• 2002年,美国实验生物学协会联合会建议每个博士后研究员咨询顾问之后制定IDP

    In 2002, the US Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology recommended that every postdoctoral researcher put together an IDP in consultation with an adviser.


  • 印度工商协会联合会高级官员安让·罗伊,建设厂房需要大量用地。

    A senior official at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry, Anjan Roy, says industry needs space to set up manufacturing plants.


  • 这项运动管理机构-国际足球协会联合会(国际足联)组织,由国际足联的成员,各个国家男子足球队参加。

    Organised by Federation Internationale DE football Association (FIFA), the sport's governing body, the World Cup is contested by men's national football teams which are FIFA members.


  • 欧洲足球协会联合会塑料喇叭呜呜祖拉淹没了球迷声音,并扰乱比赛情绪,因此呜呜祖拉将被禁止出现足联比赛赛场。

    Vuvuzelas have been kicked out of European competition after UEFA said that the plastic trumpets drowned outsupporters and detracted from the emotion of the game.


  • 日本汽车销售协会联合会8日公布数据显示,2009年,丰田公司出品的环保车"普锐斯"成功问鼎日本畅销车排行榜榜首,也是混合动力车首次夺取日本年度销量排行榜第一的宝座。

    The Toyota Prius became the first hybrid car to become a best seller in Japan in 2009, according to statistics released Friday by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association.


  • 年来,在中国国家体育总局的大力支持下,国际武术联合会和中国武术协会都做了很多改进工作。

    Over the years, both the International Wushu Federation and Chinese Wushu Association(CWA) have done a lot to make improvement with strong support from the State General Administration of Sport of China.


  • 美国民航飞行员协会飞行员联合会强烈建议成员要求特定区域实行搜身检查

    The U.S. Airline Pilots Association and the Allied Pilots Association are urging their members to demand pat-downs too — in a private area.


  • 因此多年来各种商业协会联合会不得不寻找新的目标

    So over the years the various commercial guilds and federations have had to find new purposes.


  • 著名也最受好评协会包括美国观鸟联合会全美奥杜邦协会英国皇家鸟类保护协会

    The American birding Association, National Audubon Society and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds are some of the most familiar and most well regarded birding organizations to join.


  • 这次中国企业500强排行榜中国企业联合会中国企业家协会十次社会发布

    The list is the 10th of its kind to be jointly released by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association.


  • Toni国际心理辅导联合会和国际心理辅导协会会员

    She is a member of The International Coach Federation, and The International Association of Coaches.


  • 海地动物救济联合会(ARCH)地震之后数天里世界动物保护协会(WSPA)以及国际动物救济基金(IFAW)共同建立

    The Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) was formed just days after the quake by the World Society of the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).


  • 他们研究结果于近期美国地质协会山脉科迪勒拉山系联合议上公布

    Their findings were presented recently at the the Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Joint Meeting of the Geological Society of America.


  • 当地少年棒球联合会唯一女生,同时也希望成为全美两职业棒球协会里的唯一女性

    She was the only girl on her Little League baseball team, and wanted to become the first woman in the major leagues.


  • 英国工业联合会业主组织商业服务协会代表外包商的利益对这次尝试抱谨慎支持态度。

    The CBI employers organisation and the Business Services Association, which represents outsourcers, gave the move a cautious welcome.


  • 首先衷心感谢中国人民争取和平裁军协会中华全国青年联合会我们共同组织这次纪念活动

    I would like to warmly thank the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament and the All-China Youth Federation for co-organizing this event with us.


  • 牛皮癣协会国际联合会(IFPA)一个赢利组织来自世界各地牛皮癣协会组成。

    The International Federation of psoriasis associations (IFPA) is a non profit organization made up of psoriasis associations from around the world.


  • 中国机械工业联合会,中国有色金属加工工业协会,中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会,展览集团

    Host : China Machinery Industry Federation, China Nonferrous Metal Industry Association, China Council for the promotion of international trade, Zhenwei exhibition group.


  • 中国企业500中国企业联合会中国企业家协会共同评选的中国规模最大的500家企业。

    China's top 500 enterprises are the scale-largest 500 ones selected by China enterprise Union and China Entrepreneur Association.


  • 估计世界大约23,300件核武器储存14国家111处地点依照美国科学家联合会FAS自然资源保护协会NRDC)做出的总结。

    The world's approximately 23,300 nuclear weapons are stored at an estimated 111 locations in 14 countries, according to an overview produced by FAS and NRDC.


  • 建国之后(1978年之前),通过中国文学艺术联合会作家协会作家纳入组织,作家成为文学工作者

    After nation's establishment (before 1978), when Chinese literature and Art Union and writer's Association brought the writers into organizations, writers became literature worker.


  • 为此提议,进一步加强各国广告主之间各国广告主协会世界广告主联合会之间合作交流

    We propose the deepening of co-operation and communication between advertisers globally between their national advertiser associations and the World Federation of Advertisers.


  • 随后全部类型讨论使用风湿病协会国际草地网球联合会建立的一个修正分类系统

    This is followed by a discussion of all types of JIA, using a revised classification system created by the International League of Associations for Rheumatology.


  • 国际武术联合会及其下属洲际联合会会员协会组织比赛内容包括有武术套路比赛和散打比赛

    Thee competitions organized by IWUF together with its continental federations and member organizations include martial art routine competitions and Sanda games.


  • 我司大型塑料托盘生产厂家中国塑料托盘知名品牌也是中国塑料托盘协会会员中国物流与采购联合会会员

    We are a large plastic tray manufacturers, is the Chinese plastic tray well-known brand, is also the Chinese plastic pallet association and the China federation of logistics &purchasing members.


  • “欧洲肝脏研究联合会一个全球范围国际临床医生科学家促进肝病研究和改善肝病治疗有声望的协会

    EASL is an internationally renowned association of clinicians and scientists striving to promote liver research and to improve the treatment of liver diseases worldwide.


  • 成立于1946年日本经济团体联合会,又称商业协会已然是日本最有权利社团之一

    SINCE it was founded in 1946, Japan's Keidanren, or "Business Federation", has been one of the country's most powerful institutions.


  • 1954年开始,德国风景园林师协会BDLA)作为国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)的成员国,一直享有很高的声誉。

    The Federation of German Landscape Architects (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten – BDLA), an IFLA member in good standing since 1954, introduced the "German Landscape Architecure Prize" in 1977.


  • 1954年开始,德国风景园林师协会BDLA)作为国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)的成员国,一直享有很高的声誉。

    The Federation of German Landscape Architects (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten – BDLA), an IFLA member in good standing since 1954, introduced the "German Landscape Architecure Prize" in 1977.


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