• 不是第一个玩高端智能手机的,但是最初努力给市场造成了巨大冲击

    Samsung wasn't the first to the high-end Android handset game, but its initial effort was a huge hit.


  • 销售增长融合了多种因素,包括优雅硬件设计广受欢迎的系统令人难忘品牌大规模全球销售。

    Samsung’s rise has been driven by a blend of elegant hardware designs, popular Android services, memorable sub-brands and extensive global distribution, ” Strategy Analytics wrote.


  • 摩托罗拉、HTCLG承诺未来周到几个月间,推出性能超级强悍的超薄4g系统手机

    Motorola Mobility, Samsung, HTC and LG have promised to deliver supercharged, ultra-thin, 4g Android devices in the coming weeks and months.


  • 摩托罗拉手机设计性能方面苹果十分接近以至于一些狂热的果粉最终叛离倒

    Samsung and Motorola phones have now come very close to the iPhone in terms of design and performance, so much so that even some former Apple fanatics are defecting to Android.


  • 先前来自摩托罗拉东芝平板产品一样,索尼S平板也是基于谷歌操作系统

    Like previous offerings from Motorola, Samsung, Toshiba, and others, Sony's Tablet s is based on Google's Android operating system.


  • 大部分手机型号都采用安android系统移动操作系统的选择方面,安依然第二大选择,不过一点可能未来有所改变。

    Android, which powers most of Samsung’s phones, is still a second best option when it comes to mobile operating systems also, though that could certainly change in the future.


  • 通过手机扩大智能手机市场比例的时候,公司而精的未来增长的计划Bada

    While Samsung is growing its smartphone share mainly through Android handsets, the company has a nice little side project for future growth called Bada.


  • GalaxyTab来说具创造性事情第一Android(安)平板电脑带到大众市场上的厂家。

    The most innovative thing about the Galaxy TAB is that Samsung was the first vendor to finally bring an Android tablet to the mass market.


  • 主要问题,韩国游戏等级委员会一直限制新的手机游戏发布iPhone以及平台上,而后者正是苹果竞争电子所采用的手机平台。

    But the chief problem is the GRB's trouble keeping up with the sheer number of new mobile games being released on the iPhone and the rival Android platform, which Samsung USES.


  • Galaxy系列手机中取得成绩还算可以希望借助Infuse百尺竿头更进一步。

    Samsung had reasonable success with Android phones in its Galaxy series; with the Infuse, it hopes to take that one more step higher.


  • 现在最大问题HTCLG索尼戴尔联想其他设备制造商如何应对条消息

    Big question now is: how will HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Acer, Lenovo and other Android device makers respond to this news? Update: Google.


  • 摩托罗拉(谷歌收购中)一样亚马逊选择使用谷歌的安操作系统,与其电子书阅读器多年来所运行Linux版本极其相似。

    Like Motorola (which is being acquired by Google) and Samsung, Amazon is sticking with Google's Android, broadly similar to a version of Linux it has used for years to run its e-book reader.


  • 市场份额持续增加手机可喜季度销量以及苹果第三季度并不乐观的iPhone销量,为苹果敲响警钟

    And the ongoing Android share gains, as well as Samsung's blowout quarter and the disappointing Q3 iPhone sales, should be wake-up calls.


  • 开发者工具包已经可以开发针对4.0的软件了,这个系统更新本身会率先GalaxyNexus中使用,这款电话将会在今晚发布。

    The SDK is already available for Android 4.0, and the update itself will make its first public appearance on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, also unveiled tonight.


  • 手机采用自己的TouchWiz 2.0”操作系统别忘了,三摩托罗拉一样,是安系统的支持者。

    That phone ran on Samsung’s ownTouchWiz 2.0″ operating system, but Samsung, like Motorola, also supports Android.


  • 目前其他公司反应还是积极的,包括HTC大部分赞扬了谷歌承诺,抵挡外力对安系统的侵犯。

    For the moment, the response from other firms, including Samsung and HTC has been positive - most have praised the promised protection of Android from outside forces.


  • 苹果控告摩托罗拉手机照搬技术

    Apple claims its technology has been copied by Samsung and Motorola in their Android phones.


  • 操作系统一部分吸引力在于谷歌免费提供的,周三签署的这项协议让使用安系统有了成本至少电子而言是这样

    Part of the appeal of Android has been that Google offers it free, but Wednesday's pact attaches a cost to Android, at least for Samsung.


  • 卡奥·曾是日头与逝去那么长的时间,让她已经忘了如何

    Khal Drogo had been her sun-and-stars but he had been dead so long that Daenerys had almost forgotten how it felt to love and be loved.


  • 崛起源于优秀的硬件设计流行服务难忘的品牌广泛全球分配的良好融合。”策略分析的。

    "Samsung's rise has been driven by a blend of elegant hardware designs, popular Android services, memorable sub-brands and extensive global distribution," said Alex Spektor at Strategy Analytics.


  • 证明实现销量突破有可能的,至少短期内可以实现,系统加以区分完善。

    Samsung has demonstrated that it is possible, at least in the short term, to differentiate and grow by using the Android ecosystem.


  • 微软宣称因为去年开始专利费用争端正在控告公司

    Microsoft has announced it is suing Samsung over Android patent fee dispute started last year.


  • 微软起诉公司未能支付系统专利费用之后,在纽约法律诉讼已经开始

    Legal action has been started in New York after Microsoft accused Samsung of failing to pay Android patent fees.


  • 微软起诉公司未能支付系统专利费用之后,在纽约法律诉讼已经开始

    Legal action has been started in New York after Microsoft accused Samsung of failing to pay Android patent fees.


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