• 不过博物馆广场举行贡献致敬典礼

    There will be a tribute ceremony at Museum Square, however.


  • 人们聚集东莞人类博物馆广场等待着开幕典礼

    Crowds gathered for the opening ceremony at the Humen Museum Square in Dongguan.


  • 广场建筑一部分,也尽可能多博物馆广场的一部分。

    The square is part of the building as much as it is a part of the Museumplein.


  • 这种限制很明显能够博物馆方向转动到朝向博物馆广场

    This restriction had the obvious ability of turn the orientation of the new museum toward the Museumplein.


  • Milram马蒂亚斯·背离博物馆广场阿姆斯特丹5月8日个人计时赛

    Team Milram's Matthias Russ departs from Museum Square for the individual time trial in Amsterdam May 8.


  • 为了确保博物馆广场可用空间不会过度建设,而是代替南面的入口广场旋转方向被最佳利用的。

    To make sure that the available space at the Museumplein would not be overbuild, but instead was appropriated as an entrance plaza to the south, the rotated orientation is optimally exploited.


  • 现存建筑将会——不变——盛开,同时,伴随着博物馆广场方向,在个新建筑的屋檐开始新的生活

    The existing building will be - untouched - in full glory, but at the same time begin a new life, with the new orientation at the Museumplein, under one roof with the new building.


  • 阿姆斯特丹市官员队员乘船市内河道上游行,聚集在岸边球迷一睹球员风采的机会,之后球员会在博物馆广场出席欢迎仪式。

    City officials say the players will tour Amsterdam's canals in a boat, allowing fans to gather along the Banks to see the players, before a reception in Museum Square.


  • ParkHotel酒店位于阿姆斯特丹中心,坐落Leidseplein广场Museumplein博物馆广场时尚之间

    Park Hotel is situated in the heart of Amsterdam, between the Leidse Square, the Museum Square and the fashion district.


  • 首先卢浮宫著名的藏品——《蒙娜丽莎《断臂的维纳斯》,如果赶上日落,还可以看到博物馆广场上的玻璃金字塔夕阳下绽放光芒。

    Begin with the Musée du Louvre's most famous residents, the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo, and catch the glittering glass pyramid in the museum's plaza at sunset, if you can.


  • 那里气候西班牙北部其他地方温和宜人,同时,那儿许多很棒的博物馆别致的广场

    The climate is normally milder than in other parts of Spain's north, and it has a number of great museums and picturesque plazas.


  • 这些交易里包括布鲁克林大桥自由女神像、格兰特麦迪逊花园广场大都会艺术博物馆

    Among his offerings were the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Grant's Tomb, Madison Square Garden and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  • 罗素广场伦敦大桥参观了伦敦眼国家博物馆

    I went to Russell Square, London Bridge, and I saw the London Eye and the National Museum.


  • 国家健康博物馆雄心勃勃地希望2012年之前能够华盛顿国家广场占据一席之地。不过眼下只是一个缺钱少粮的新机构

    The National Health Museum has grand plans to occupy a spot on the National Mall in Washington by 2012, but for now it's a fledgling institution with little money.


  • 甚至人流感觉烦躁不安的时侯,也发现人民广场不可避免地成为一个地铁枢纽,四周有迷人博物馆炫目大酒店一流景观许多文化场景

    But even if you are twitchy with crowds, you will find the square an unavoidable tangle of metro interchange, intriguing museums, dazzling hotels, top vistas and cultural venues.


  • 哈瓦那旧城必须去迷人广场街边市场还有博物馆直接回到20世纪50年代

    La Habana Vieja is a must-see maze of charming plazas, street markets, and museums that will take you straight back to the 1950s.


  • 华盛顿特区国家广场视角看1972年12月正在建设中的国家航空航天博物馆场景。

    A view of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., shows construction of the current National Air and Space Museum building underway in December 1972.


  • 位于市中心人民广场上海博物馆是国内外著名中国古代艺术博物馆

    Situated in the downtown's people square, the world-famous shanghai museum features very gorgeous ancient chinese art.


  • 首都广场硕大空间世界上最大博物馆——史密森博物馆院的各种博物馆划分开来。

    The immense open space of the Mall is marked off by the various museums of the Smithsonian Institution, the largest cluster of museums in the world.


  • 屋顶其余部分覆盖草坪其中一部分屋顶可以通过斜坡过渡博物馆标志性雕塑中间的圆形广场

    Grass will cover the remainder of the roof, including portions that will slope down to a circular plaza between the museum and the landmark.


  • 参观者经过栋建筑物广场进入博物馆

    Visitors to the museums enter via the plaza between the two buildings.


  • 陌生人觉得你们可以参观博物馆,那里值得。你们可以改天再去广场

    Stranger: I think you can go to visit the museum. it's worth seeing. You can go to the square some other time.


  • 走过广场到达博物馆

    I walked across the square to the museum.


  • 如果到了人民广场游览,你可以看到周边的著名建筑上海大剧院上海博物馆

    If you visit People's Square, you can also see famous building around it, such as the Shanghai Guand Theatre and the Shanghai Museum.


  • 广场中的其他博物馆他们主题必须处理历史冲突但是没有一个的可以这个一般优雅

    Other museums on the Mall have had to address conflicted histories in their subjects, but none has done so with such grace.


  • 回到地面一个宽阔公共广场延伸至圆顶下面通过地面大楼,将博物馆LACMA校园城市连接

    While back on ground level, a wide public piazza will stretch underneath the dome and through the ground floor of the building, connecting the museum to the LACMA campus and the city.


  • 回到地面一个宽阔公共广场延伸至圆顶下面通过地面大楼,将博物馆LACMA校园城市连接

    While back on ground level, a wide public piazza will stretch underneath the dome and through the ground floor of the building, connecting the museum to the LACMA campus and the city.


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