• 罗湖口岸、深圳火车站

    Lo Wu control point south of Shenzhen Railway Station.


  • 加里·福尼亚东面群山沙漠世界最佳旅游资源。

    With mountains to the east and deserts to the south, California has the best of all worlds.


  • 安泽接壤,西洪洞相邻,接沁源霍州浮山

    Anze bordering the east and the west and adjacent Hongtong north Qinyuan, Huozhou, south Fushan, Linfen.


  • 沿着圣胡安城墙几步就到了画廊酒店北面加勒比海老城区。

    The Gallery Inn begins a few steps from the ancient wall of Old San Juan, overlooking the Caribbean Sea to the North and the glimmering city to the South.


  • 山东省渤海湾黄海西连河江苏西北河北交界。

    Shandong borders the Bohai Bay to the north, Hebei to the northwest, Henan to the west, Jiangsu to the south, and the Yellow Sea to the southeast;


  • 东频黄海长江上海市隔江相望誉为“江海明珠风水宝地”。

    With the Yellow Sea to the south and Shanghai across the Yangtze River, it is known as "Rivers and Seas Pearl, Geomantic Treasure Land".


  • 幼儿园位于青岛居住区紧邻东海路、海口海兴路,1.7公里天然海岸线浮山。

    The preschool is located in the wheat island residential area of Qingdao, close to Donghai Road, Haikou Road and Haixing Road, 1.7 km south from the natural coastline, north at Fushan.


  • 门前文化广场望新华书店和平路商贸一条街位置优越、交通便利、环境优美地势开阔

    Cultural Square in front of for the city, Xinhua Bookstore north, the south road of peace-commerce street location convenient transportation and beautiful environment, open terrain.


  • 新华路火车站、长途汽车站附近30多条公交线路交通区位甚为优越,地理位置得天独厚

    Xinhua Road to the north, the south train station, bus station, near there is more than 30 bus lines, traffic location is superior, unique geographical location.


  • 公司坐落焦作市马村宝丰工业园区世界地质公园云台山,高速公路交通极其便利

    The company is located in Jiaozuo City, Village, Ma Fung Industrial Park, north Yuntaishan world geological park, south of Cheng - coke - Jin Expressway, the traffic is extremely convenient.


  • 公司位于美丽海滨城市烟台莱山区胜泉工业园内烟台港烟台机场,风景秀丽气候宜人交通便利

    Company is located in the beautiful coastal city of Yantai Laishan Quan-Sheng Industrial Park, Yantai north, south Yantai Airport, beautiful scenery and pleasant climate and convenient transportation.


  • 工程位于大连软件园区中心部位软件园主要道路座集办公会议餐饮健身休闲为一体的办公楼。

    The No. 9 Building is located in the central part of the Park, along the main road in the south, conceived as a complex with office, conference, dining and entertainment functions.


  • 自然地理苏里位于美洲东北部海岸法属圭亚那巴西西圭亚那大西洋。

    Location: located on the northeast coast of South America suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east Brazil to the south Guyana to the west and the Atlantic ocean to the north.


  • 美国国土主要部分位于北美洲中央加拿大,连墨西哥濒大西洋西太平洋

    The main landmass of the United States lies in central north America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.


  • 通过室内试验研究了油田水井伤害机理

    Damage mechanisms of injection Wells in Linnan Oilfield is studied through laboratory experiments.


  • 方法通过大量基础数据分析洼陷异常压力特征,以及异常低压本区油气分布影响

    Methods A lot of basic data are used to analyze the characteristics of subnormal pressure in Linnan subsag and how it exerts influence on hydrocarbon distribution.


  • 油田夏32油藏叙述活跃油藏中高含水油田调整模式

    It is stated the adjustment modes to the reservoirs with active edge water in mid or high water cut stage, for example Xia32 block in Linnan Oilfield.


  • 自然地理苏里位于美洲东北部海岸法属圭亚那巴西西圭亚那大西洋。

    Location: Located on the northeast coast of south America, Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north.


  • 区域铜鼓岭国家级自然保护区两面浩瀚的大海西区域。

    The area is next to Hainan Tongguling State Natural Reserve area in the north, and next to wide sea in the east and south, and next to Qishui Bay in the west.


  • 地区曲古1产出天然气证明源自石炭系和二

    The gas produced from Qugu-1 Well in Linnan area proved that the main gas source rock was the coal bed of the Carboniferous-Permian System.


  • 连哥伦比亚太平洋西哥斯达黎加加勒比海。

    East of Colombia, South Pacific Ocean, west of Costa Rica, north of the Caribbean Sea.


  • 洼陷位于惠民凹陷北西部,是一个典型第三纪断型洼陷。

    The Ninnan Depression is located at the northern-west part of the Huimin Depression, Bohaiwan Basin.


  • 油田惠民凹陷内一个典型的油田。

    Linnan oilfield is a typical fault block oilfield in Huimin Sag.


  • 历史名城襄樊市西靠车城十堰市原始森林神农架林区,北大型人工淡水湖丹江口水库

    The east historic city of Xiangfan city, west city of Shiyan city, according to South Shennongjia forest primeval forest, a large artificial lake bounded by the Danjiangkou Reservoir.


  • 项目位于长沙溪湖片区,梅溪湖接桃花

    The project is located in Meixi Lake District, Changsha, Hunan, facing Meixi Lake Road to the north and Taohua Ridge to the south.


  • 也门亚洲西阿拉伯,处于阿拉伯亚丁港红海边缘西阿曼,沙特阿拉伯。

    Yemen is in Southwest Asia, in the south of Arabia, bordering the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea, west of Oman and south of Saudi Arabia.


  • 第2集:国王大道:伴随着女儿罗伯茨王法庭取代他的位置,凯特琳留在冬城祈祷麸皮恢复

    2: The Kingsroad: Accompanied by his daughters, Ned rides south to take his place in King Roberts court, but Catelyn remains at Winterfell, praying that Bran will recover.


  • 运用多元线性回归等方法研究油田70沙河组沙电阻油层形成机理

    The multidimensional linear regression method was used in this article to study the formation mechanism of low resistance oil layer at Sha 3 Segment, Shahe Street of Block Xia-70 in Linnan Oilfield.


  • 运用多元线性回归等方法研究油田70沙河组沙电阻油层形成机理

    The multidimensional linear regression method was used in this article to study the formation mechanism of low resistance oil layer at Sha 3 Segment, Shahe Street of Block Xia-70 in Linnan Oilfield.


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