• 知道现在南极曾经南美大陆澳大利亚大陆是接壤的。

    We know that what we now call Antarctica was once connected to both South America and Australia.


  • 南美大陆昆虫偏向叮咬哺乳动物加拉帕戈斯它们习惯吸取爬行动物血液

    On the mainland of South America, the insects prefer to bite mammals but they have adapted their behaviour to favour reptile blood on the Galapagos.


  • 渔船灯光非常密集可以清清楚楚地勾勒出南美大陆外部轮廓以及整个亚洲海域的轮廓。

    These lights can be so dense that they visibly can be so dense that they visibly outline the outer part of the South American continental shelf and entire seas in Asia.


  • 因此南美外海岛上鸟类植物与南美大陆的鸟类和植物很相似;非洲附近的岛屿繁衍辨识非洲生命形式

    So: birds and bushes on islands off the coast of South America resemble South American birds and bushes; islands near Africa are populated by recognizably African forms.


  • 厄瓜多尔南美一个绝佳概览;整个大陆缩影

    Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature.


  • 位于南美大陆,流经包括巴西、委内瑞拉、玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔在内的几个国家。

    It is located in the continent of South America and flows through several countries including Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador.


  • 雨林整个大陆水循环系统有效调节TEEB对其在南美农业总产值贡献估价为1亿-3亿美元。

    TEEB puts the rainforest’s contribution to South America’s agricultural output, through regulating the continental water cycle, at $1 billion-3 billion.


  • 艾斯圭尔位于接近南美大陆点、贫穷人烟稀少丘布省内,矿物探勘合约涵盖了该省近三百二十万的土地。

    About 3.2 million acres already are under contract for mineral exploration in poor and sparsely settled Chubut Province, where Esquel is, near the southern tip of South America.


  • 哥伦布又在1492年1503年之间进行了三新世界探寻航行-探索加勒比地区和南美大陆

    Columbus was to make three more voyages to the New World, between 1492 and 1503, exploring the area of the Caribbean and the mainland of Central and South America.


  • 然而,有关“蛙”的最新发现表明马达加斯加南美之间曾经由大陆连接,直到恐龙时代后期消失。

    However, the giant frog finding suggests that a land bridge between Madagascar and South America remained until late into the dinosaur age.


  • 杜尔科南美单打双打方面的头号球员事实上也是所在的大陆唯一一名单打双打都150强内的球员(单打52,双打第4)。

    Dulko is South America's No.1 in player in both singles and doubles - in fact she is her continent's only Top 150 player in either discipline (No.52 in singles, No.4 in doubles).


  • 首先,环南极洋流一支——马尔维纳斯寒流向流动流经南美大陆边缘

    First, the chilly Malvinas Current, a north-flowing branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, flows north along the edge of the South American continental shelf.


  • 主要由于南美地球重新排列的各大陆中有了新的位置

    This was primarily due to its new location in Earth's newly arranged continents.


  • 习以为常的这种地图更多地是以西方为中心,它拉伸两极附近大陆大小非洲南美实际上要大得多

    The map you're used to is more Western-focused and stretches out the size of continents near the poles. Africa and South America are actually way bigger.


  • 北美大陆一部分会随着南美滚动,预期马德里调整之前使北美大陆处在痛苦的弓形压力之下。

    This portion of the N American continent moves in concert with the S American roll, putting the N American continent under an excruciating bow stress prior to its anticipated New Madrid adjustment.


  • 南极洲倾斜而且注定会,在南美南非尖端之间起来制造出新的大陆正如我们一直预测的。

    The Antarctic Plate is tilting, and is destined, as we have long predicted, to pop up between the tips of s America and s Africa, creating new land.


  • 南美球队开始就准备在这个大陆举行夺冠庆典,但是紧接着欧洲球队通过轮比赛使夺冠之梦化为泡影。

    What began as a celebration of this continent, then turned into a South American fiesta for two rounds, finishes off with one European country discarding its also-ran label.


  • 哥伦布又航行了好几前往所谓大陆看到了南美海岸牙买加

    Columbus made several other trips to what was called the New World. He saw the coast of South America and the island of Jamaica.


  • 抑或其他任何大陆能够实力挑战强大的南美球队吗?

    Or does any other continent have the strength to see off the challenge from a strong South American group?


  • 直到非洲南美发现几乎完全同类动物化石,科学家接受大陆漂移假说

    The scientists didn't accept the hypothesis of continental drift until almost identical fossils of animals were found both on Africa and South America.


  • 1907年5月24日,南美大陆末端巴塔哥尼亚南部地区

    It is May 24, 1907, in southern Patagonia at the end of the south American subcontinent.


  • 南美的东海岸可以非常容易地被镶嵌非洲西海岸或者欧亚大陆非洲也许曾经连接在一起

    You can see how the east coast of South America might easily have fit right into Africa's west coast, (3) or how Eurasia and Africa might once have been joined together.


  • 他们现在发现世界各地包括美国加拿大英国澳大利亚欧洲大陆南美(特别是巴西),土地来源中东

    They are now found worldwide, including the United States and Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, continental Europe, South America (especially Brazil), and its land of origin, the Middle East.


  • 卫星图片地球月球中的大陆北美洲南美右边非洲一部分

    Satellite PIC: the earth and the moon. the mainland in the diagram is North America and South America, the right side is African one part.


  • 库克第一次航行未能证明新西兰南美之间南极附近不存在

    Cook's first voyage did not disprove claims of a huge 17 landmass near the South Pole between New Zealand and South America.


  • 库克第一次航行未能证明新西兰南美之间南极附近不存在

    Cook's first voyage did not disprove claims of a huge 17 landmass near the South Pole between New Zealand and South America.


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