• 针对单一背景的海岛合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像提出基于图像分割图像匹配方法

    From SAR-images of island against single background, an image matching method based on image segmentation is proposed. Five processes were used in the algorithm: a.


  • 文本具有特定格式比如字体、字体大小间隔所以文本可以叠加背景图像,形成单一图像的效果

    The text has a specific formatting, such as font, font size, and spacing, so that it can sit on the background image and give an impression of a single image.


  • 因为相对于单一背景一个边缘分明的外观,所以,使用多边形套索工具选取十分容易的。

    As he is a hard edged surface against a flat background it should be fairly easy to select him using the Polygonal Lasso Tool.


  • 因为照片背景颜色单一所以选区十分容易建立

    The background contains only a flat color, so the selection should be very easy to make.


  • 艾伦巴黎看法如此可信,是因为他的看法过枯燥单一:巴黎不再是一座城市,仅舞台背景

    What makes Allen's view of Paris so unconvincing is that it's so flat and one-dimensional: it isn't a city, it's a stage set.


  • 理想的背景颜色应该深的单一的,不会本人产生冲突的颜色。

    The best background is a dark, solid color that doesn't clash with you.


  • 一发现改变对塔中地区构造特征单一认识,启发了塔里木盆地中晚奥陶世构造背景认识。

    This discovery changed the sole knowledge of structural feature in Tazhong area and aroused new knowledge of Middle-Late Ordovician structural anticlines background in Tarim basin.


  • 你们不是来自同样背景单一种族。

    You are not all one race or background of beginning.


  • 脆弱道具单一背景潦草杂乱无章的情节

    Fragile props. A single background. Scribble and disorganized circumstances.


  • 为了提取简洁形式背景,提出相似集集合的概念改进单一词汇带来余。

    To extract a concise formal context, the set of similar word set was proposed to reduce the redundancy caused by a single word.


  • 我国城市商业银行贷款过度集中、组织架构效率下降、激励约束机制欠缺、收入结构单一背景条件下进行经营转型,选择适当有效策略显得尤其重要

    Owing to simplex structure of loans, inefficacy organization and lack of mechanism, it is important for city commercial Banks to choose suitable and effective strategies during the transition process.


  • 甘蓝型油菜遗传背景比芸其他物种狭窄遗传基础单一的问题十分突出

    But the inheritance background of B. napus is relatively narrow compared with the other species of Brassica. The simplex genetic basis is very obvious.


  • 一部分主要分析俄罗斯中央地方矛盾历史背景部分分析三个问题1、联邦制与单一制的关系问题。

    The thesis includes five sections: the first section mainly analyzes the historical background of contradiction of Russian Federation and locality. In this section I analyze three problems. 1.


  • 研究结果表明背景信息对客户特别是个性化客户(单一客户)消费决策具有良好预测效果

    The experimental results demonstrate that the context information has preferable predication performance on the consumption decision of the customers especially the personalized customers.


  • 官员们已经考虑放弃13%单一税率; 该税率被视为普京早期成功一个例子。全球油价低迷的背景下,俄罗斯正艰难应对预算赤字

    Officials have considered moving away from the 13 per cent flat tax, viewed as one of Mr Putin's early successes, as the country struggles with a budget deficit amid low global oil prices.


  • 新文化运动中国单一文化背景被打破这一题材西方文学理论的影响,出现了以往风格迥异的优秀之作。

    After New Culture Movement, China's single cultural background break, the subjects were impacted by Western literary theory and a batch of different styles well up.


  • 富有象征符号的胖子天使不是单一个体,他们指向一个具特定文化背景的年代。

    The symbolized chubby angel is not just an individual, but within a special cultural context.


  • 供需双方综合成本出发,供应商一个订货单一产品背景开发了一个供应链供需双方合作博弈下的批量分解模型,确定了最优订货批量、发运次数发运数量。

    Based on the integrated total cost of both buyer and supplier, a lot-splitting model with cooperative game in a simple single buyer, single supplier, single product scenario is developed.


  • 这些报告必须简短超过),且证明他们有能力单一事件做剖析对应到历史背景

    These papers should be short - not more than 2 pages - and should demonstrate their ability to dissect a single source and place it in its larger historical context.


  • 这些报告必须简短(超过),且证明有能力单一事件做剖析对应到历史背景

    These papers should be short - not more than 2 pages - and should demonstrate your ability to dissect a single source and place it in its larger historical context.


  • 欧元单一货币区成功实施的背景下,寻求货币一体化便成为东亚各国地区关注的焦点。

    With the Euro's success, it becomes a focus and important research to buck for currency cooperation in eastern Asia.


  • 背景资料:目前关于白癜风患者使用PUVA钙泊三醇联合疗法单一使用钙泊三醇治疗反应的报道。

    BACKGROUND: There are several reports on the response rate of patients with vitiligo treated with the combination of PUVA and calcipotriol or calcipotriol alone.


  • 背景资料:目前关于白癜风患者使用PUVA钙泊三醇联合疗法单一使用钙泊三醇治疗反应的报道。

    BACKGROUND: There are several reports on the response rate of patients with vitiligo treated with the combination of PUVA and calcipotriol or calcipotriol alone.


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