• 人们有时会用笑话来讽刺博主可以一点都惭愧我很享受计划、研究写作维护博客的过程。

    People make jokes about bloggers like this one but I'm not ashamed to say I actually enjoy planning, researching, writing and maintaining my blog.


  • 维护一个博客乐趣有一半在于可以扩大自己的网络

    Half the fun of maintaining a blog is reaching out to your network.


  • 即使每天多余30分钟足够每天进行身体锻炼读书维护博客冥想健康饭菜学习一门乐器等等

    Even an extra 30 minutes per day is enough to exercise daily, read a book or two each month, maintain a blog, meditate daily, cook healthy food, learn a musical instrument, etc.


  • 没有个热情洋溢知识丰富并且懂得维护客户关系员工充当公司博客作者。

    Has no employee with genuine passion, expertise, and customer relation skills, to act as the company's blogger.


  • 如果站点简单个人公司站点,主要用来提供博客需要维护大型文档在网上销售商品,那么应该考虑WordPress

    If you have a simple personal or company site that would primarily be used for blogging and where you don't need to maintain a large library of documents or make sales online, consider WordPress.


  • 这样清单很快称为weblogblog(博客),维护这样的blog的人被称为blogger

    Such lists were quickly described as weblogs, or blogs, and users maintaining such blogs were called bloggers.


  • 来自布鲁克林Liz Gumbinner在悉心维护博客里表达自己的心声——所以不要从sanctimommy推荐才开始了解她。

    Brooklyn's Liz Gumbinner speaks her mind through her superbly written blog — just don't get her started on the sanctimommy trend.


  • 博客建立起来其他找到博客列出你地址并且维护页面使得你的名字信息保持在搜索结果的前端。

    Once your blog is up and running, address the points you found on other blogs and maintain pages that get your name and message up on top of the search results.


  • 博客极端企业博客。它一个团体比如广播电台或者音像商店来负责维护

    And then at the other extreme, there's the corporate blog, maintained by an institution, such as a radio station or a music store.


  • 每个博客通常一个擅长特定领域维护,博定期更新博客

    Each blog is typically maintained by an individual who has expertise in a specific area, and the blogger updates it regularly.


  • 连线杂志的威胁级别博客网站明显缺少维护

    In its Threat Level blog, Wired wrote the site was apparently falling into disrepair.


  • 虽然沃伦维护巨大秘密档案选择每周一次博客帖子一个的集合。

    Though Warren maintains a huge archive of the secrets, he chooses from a much smaller collection for his weekly blog post.


  • Technorati一个Web站点维护关于博客发布文章信息

    Technorati is a Web site that maintains information about articles published in the blogosphere.


  • WordPress 提供一个内置的用户注册系统可以允许用户注册维护个人信息允许经过身份验证的用户博客发表评论

    WordPress has a built-in user registration system that (if you choose) can allow people to register and maintain profiles and leave authenticated comments on your blog.


  • 维护博客可是个耐力活:2008年,搜索引擎technorati收录了博客超过1亿,而个月内更新博客低于10%。

    Maintaining a blog takes stamina: of the more than 100 million blogs surveyed by the search engine Technorati in 2008, fewer than 10 percent had been updated in the previous four months.


  • 数以万计的人维护属于自己的不同博客而每博客又关注着不同的话题。

    Many peoplemaintain several different blogs, each one focused on a differentsubject.


  • 对于认真博客作者或者站点管理者需要一些站点维护任务跟上的站点,适应软件中的变化广告以及时代

    For the serious blogger or website administrator, there are some site maintenance tasks you should do to keep up with your site, changes in software, advertising, and The Times.


  • 花费博客时间完全可以用于进行学术论文出版或是提供咨询以收取咨询费,DeLong先生利用广告费弥补维护每天需要接待20,000人次访问的服务器费用

    Mr DeLong caps his blogging at 90 minutes a day. His only blog revenue comes from selling advertising links to help cover the cost of his servers, which handle more than 20,000 visitors daily.


  • 例如德国进行博客写作维护的人数只有3%;在法国,这个百分数则达到了12%。

    In Germany, for example, only 3 percent have written or maintained a blog while in France the percentage is 12 percent.


  • 一些优势利用这个系统但是如果善于创造维护博客那么为什么条路

    There are some advantages to using this system, however if you are good at creating and maintaining blogs, then why go this route?


  • 获得支付创建维护博客网站

    You will get paid for creating and maintaining blogs on the site.


  • 了解如何使用而无需改变任何核心代码自定义插件主题检索数据维护安全,使用社会媒体修改博客

    Learn how to use custom plugins and themes, retrieve data, maintain security, use social media, and modify your blog without changing any core code.


  • 这家日本衣服连锁品牌官网博客呼吁消费者遵守社会公德维护社会正义,正确妥善使用试衣间”。

    The Japanese clothing chain posted a statement on its website and blog asking customers to "abide by social moral standards, maintain social justice, and use the fitting rooms properly. ""


  • 作为教学环境博客存在不足,博客空间有限,上传文件类型受限,有时不稳定维护整理博客投入精力大

    The blog, as a new teaching environment, also has shortcomings such as limitation of its space and uploading file types, instability and so on.


  • 作为教学环境博客存在不足,博客空间有限,上传文件类型受限,有时不稳定维护整理博客投入精力大

    The blog, as a new teaching environment, also has shortcomings such as limitation of its space and uploading file types, instability and so on.


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