• 协议终止Termination 在协议有效期内,如果发现违背协议条款有权终止协议

    During the validity of this agreement, if either of the two parties is found to have violated the stipulations herein, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement.


  • 我们之间协议立即终止

    The agreement between us is terminated forthwith.


  • 终止协议信件必须简短明了

    Letters terminating an agreement need to be brief and clear.


  • 任何结束这一冲突和平协议中,一些超出以色列边界定居点终止

    In any peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel's borders.


  • 他们可以指定用户销售给与出租相同内容次数以及使用哪些条件终止内容传递协议

    They can specify how many times you can sell, lend, give, or lease the same content and what conditions they will use to terminate the agreement to transfer the content.


  • 根据美国航空打算在12月1终止SupplierLink协议,Orbitz售出一张美国航空的机票,美国航空向Or bitz支付交易

    Under the Supplier Link agreement, which American intends to terminate Dec. 1, the airline had to pay Orbitz a transaction fee for each ticket sold.


  • 2005签署的和平协议终止北部苏丹南部苏丹的一战争持续了50年的血腥战争残杀了二百万苏丹人民,多于四百万的人民流离失所。

    That deal ended a war between north and south Sudan that had bloodily sputtered on and off for 50 years, killing some 2m Sudanese and displacing 4m more.


  • 我们呼吁各国明年一月开始谈判一项协议终止可用于武器裂变材料生产

    And we will call upon countries to begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons.


  • 哈德尔其他官员终止和平协议几天,在瓦济里斯坦一个军事车队遭到伏击。

    Just days before Bahadar called off his peace deal with officials, a military convoy was ambushed in North Waziristan.


  • 但是这个协议不能满足“四重奏”对于终止哈玛斯赢得去年合法选举后开始施加禁运而设定明确前提条件

    But the agreement does not meet the explicit conditions the Quartet set as its price for ending the embargo it imposed after Hamas won last year's legislative elections.


  • 计划要求保险公司终止各种不良操作比如拒绝投保已有受保病症入保或者投保人需要保险的时候中断保险协议

    It also requires insurance companies to end various nefarious practices, such as refusing to insure people with existing conditions or cancelling their coverage just when they need it most.


  • 所有协议有关责任限制担保赔偿保密部分在本协议过期终止后继续有效

    All parts of this Agreement relating to liability and its limitations, warranties, indemnities and confidentiality shall survive expiration and termination of this Agreement.


  • 与此同时挪威承诺成为气候变化国际协议驱动力量”,取代2012年将终止的《京都议定书》。

    Meanwhile, Norway promises to be a "driving force" for a new international treaty on climate change to replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012.


  • 就是西方强有力的制衡杠杆,用以说服巴希尔终止达尔富尔地区军事行动履行《综合和平协议》中应有的义务比如举行全国大选。

    This is the West's strongest lever for persuading Mr Bashir to end his military campaign in Darfur and to meet his obligations under the CPA, such as holding elections.


  • XMPP网关允许终止给定客户端到服务器会话并且目标端点协议发起一个新的会话(同时进行必要协议转换)。

    The XMPP gateway permits the termination of a given client-to-server session and the initiation of a new session to the target endpoint protocol (along with the necessary protocol translation).


  • 谈判知情人士透露终止合资协议可能圣诞节签署

    The agreement to end the joint venture could be signed before Christmas, say some people familiar with the talks..


  • 正如每个拥有手机人所深知那样这些收费服务供应商终止或者有时仅仅改变原始协议收取罚金

    These fees, as everyone who has a cell phone is well aware of, are a penalty that the service providers charge if you back out of, or sometimes even simply change, your original agreement.


  • 消息点击终止授权使用协议可能从未阅读过,可能你在安装软件时候不允许你这么了。

    The bad news is that the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) that you clicked--and probably never read--when installing a program may prevent you from doing so.


  • 例如如果公司具有希望终止特定应用程序服务协议,则应了解协议何时期满以及何时续订协议

    If your company, for example, has an annual service agreement for a particular application that you want to phase out, find out when the agreement expires as well as when it is renewed.


  • 韩国签署协议终止用以限制进口安全和货量标准而后违约已经名声在外。第一个难题。

    The first is that South Korea has a reputation for signing agreements that would end its practice of using safety and emissions standards to keep imports at bay, but then reneging on them.


  • 2007年就冰岛全球机票搜索网站Dohop签订了合作协议,但年后协议悄然终止了。

    It announced a partnership with Icelandic global flights planner Dohop in 2007, only for the agreement to end quietly around two years later.


  • 摩根大通公司(JPMorgan)介绍,谷歌承诺的单方终止协议高达25亿美元,通常此类交易标准单方终止协议费的6

    According to JPMorgan, Google's promised break-up fee, $2.5 billion, is over six times the standard amount for such a deal.


  • 2006年12月Cor bist终止Infoflows协议,Mr .Stone找到Corbis经理讨论合作破裂细节

    In December 2006, after Corbis terminated its agreement with Infoflows, Mr. Stone met with Corbis managers to discuss details of the breakup.


  • 无论是原因导致协议终止经销商都立刻终止所有商标使用并且从此以后不得以任何方式使用此商标。

    Upon termination of this Agreement, for whatever cause, the Distributor shall abandon at once all use of the Trademarks, and shall not thereafter use in any manner whatsoever any of the Trademarks.


  • 如果辉瑞的信用评级急剧下滑,银行有权收回贷款——惠氏公司则可以拿着45亿美元的协议终止全身而退。

    If its credit rating drops sharply, the banks have the right to revoke the loan—and Wyeth could walk off with a $4.5 billion break-up fee.


  • 签署协议中将会规定,除非你自愿终止否则无论什么原因使你拿不到签证保证金如数奉还。

    You will sign an agreement stating that if you do not receive your visa approval for any reason, except if you decide to voluntarily terminate, all of your deposit is returned to you.


  • 根据合同相关条款任职终止协议总计价值达到2亿1千万美元

    Under the terms of his contract, his severance package is worth $210m.


  • 根据合同相关条款任职终止协议总计价值达到2亿1千万美元

    Under the terms of his contract, his severance package is worth $210m.


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