• 今年5月柏利宣布时装中撤出毛草重新审视其他商业用途

    In May this year, Burberry announced it was taking fur out of its catwalk shows and reviewing its use elsewhere in the business.


  • 2016年9月柏利转向了“即”的时装形式

    In September 2016, Burberry switched to a "see now, buy now" catwalk show format.


  • 柏利改变营销策略消费者时装看到产品能买到,但结果并没有预期那么有效

    Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soon as consumers see it on the fashion show did not turn out to be as effective as expected.


  • 拒绝相信第二鲍勃·纽哈特第一个好——不过另一话题

    I also refuse to believe that the second Bob Newhart show was better than the firstbut that is a topic for another blog.


  • 去年来自苏格兰的单身大妈苏珊•伊尔英国达人电视选节目悲惨世界》中的一首《曾有梦》红遍全球

    Scottish spinster Susan Boyle shot to global stardom after she was discovered last year on the "Britain's Got Talent" television show with her performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" from "Les Miserables".


  • 日 前一档电视节目中,台湾名被称为“小胖”的商店职员因完美演绎了一首惠特尼•休斯顿的歌曲一夜间走红网络,被称为男版苏珊·伊尔。

    A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.


  • 还是著名"天桥骄子"真人节目主持人2008年荣获权威奖项奖。

    She hosts the reality show "Project Runway" and received the prestigious Peabody Award in 2008.


  • 苏珊·伊尔()原本仅是个近半百、至今未婚从未男人亲吻过的苏格兰大龄"剩女",近日却凭借电视节目《英国达人》中的出色表演,一夜成名并红遍全球

    Since wowing the judges on the TV show "Britain's Got Talent," 47-year-old Susan Boyle (see photo) from Scotland who says she's single and has never been kissed, has become an international star.


  • 凭借《英国达人》成名苏珊·伊尔的表演成为今年YouTube受欢迎的视频在全球拥有超过1.2亿观众

    Susan Boyle, who made her name on the TV show Britain's Got Talent, topped ratings for 2009's most watched video on YouTube, with more than 120m viewers worldwide.


  • 2009年网络视频大红人当苏珊大妈莫属! 苏珊·伊尔是苏格兰貌不惊人的平凡女性,然而4月份的英国节目中,她高歌一曲《曾有一个梦》一鸣惊人,让全世界为之动容。

    YouTube's 2009 star was Susan Boyle, the frumpy Scottish woman who mesmerized the world with a heartwarming rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream" on a British talent show in April.


  • 现在柏利的服装现场视频放在Facebook上,服装有时还用到全息技术

    Its shows are live-streamed on Facebook, and sometimes use 3d and holograms.


  • 脱口节目主持人拉什•林周六现场嘲讽过外貌

    She was mocked by both talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Saturday Night Live for her appearance.


  • 2009年10月800场地举办上海国际创意,此外,场地将作为2010年官方用地

    The Shanghai International Creative Week will be held in 800 Show in October 2009. The site also is an official site of the Expo 2010.


  • 苏珊。伊尔,位因参加颇受欢迎的电视节目“英国达人”而红遍全球歌手一次电视访谈中将突如其来名气称为毁灭之”。

    Susan Boyle, a singer who became a global star with a show-stopping performance on "Britain's Got Talent, " has said in a television interview that her sudden fame was like a "demolition ball.


  • 随后,姚明通过上海鲨鱼官方确认,接受爷”贝尔旞·格里尔斯的挑战,参加该档野外生存真人节目。

    Yao, responding on the micro blog account of the Shanghai Sharks, the Chinese Basketball Association club that he owns, said he is ready to accept the challenge.


  • 在《英国达人》选节目中一炮而红苏珊?伊尔近日换造型,尽管主持人阿曼达?霍尔顿称应该保持本色形象。

    Susan Boyle, the Britain's Got Talent singer, has been getting a makeover despite pleas by host Amanda Holden that she remain the same until the end of the show.


  • 还是著名的“天桥骄子真人节目主持人,2008年荣获权威奖项迪奖。

    "She hosts the reality show" Project Runway "and received the prestigious Peabody Award in 2008."


  • 上海主题城市》位于浦东园区后滩 C02 地块

    The thematic show "Windows of City" of Expo Shanghai is at Zone C02 of the Houtan Square within the Pudong section of the Expo site.


  • 石尚品牌建设形象宣传希望借由彼此间的相互交融,开辟另一关于建筑、关于石材的思考路向。

    Stone Fashion Show - Brand Building and Image Publicity the stone Exposition hoped to develop another development direction concerning construction and stone through communication and understanding.


  • 电视明星苏珊·伊尔决赛中屈居亚军随后精神崩溃

    TV talent star Susan Boyle took 2nd place in the final contest and later suffered a mental breakdown.


  • 昨天电台上,拉什·最高法院法官候选人索尼娅·索托马约尔称作“逆向种族主义者”,句话告诉林家伙一个逆向天才。

    On his radio show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh called Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a 'reverse racist. ' I got to hand it to Limbaugh. That guy is a reverse genius.


  • 1952年由喜剧演员巴德·艾卢·斯坦罗主演的“艾特和考斯坦美国电视台首播

    1952 - The Abbott and Costello Show, starring comedians Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, debuts on American television.


  • 有一部NBC电视台1984 至1992 年流行电视节目叫“斯比“,明星比尔- 考斯比由克利夫- 哈克斯代扮演菲莉西亚- 雷沙德扮演妻子克莱尔

    One of the most popular TV shows ever was "The Cosby Show, " on NBC from nineteen eighty-four to nineteen ninety-two. It starred Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair.


  • 9月柏利时装首次展示可供即时即买的服装

    Burberry's show in September will for the first time present only clothes that are available immediately.


  • 9月柏利时装首次展示可供即时即买的服装

    Burberry's show in September will for the first time present only clothes that are available immediately.


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