• 俄罗斯远东地区城市拉贝特南吉附近一个宰场,养驯鹿人们挑选一个“受害者”。 。

    Thee abattoir near Labytnangi city in Yamal Peninsula. The reindeer-breeders are choosing the next victim.


  • 研究了自合成纳米二氧化硅填充胶料的物理特性加工性能动态力学性能南吉沉淀法二氧化硅进行了对比

    The physical character, processability and dynamic mechanic property of synthetic nanometer SiO2 were investigated and compared with that of precipitated SiO2. Part Three.


  • 我看到宇航员恩·塞尔在月球上行走时,我告诉自己:“我想成为一名宇航员。”

    When I saw astronaut Gene Cernan walking on the Moon, I told myself, "I want to be an astronaut."


  • 其它病例发生尼罗河·福尔、科尔多凡、卡萨拉红海阿尔·齐拉尼罗河。

    The remaining cases have occurred in White Nile, South Darfur, South Kordofan, Kassala, red Sea, al Gezira and River Nile.


  • 座巴拉塑像一边,巴拉印度受人尊崇女神,懒懒的坐在紧贴吧台的角落里,品味当地闻名的特色类的食物

    A small statue of Balaji, a deity worshiped in southern India, sat snugly on the counter. And the food was rich with the crepe-like dosas for which the region is known.


  • 想法诀窍当然就在于造出内特号结实的船,于是1891年,聘请出色的挪威籍苏格兰海军设计师柯林·阿奇尔负责这件

    The trick, of course, was to build a boat far tougher than the Jeannette, and in 1891 Nansen hired a brilliant Norwegian naval architect of Scottish descent named Colin Archer to do just that.


  • 公司社会上布斯女士,在女儿学校儿科大夫那里,我是夫人那些2岁起认识我的人那里我小姐

    At work and out in the world, I'm Ms. Gibbs; at my daughters' school and the pediatrician, I am Mrs. May; to a few people who've known me since I was 2, Miss Nancy.


  • 北狮主要以娱乐为目的,源于广州具有象征意义在舞狮活动中寄托着民众消灾除害、纳福美好意愿。

    Southern lion dancing, which originated in Guangzhou, is more symbolic. It is usually performed as a ceremony to scare away evil spirits and to summon good luck and fortune.


  • 即便风力发电场建成之前大西洋风能网也能尼亚成本的电能输送新泽西昂贵能源市场

    Even before wind farms are constructed, the AWC would ferry cheaper power from southern Virginia to expensive energy markets in New Jersey.


  • 他们育有孩子凯茜沃尔特·克朗凯特(芯片)凯兰特三。

    They had three children, Nancy, Kathy and Walter L. "Chip" Cronkite III.


  • ——作家捷克顿,尼亚,卡罗莱加利福尼亚餐馆呆了

    Former waiter Jake Blanton, who spent ten years in restaurants in Virginia, North Carolina, and California.


  • 先前八月战争逃离奥塞梯3万格鲁现在回迁格鲁亚地区成片的难民营里。

    The first of some 30,000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 先前八月战争逃离奥塞梯3万格鲁现在回迁格鲁亚地区成片的难民营里。

    The first of some 30, 000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 6月9日迪丹查理斯·约翰逊兄弟爱德华·约翰逊,杰拉尔丁·约翰逊,格伦·约翰逊,奥克·塔维娅埃尔朱厄妮塔·门德斯一起下来告诉他们他们哥哥英雄故事

    Dingee sat down with Charles Johnson's siblings Edward Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Glenn Johnson, Octavia Hernandez and Juanita Mendez on June 9 to tell them the story of their brother's heroism.


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里安·布坎约姆-黑格儿,查尔斯·皮戈特,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,阿尔佩托-贝拉尔迪德维尔潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 石膏矿床位于泰和县盆地目前赣中早禾凹陷发现唯一石膏矿床。

    Nankeng Gypsum Deposit is located at Jitai basin, Taihe county area in south Jiangxi, which is the unique one found in Zaohe depression.


  • -地区我国典型太古花岗岩-绿岩带出露区之一。

    The region between northern Liaoning Province and southern Jilin Province is one of the typical Archean granite-greenstone belts.


  • 该片改编自普利策奖获得者·的小说《解药》。

    The film is inspired by the book "the Cure" by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Geeta Anand.


  • 本文通过实例介绍玄武岩覆盖水化学异常查证化探工作方法

    With practical examples, the present paper has expounded the geochemical prospecting method for investigating and verifying hydrochemical anomalies in the basalt-covered area of southern Jilin.


  • 时代周刊》主编希·布斯今年评选简单。

    Time managing editor Nancy Gibbs said that the decision this year was easy.


  • 山赛美蓉霞多丽白诗干白葡萄酒既有新鲜水果浓郁芬芳,又有清幽的柠檬、酸橙猕猴桃的芳香。

    This Ranger Hill Semillon Chardonnay Chenin Blanc displays intense aromas of fresh fruit which are complemented by hints of lemon, lime and kiwifruit.


  • -地区历经燕山、喜山运动形成一系列成排成带展布的背斜、断鼻复杂构造圈闭

    Wenjisang - Wennan area had experienced Yanshan and Himalayan movement, and resulted in a series of complicated structural traps such as faulted anticline and faulted nose, etc.


  • 样子哨北缘石道河镇一带,于元古代层间存在—脆性滑覆断层

    There occurs ductile-brittle gliding-nappe faults in the Proterozoic, new and old cap rocks on the north margin of the depression in the Shidaohe area, Yangzhishao, southern part of Jilin Province.


  • 俘虏提到佩德罗·拉尔这个名字时,费尔几个同伴一眼三个会意地笑了一下

    The instant the captive mentioned the name of Don Pedro de Aguilar, Don Fernando looked at his companions and they all three smiled;


  • 一个最好几个景点包括半岛周围地区-直接Dempasar库塔(海滩),梦境,乌鲁·瓦图巴东巴东

    A few of the best spots include the area around Bukit Peninsular - directly south from Dempasar, Kuta (Beach), Dreamland, Uluwatu or Padang Padang.


  • 一个最好几个景点包括半岛周围地区-直接Dempasar库塔(海滩),梦境,乌鲁·瓦图巴东巴东

    A few of the best spots include the area around Bukit Peninsular - directly south from Dempasar, Kuta (Beach), Dreamland, Uluwatu or Padang Padang.


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