• 丑陋外星人入侵南非,聚集约翰内斯堡附近使当地居民感到非常厌烦。

    Ugly aliens invade South Africa and are herded into a slum near Johannesburg, to the disgust of local residents.


  • 感谢南非芭蕾剧院拓展计划如今约翰内斯堡亚历山德拉黑人孩子每周能上芭蕾,而以前他们难得看到芭蕾舞

    Once a rarity for black children, ballet classes are now a treat three times a week in Johannesburg's Alexandra township, thanks to an outreach program of the South African ballet Theatre.


  • 总部设在南非约翰内斯堡泛非资本持有公司的负责人纳库是因为非洲地区的银行没有美国欧洲地区银行那样,从事各种高风险借贷

    The head of Pan-African Capital Holdings in Johannesburg, Wiseman Nkuhlu, says this is because African Banks have not engaged in high-risk lending as seen in the United States and Europe.


  • 架巨型外星飞船悬停南非约翰内斯堡上空一动不动,长达二十年之久。

    A huge alien ship has hovered, motionless, over the skies of Johannesburg, South Africa, for two decades.


  • 居住在约翰内斯堡西北9英里外迪普·斯罗特镇迪亚尼·查基斯则表示憎恨外国人的理由这些人偷走了南非漂亮女人

    Tiyani Tsakisi of Diepsloot, which is located 9 miles northwest of Johannesburg, says he hates foreigners for stealing South Africa's beautiful girls and women.


  • 读者可能猜想位居南回归线以南近100英里(160公里南非商业首都约翰内斯堡一年四季沐浴热带高温之中。

    SITUATED barely 100 miles (160km) south of the Tropic of Capricorn, you might expect Johannesburg, South Africa's commercial capital, to be bathed in tropical heat all the year round.


  • 约翰内斯堡中心商业区以南12英里卡托洪(Katlehongtownship,卡贝洛·古梅德表示,越来越多的外国人来到南非,这导致了失业

    Kabelo Gumede of Katlehong township, located some 12 miles south of Johannesburg Central Business District (CBD), says he is fed up of foreign nationals coming to South Africa to make him jobless.


  • 南非途中负责照顾此人的一名救护人员9月27约翰内斯堡医院就医,102于医院。

    On 27 September, the paramedic who cared for the index case during her evacuation to South Africa was admitted to hospital in Johannesburg where he died on 2 October.


  • 世界献血首次于2004年6月14日举办南非国家血液服务机构约翰内斯堡主办国际启动

    World Blood Donor Day was held for the first time on 14 June 2004, with an international launch in Johannesburg hosted by the South African national Blood Service.


  • 星期五大约九万名球迷涌入约翰内斯堡新近整修足球城体育场,他们当中大多身穿代表着南非国家队绿相间的衣着。

    About 90,000 fans mostly dressed in South Africa's team colors of yellow and green, packed into the newly refurbished Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg on Friday.


  • 我们在上面展示小的装饰品:小自行车饮料罐的,是John南非的时候再约翰内斯堡跳蚤市场发现的。

    Shown here is a metal bike made from a soda can found on John's trip to South Africa at a Johannesburg flea market.


  • 我们上面展示小的装饰品:小自行车饮料罐做的,是John南非时候约翰内斯堡跳蚤市场发现的。

    We rotate trinkets and decorative objects on the mantle; shown here is a metal bike made from a soda can found on John's trip to South Africa at a Johannesburg flea market.


  • 西班牙队上周日约翰内斯堡足球城以1比0击败荷兰队,赢得南非世界杯足球赛冠军。以下法新社评选出的本届世界杯最佳阵容。

    AFP's team of the tournament for the 2010 World Cup, which concluded on Sunday when Spain beat the Netherlands 1-0 in the final at Soccer City in Johannesburg.


  • 约翰内斯堡医院感染控制约翰内斯堡南非

    Johannesburg Hospital. Infection Control Department.


