• 避免手稿遭到更多破坏艺术博物馆研究团队的人员查看原稿字迹时需要极其谨慎地选择所用技术

    To avoid further damage to the manuscript, the research team at the art museum has had to be extremely selective in the techniques they used to see the original writing.


  • 透过DNA条码研究,科学家们已经博物馆研究发现更多隐秘物种

    DNA barcode surveys have revealed cryptic species lurking in museum drawers in every group studied so far.


  • 口述访谈不仅使得历史还原更为真实、更为细化、更为鲜活而且可以进一步提升博物馆研究的水准。

    Interviews can not only record history in an authentic, detailed and vivid way, but also promote research carried out by museums.


  • LarryJ .Zimmerman哲学博士人类学博物馆研究教授印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波里斯联合分校文科

    Larry J. Zimmerman, Ph.D., RPA: professor of anthropology and museum studies, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis School of Liberal arts.


  • 克里斯·斯特林格教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 这份重写本后来经历一些艰难时期最终一次艺术拍卖会上买走然后捐给巴尔的摩的一家艺术博物馆,用于保护研究

    The palimpsest then went through some more tough times, but eventually it ended up in an art auction where was bought and then donated to an art museum in Baltimore, for conservation and study.


  • 许多工作机会许多图书馆研究用,不同博物馆参观还有许多电影院剧院中心娱乐

    There are plenty of opportunities for work, many big libraries for studies, several differrent museums for visit, and numerous cinemas, theaters and centers for entertainment.


  • 例如,博物馆已经采用了故事线来进行展览,景点已经接受“主题化”作为相关工具主题公园正在更加真实基于研究展示方式转变。

    For example, museums have adopted story lines for exhibitions, sites have accepted "theming" as a relevant tool, and theme parks are moving towards more authenticity and research-based presentations.


  • 金山角公园里一片罂粟花田令人印象深刻鸦片文史馆这座建筑既是博物馆,也是研究机构教育机构

    A poppy field away in the Golden Triangle Park is the impressive Halls of Opium. The building is both a museum and a research and educational facility.


  • 解释内容形式可以追溯到博物馆科学研究人员专属领域那个时代

    The content and format of explanations dated back to a time when the museum was the exclusive domain of the scientific researcher.


  • 旧金山探索博物馆我们最近研究学习提出好的问题如何影响人们科学研究质量

    At the Exploratorium in San Francisco, we recently studied how learning to ask good questions can affect the quality of people's scientific inquiry.


  • 金山角公园里,隔着一片鸦片令人印象深刻鸦片文史馆,这座60 000平方英尺大厅既是博物馆,也是研究教育机构

    A poppy field away in the Golden Triangle Park is the impressive Halls of Opium. The 60, 000-square-foot building is both a museum and a research and educational facility.


  • 研究表明那些尝试新鲜事物人们比如馆子就餐或是博物馆总是更加幸福的一群。

    Studies show that people who do new things, like going to new restaurants or a museum, are happier than people who don't.


  • 研究发现,常博物馆音乐会创作艺术品演奏乐器会对他们的生活满意

    People who go to museums and concerts or create art or play an instrument are more satisfied with their lives, a study finds.


  • 为了实现恐怖逼真的效果,凯迪·瓦特花了大量时间研究解剖学参观了法医博物馆同时努力改善面包口感

    In order to make them realistic, Kittiwat spent many hours studying anatomy and visiting forensic museums. At the same time, he found it important to make his bread delicious as well.


  • 报纸还称它们成对分开然后送往博物馆一个基因研究所。

    They are likely to be paired off and sent to a museum and a genetic institute, the paper reports.


  • 张未标明日期照片上昆士兰热带博物馆研究人员尼尔·布鲁斯正在澳大利亚蜥蜴附近海上借助灯箱观察海洋生物样本

    Researcher Niel Bruce of the Museum of Tropical Queensland studies Marine specimens in a lighted aquarium off Australia's Lizard Island (see map) in an undated picture.


  • 利伯曼奔跑研究进了哈佛大学19世纪皮博迪博物馆

    Lieberman has taken his research into running into Harvard's 19th-century Peabody Museum.


  • 开罗的美国自然史博物馆研究员、瑞士科学家特·阿哥斯蒂说:“该项目的规模无与伦比。”

    "The project is unique in its scope," said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History.


  • 下面为您展示其中一些照片美国自然历史博物馆研究员威廉·利奥·史密斯拍摄的。

    Here are a few of them, photographed by William Leo Smith of the American Museum of Natural History.


  • 在六年前有一研究证实许多游客对该博物馆已经厌倦了

    But six years ago, a study confirmed what many visitors already knew.


  • 为了回答这个问题还是研究关于什么博物馆

    To answer this question I start my investigation with the definition of a museum.


  • 美国史密森研究国家自然历史博物馆北极研究项目主任William Fitzhugh:“绝对一个独特重要地点。”

    William Fitzhugh, Arctic studies director at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, said: ‘This is definitely a unique and important site.’


  • 由于词源学没有博物馆甚至也没有什么研究中心词典也很少这等细节纠缠在这里说明情况必要的。

    Since there is no museum of etymology or even a center for it and since dictionaries rarely dwell on such details, a post to explain the situation is needed.


  • 由于词源学没有博物馆甚至也没有什么研究中心词典也很少这等细节纠缠在这里说明情况必要的。

    Since there is no museum of etymology or even a center for it and since dictionaries rarely dwell on such details, a post to explain the situation is needed.


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