• 服用抗凝药物比如法林肝素或者抗血小板聚集药物(阿司匹林格雷)——一般情况下,在结肠镜检应明停止服用这些药物,以防出血不止。

    Are taking any blood-thinning drugs (such as warfarin or heparin) or antiplatelet medication (such as aspirin or clopidogrel)


  • 水泉峪村的每个人都知道75教授程恩城里搬来的,但很少有人知道12诊断为癌症中晚期

    Everyone in Shuiquanyu village knows Cheng as the 75-year-old professor who moved from the city. Few know he was diagnosed with terminal-stage cancer 12 years ago.


  • 现在英杰依靠出售新型人寿险种,利润边际始创新高6%的增长率相比股票价格增长了10%。

    Aviva is now selling new life policies with record profit margins in a market where its share has increased to more than 10% from 6% a decade ago.


  • 我们手气不错”,熊明,“如果我们那么下决心,我们套牢了。”

    "We were lucky," Xiong says. "If three years ago we hadn't made that decision, we would have been trapped."


  • 邵逸夫爵士拉斯维加斯结婚的的第二任妻子,现年已经73演员方逸女士,现在在公司运营扮演着重要的角色但是可能考虑退休

    Sir Run run's second wife, Mona, a 73-year-old former actress whom he married in Las Vegas, plays a large role running the company, but she too may be mulling retirement.


  • 如果联合百利提出每股850便士报价,达到纯收入的2.8,“比卡夫报价的资产负债表状况还好”,

    If Unilever made an 850p-a-share cash offer for Cadbury, it would have a net debt to earnings ratio of 2.8 times, "better than Kraft's balance sheet before it bid," he said.


  • 就是尖刻竞选因为这些电话而暂为缓和,当然也并不总是如此比如麦凯恩议员就从来接到国会议员,J·D·海斯的电话。

    Even the most bitter campaigns are usually punctuated by the phone call, though not always Senator McCain, for instance, never heard from the former Congressman, J. d.


  • ,有人从江上驾小舟来到,自报姓名佗,关羽治伤。

    One day, a man named Hua Tuo came by boat to the camp especially to cure Guan Yu.


  • 我们现在看到的在2008年常见的,”财政科学研究所研究员付志

    "What we're seeing was not very common before 2008," said Fu Zhihua, a research fellow at the research Institute for Fiscal Science.


  • 爱荷有两名男子入室抢劫变色自己涂了个大黑脸

    In Iowa, two men attempted to break into a man's home after mucking up their faces with a black magic marker.


  • 大学(Warwick University)安德鲁·奥斯瓦德(AndrewOswald)表示拥有住房的人搬家因此自有住房增加时劳动力市场倾向变得更没有弹性。

    A decade ago Andrew Oswald of Warwick University argued that owning your own home makes you more reluctant to move, so Labour markets tend to become more rigid as home ownership increases.


  • 30巴西商店里几乎不到除臭剂但是现在联合利那里每年卖出4亿欧元的产品。

    Three decades ago deodorants were almost impossible to find in Brazilian shops, but Unilever's sales there are now worth euro 400m a year.


  • 多纳德·特森(Donald Watson)这个土生土长英国64一手创立素食学会(vegan Society)创造了“vegan”这个,不幸他95高寿时与世长辞。

    Native Briton Donald Watson, the man who had founded the vegan Society and coined the term "vegan" 64 years earlier, recently left this earthly existence behind at the age of 95.


  • 一位有着多年业内经历的TVB雇员表示:“邵逸夫(爵士经常上班从不会议上太多,方逸代表发言。”

    “[Sir] Run Run does not go to work very often and never says much in meetings. Mona Fong speaks for him,” said an industry veteran and a former employee.


  • 制片人肯(Stuart Oken)。他特·迪士尼公司(Walt DisneyCo .)剧场业务执行总裁,参与狮子王》(The Lion King)上了百老汇舞台。

    The producer is Stuart Oken, former executive vice President of Walt Disney Co. 's theatrical division, who helped bring' the Lion King 'to Broadway.


  • 三十根本不可能巴西找到出售除臭剂商店现在联合利那里每年的除臭剂销售额为4亿欧元

    Three decades ago deodorants were almost impossible to find in Brazilian shops, but Unilever's sales there are now worth 400m a year.


  • 汇丰银行投资银行主管欧智被问及西方银行进驻新兴市场时说道:“三十就该想法了。”

    "YOU kind of needed to think about this 30 years ago," says Stuart Gulliver, who runs HSBC's investment bank, when asked about Western Banks expanding in emerging markets. He has a point.


  • 五十春天依阿查理斯花园一起苤蓝菜。

    Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.


  • 五十春天我们依阿查理斯市的一个花园一起苤蓝菜。

    Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.


  • 几个星期他们来说可是挑战,认为不错的课程规划,所以孩子很快学到一些基本美语词汇

    The first few weeks can be challenging for them, but I think Walton has a nice routine set up so the children will quickly learn some basic English vocabulary.


  • 州测验民意投票视为是明年党内基层会议选举参选人一个重要早期测试

    The Iowa straw poll is seen as an important early test for the candidates ahead of next year's presidential caucuses.


  • 阿拉斯加州州长萨拉·林目爱奥访问不会参加这次测验民意投票。

    Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin also is visiting Iowa but is not taking part in the straw poll.


  • 共和党竞选者中领先的麻萨诸塞州长米特·罗姆尼,将参加州的活动

    One contender who is not competing in the Iowa event is the current frontrunner in the Republican presidential field, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.


  • 唐熙不是妨碍调查,我只是没有参与爆炸决策过程

    'I'm not stonewalling,' Mr. Hayward said. 'I simply was not involved in the decision-making process' before the explosion.


  • 其实念过并不因为出版,我已经听过他的

    In fact I have not read many of Schaeffer's books, because I heard them all delivered in lectures and discussions before they were written.


  • 裁员的没有走到尽头,联合利打算2010关闭300家工厂中的50家,把100个区域总部缩减25个。

    There is still some way to go. By 2010 it aims to close some 50 of its 300 factories and reduce its regional centres from 100 to 25.


  • 有没有员工公司工作如果列出他们名字岗位及其离开数公司的年份。

    Is there any Wasu employee working in the company? If yes, please list down their name, their current position and the year they left Wasu.


  • 分析塑模拟软件HSCAE冷却分析处理模块功能需求性能要求

    The functional and performance requirements of pre-processing module of cooling analysis in HSCAE are analyzed.


  • 分析塑模拟软件HSCAE冷却分析处理模块功能需求性能要求

    The functional and performance requirements of pre-processing module of cooling analysis in HSCAE are analyzed.


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