  • 太阳城南非一个豪华娱乐度假胜地位于南非西北接近勒斯腾堡,毗邻兰斯堡国家公园,距离约翰内斯堡两个小时车程

    Sun City is a luxury South Africancasino resort, situated in the North West Province of South Africa. It is located about two hours' drive from Johannesburg, near the city of Rustenburg.


  • 她们上周末来到了堪称南非经济之都的约翰内斯堡踢球美国之行募集资金

    They came to South Africa's business capital last weekend to play in a tournament to raise money for their trip to America.


  • 据悉,架飞机南非约翰内斯堡飞抵的黎波里机场

    The Libyan plane was flying from the South African city of Johannesburg to Tripoli when the accident happened.


  • 当天晚上,澳航南非约翰内斯堡飞往悉尼波音747客机起飞不久,因引擎吸入飞鸟,不得不返回出发地。 机上共有171人。

    In the latest incident, a Boeing 747 carrying 171 passengers bound for Sydney turned back to Johannesburg after a bird slammed into one of the jumbo's engines shortly after takeoff late Tuesday.


  • 约翰内斯堡南非(CNN)—漫步约翰内斯堡我家小区附近商业街,你会被这里多异乎寻常的家居震惊

    Johannesburg, South Africa (CNN) - Strolling around my neighborhood high street in Johannesburg, one is struck by a disproportionate number of decor shops.


  • 南非的经济首都约翰内斯堡面临着类似的问题

    Johannesburg, South Africa's business capital, is facing similar problems.


  • 一个家庭友好下午约翰内斯堡动物园进入南非历史国家博物馆军事历史或种族隔离博物馆。

    Spend a family-friendly afternoon at Johannesburg Zoo or dive into South African history at the National Museum of Military History or the Apartheid Museum.


  • 约翰内斯堡消息——南非星期三开始了种族隔离制度废除后以来,竞争最为激烈选举南非选民排队3小时只为投票

    JOHANNESBURG -- South African voters stood in line for hours Wednesday to cast their ballots in the most competitive election since the first postapartheid vote.


  • 科尔先生这些照片是一悲惨的图像记载曾经种族隔离南非被禁现在则陈列约翰内斯堡美术馆(Johannesburg Art Gallery)。

    Mr. Cole’s photographs, a harrowing pictorial record once banned in apartheid South Africa, are being displayed at the Johannesburg Art Gallery.


  • 坦博机场(o.r .Tambo)是南非主要国际机场,那儿的旅客可以乘坐非洲第一条高铁线——Gautrain高(上图)到达约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)。

    Visitors arriving at O.R. Tambo, the main international airport, will be whisked into Johannesburg by the Gautrain, Africa's first high-speed rail link (pictured above).


  • 在世卫组织美国疾病预防控制中心的支持南非医学研究理事会主办的耐结核专家协商会于9月7-8日约翰内斯堡举行

    The Expert Consultation on Drug Resistant TB, hosted by the South African Medical Research Council with support from WHO and CDC, takes place in Johannesburg, 7-8 September.


  • 国际足联秘书长杰罗姆·瓦尔克(JérômeValcke出现这个问题进行道歉同时要求南非警察约翰内斯堡的骚动人群进行控制

    The Fifa secretary general, Jérôme Valcke, issued an apology over the problems as police were required to control the crowds in Johannesburg.


  • 南非城市约翰内斯堡有个专为艾滋病毒携带者而设立园艺项目,艾滋病毒是能导致艾滋病

    A garden project in the South African city of Johannesburg targets people who have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.


  • 塞隆纳祖籍南非约翰内斯堡金山大学获得商学学士学位MBA荣誉学位。

    A native of South Africa, Saloner received a BCom (bachelor of commerce) and MBA (with distinction) from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.


  • 塞隆纳祖籍南非约翰内斯堡金山大学获得商学学士学位MBA荣誉学位。

    A native of South Africa, Saloner received a BCom (bachelor of commerce) and MBA (with distinction) from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.


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