• 萧红故居坐落县城偏僻南二

    Xiao Hong's former residence was situated at the South Second Street located on the secluded corner of this county town.


  • 企鹅企鹅第二种类,它们大洋特定孤岛繁殖那里没有冰层覆盖很容易进入大海

    King penguins are the second-largest type of penguin and only breed on specific isolated islands in the Southern Ocean where there is no ice cover and easy access to the sea.


  • 大多数科学家认为地猿卡达巴只不过地猿始祖种个“年代种(chronospecies)”,二者之间存在的某种亲缘关系就如同南猿湖畔种与南阿法种之间的相互联系:同一基本方案的一个较早期版本。

    kadabba to be a "chronospecies" of Ar. ramidus, bearing the same relationship to it that Au.


  • 第二架飞机撞上世贸塔时正在电视实况

    I watched on television as the second plane smashed into the South Tower.


  • 这些二氧化硫气候具有致冷效应清除这种效应使北大西洋相对大西洋海洋表面温度增加

    These have a cooling effect on the climate, and removing this effect will increase the sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic relative to the South Atlantic.


  • 然而七月21号星期二没有人唱衰伯南克国会这种看似乐观陈述

    Yet there was no denying the upbeat tone of Ben Bernanke’s testimony to Congress on Tuesday July 21st.


  • 第二架飞机撞上世贸中心

    The second plane flies into the south tower.


  • 最严重地震碰撞发生在康赛普西翁(智利第二大城市还有遥远胡安 费尔南德斯群岛海岸两边一系列小镇村庄

    Worst hit were a string of towns and villages on the coast either side of Concepción, the country’s second city, as well as the remote Juan Fernández islands.


  • 四月二日发生罗南·科尔谋杀案地点而显得特别受关注:奥玛附近。1998年在这里颗炸弹杀死了29个人

    The murder of Ronan Kerr on April 2nd was especially resonant because of its location: near the County Tyrone town of Omagh, where in 1998 a bomb killed 29 people.


  • 乔治亚岛第二自相矛盾之处极端易变的天气

    The second paradox of South Georgia is the crazy changeability of its weather.


  • 阿根廷地区疫情感染最为严重国家,其猪流感死亡病例全球排行第二(紧随美国之后),南锥国家70%的猪流感死亡病例都来自这个国家。

    The most affected country in the Southern Cone is Argentina, with the second-highest number of swine-flu-related deaths in the world (after the US) and 70% of the deaths in the Southern Cone.


  • 周二伯南克提问虽则是杰米·戴蒙说,花旗银行美国银行富国银行以及其他许多机构同僚也同样期待这个问题的答案。

    Jamie Dimon was the one who questioned Bernanke Tuesday, but it's a safe bet that his peers at Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and plenty of others are looking for answers too.


  • 巴拉圭当成自己第二祖国。”巴西臭名昭著毒枭,费尔·南迪·尼奥·贝尔马,2003年逃出警局,接受菲格雷多电话采访时说。

    "I consider Paraguay my second fatherland," Brazil's most notorious drug Lord, Fernandinho Beir-Mar, told Figueredo in a 2003 phone interview while he was on the run from police.


  • 然而第二早些时候,很明显拉姆号是不能到达北极了,为了实现目标南森不得不踏上冰面雪橇向北极进发。

    Early in the second year, however, it became apparent that Fram would not reach the Pole. To achieve his goal, Nansen would have to get out on the ice with sleds and dogs and make a dash for it.


  • 联赛第二弗格森更情愿使用维尔·贝克搭档鲁尼而且换人时候换上的上赛季引进埃尔南德斯

    For the second week running Ferguson preferred to partner Rooney with Welbeck and this time, when the substitutions were made, it was Javier hernandez who was introduced.


  • 那天已经下班时间了跑着最后,因为二月的一很冷,所以车上一个人都没有,我们刚刚离开费尔南多大教堂返回阿拉莫。

    It was near closing time and I was driving back from my last tour of the day. It was a cool February day, and there wasn't anyone on my bus, I was on my way back from the San Fernando Catholic church.


  • 布莱南先生计划第二方面寻求公司新兴经济国家的业务增长尤其是阿斯特捷利康运作良好中国

    The second aspect of Mr Brennan’s plan is to pursue growth in big emerging markets, especially China, where AstraZeneca is doing well.


  • 尼日尔家禽经证实发生致病性H5N1禽流感,表明病毒传播撒哈拉非洲第二国家

    Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza has been confirmed in poultry in Niger, marking spread of the virus to a second country in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 伯南克周二指出美国持续贸易赤字以及最近恶化的贸易条件足够成为美元贬值理由

    Mr Bernanke noted Tuesday that the America's persistent trade deficit and the recent deterioration in its terms of trade were reason enough for the dollar to fall.


  • 二月已然成为了冰川突出部分,东南极冰盖延伸大洋

    Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.


  • 杂志称赞伯南克使美国免于陷入第二次萧条

    The magazine credited Bernanke with saving the United States from a second Great Depression.


  • 上午9:04,发出信息,撞上飞机机身导致了引起了第二爆炸——其实第二次是撞南塔上。

    A message sent at 9.04am said that the fuselage of the first plane at the north tower had caused a second explosion - misinterpreting the second strike at the south tower.


  • 第二深化南南经济技术合作

    Second, to deepen South-South economic and technological cooperation.


  • 荷兰小镇半岛一分为二,小镇北部机场南部通过座大桥和邻近的城镇相连

    The town of Dutch Harbor is split between two peninsulas; a northern part that is south of the airport, and a southern part, which is connected to its neighbor by a bridge.


  • 还行,二月日的晚上收到第一电话涉及到费南肚.腮喀,一个智利的副参赞。

    Anyway, on the night ofFebruary ninth, the first call I got concerned Fernando Conseca, the Chileanvice-consul.


  • 组成冬季六边形毕宿五、五车二、北河二(北河三)、南河三、参宿七和天狼星

    The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius.


  • 组成冬季六边形毕宿五、五车二、北河二(北河三)、南河三、参宿七和天狼星

    The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius.


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