding the front-right corner of the green dominates the approach and the cautious player is tempted to play to the right where little trouble seems to lurk.


  • 现在这家刚刚进入公众视线巨头希望建立一个消费商业品牌,打入苹果公司和思科系统主导地位的市场

    Now, this giant the public has barely heard of wants to become a consumer and business brand, moving into markets dominated by Apple Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc.


  • 亚洲越来越主导地位的世界里北欧不过是一股边缘化的全球力量也许最近专注内部事务的原因

    In a world dominated increasingly by Asia, northern Europe cannot be anything more than a peripheral global power, which may explain its new introversion.


  • 当时一种极好的选择但是后来POJOAOP成为占主导地位编程模型时,我们意识到了JMX核心局限性

    This was a great choice at the time but later on as POJO and AOP became the dominant programming model we started seeing the limitations of the JMX core.


  • 当时占主导地位的艺术形式小说,它们叙事宏伟,篇幅铺不仅勾画个人命运,展现整个社会景象而且直面公共时政。

    The dominant artistic form was the novel, great sprawling narratives which not only charted private fates, but made whole societies in mirror image and addressed the public issues of the day.


  • 第一思想是:美元作为占主导地位某些眼里,它是唯一的)世界货币特殊作用应该改变,使其顺应正在变化中的国际环境

    The first is the idea that the peculiar role of the US dollar as the predominant (in some people’s eyes, only) world currency should be altered to respond to the changing international circumstances.


  • 随着社会进入21世纪信息时代,问题探究式教学赋予新的精神内涵成为当今学校教学主导地位教学方式

    As we are entering information age of the 21 st century, the question-inquiry teaching has been endowed with new spirit and content, and will become a leading way of teaching in the school education.


  • 销售专家再一告诉非洲贫困买不起个人电脑尤其是男性主导地位的文化背景下,向个不是非洲人的女性买电脑。

    Once again the marketing experts told her African was too poor for personal computer products, especially if they were sold by a non-African female in a male-dominated culture.


  • 然而购买者旅游咨询顾问尤其是占主导地位的买家方,对于今年有许多差旅计划采用无上限动态定价模式怀疑态度。

    Buyers and consultants, however, remain doubtful that many travel programs will adopt a non-capped, dynamically priced program this year, particularly with buyers in the power seat.


  • 尽管塞布哈大体上同情卡扎菲的确事实,但也是因为此地主导地位的是Megar ha部族,而不是Gadadfa部族。

    Although it is true that large parts of Sebha remain sympathetic to Colonel Qaddafi, this is because the dominant tribe there is the Megarha, not the Gadadfa.


  • 观察表明吝啬鬼野心家所有将自己一生倾注于某种占主导地位观念个人情感总是寄托自己爱好某种象征物上。

    The observation shows that the miser, the ambitious, all his life devoted to a dominant concept of the individual, the emotion is always pinned on a symbol of their love.


  • 观察表明吝啬鬼野心家所有将自己一生倾注于某种占主导地位观念个人情感总是寄托自己爱好某种象征物上。

    The observation shows that the miser, the ambitious, all his life devoted to a dominant concept of the individual, the emotion is always pinned on a symbol of their love.


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