• 这种物质覆盖区域巨大,因此使其沉积下来的冰一定格陵兰岛南极更大大陆冰川

    The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica.


  • 很多飞机百慕大三角神秘消失,广为人知,但那些不是永久性的时间跳跃(译注:有些人、船、飞机隔了几年才回来,回来的还是消失前那个年龄)。

    Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals.


  • 物种通过进化适应条件恶劣南极这个过程艰难,而它们如此的脆弱

    Though the species that have evolved to survive in harsh Antarctic conditions are necessarily tough, they're also delicate.


  • 金龟科属于鞘翅目(通称甲虫),是一个拥有各种魅力足甲虫科。金龟广布除了海洋南极以外的世界各地

    Scarabs are a mesmerizingly diverse family of beetle found in every part of the world except in the oceans and on Antarctica.


  • 有些研究证明格陵兰岛南极加速可能很快会破坏它们的冰盖——年内导致海平面上升

    Some studies suggest that the acceleration of melting ice in Greenland and Antarctica could soon destabilise their great ice sheets - causing sea levels to rise by several metres over a few decades.


  • 天气分地明媚,暖风吹拂珠江三角,孔已经安排了一出租快艇几艘快艇的主人在等待客人,花

    The day is gloriously sunnywith a warm wind blowing across the Pearl River delta. To make the final stageof our trip to Kat O, Hung has arranged a speedboat taxi.


  • 最近年里中仅仅只有一个大没有变现一致气候变暖现象南极

    Of the seven continents, only one has not shown a consistent warming in recent decades: Antarctica.


  • 此外海平面区间内的波动表明二氧化碳接近这个临界值南极冰盖会产生剧烈蒸发。

    Furthermore, sea level fluctuated tens of meters during this interval, suggesting a highly volatile East Antarctic Ice Sheet when CO2 concentrations were near this threshold value.


  • 所有这些儿童足迹以及三角(khuiseb delta)发现的好几人类足迹使用光学激光扫描仪详细记录下来存放在数字档案中。

    All of the children's footprints, along with scores more human tracks in the Khuiseb Delta, are being recorded in detail with an optical laser scanner and are to be placed in a digital archive.


  • 出生,1983年7月21日,南极达到了在这个星球从未记录过冷的气温华氏零下129度。

    On July 21, 1983, ten days after my birth, Antarctica reached the coldest temperature ever recorded on the planet: -129 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 黄河三角拥有分丰富土地资源石油天然气资源、资源海洋资源。

    The Yellow River Delta is a region abundant in land resources, oil, natural gas, water and sand and ocean resources.


  • 例如北冰洋冰块年来减少4%,格陵兰岛南极冰盖大量减少。

    Arctic sea ice, for example, is shrinking by around 4% a decade, and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing mass.


  • 导致后果将触目惊心:海平面升高厘米足以威胁居住地势较低三角岛国地区亿万人民的生存。

    The stakes are enormous: An increase measured in tens of centimeters could wreak havoc for hundreds of millions of people living in low-lying deltas and island nations around the world.


  • 人们称作”,因为夏天这里炎热

    It used to be called "The Land of Fire" because it is so hot in summer.


  • 宋有提到,巴士字路口转弯存在问题

    Turning at broad intersections would not pose a problem, Mr. Song added.


  • 公司地处长江三角,位于杭嘉湖平原东北部杭州湾上海市地理位置优越交通分便捷

    Located din Yangtze River Delta, northeast of Hangjiahu Plain, Hangzhou Bay to the south and Shanghai City to the east, our company is provided with superior location and convenient transportation.


  • 蓝博装饰已有历史总部青岛潍坊,胶南淄博,青岛,成阳都分公司

    The blue abundant bay decoration had ten year history, the headquarters in Qingdao, present Weifang, rubber continent, Jiaona. Zibo, Qingdao, Cheng Yangdu has the subsidiary company.


  • 什么呢?圆梦年来不是一直圆那个吗?

    For what? Reading a dream! Aren't Chenzhou people and I trying to read the dream for ten years?


  • 旅游旺季期间,人流会繁忙,但落马轮候过关时间短。

    During peak travel seasons, despite heavy passenger traffic, the waiting time will still be shorter than that at Lok Ma Chau.


  • 市场销售遍及全国远销世界五大多个国家地区创汇千万美元

    The company has the market covering the whole country, exports its products to over ten countries and regions in the world and has earned millions of US dollars.


  • 路易斯安纳州拥有大批优秀海岸科学家他们已经三角地区进行了的研究。

    The state of Louisiana has a wealth of fine coastal scientists who have been working on the coastal restoration of the Louisiana delta region for decades.


  • 地球最大资源分丰富历史源远流长文化博大精深

    As the biggest continent on the earth, Asia has abundant resources, a long history and profound cultures.


  • 所有白鹭书院》、《宋明吉安部分名人介绍陈列收藏当代名人字画

    The all "Egret Island College History ", "Song Jian some celebrities introduced the second generation" display, collecting more than a dozen pieces of contemporary celebrity pictures.


  • 时间培养了一精神,一种为了梦想,为了事业不断挑战无惧无畏、永不言败的精神。

    It took ten years for Chenzhou people to cultivate a kind of spirit which is full of challenges, courage and fearlessness.


  • 乘坐地铁直达会馆、中国出口商品交易会交通便利商务旅游购物首选之地。

    Take MTR can reach Pazhou Hall, the Chinese Export Commodities Fair, a very convenient transportation, and tourism business is your first choice when shopping.


  • 中东地处亚非交接处,战略地位分重要。

    The Middle East is located in the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa.


  • 产品远销东南亚北美大洋国家地区深受广大客户喜爱好评

    Products are exported to southeast Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania and other dozens of countries and regions, favored by the majority of customers love and praise.


  • 整个长江三角地区,计划建设个现代物流园区,有些物流园区已经开始实施建设投入运营

    The Yangtze delta is one of the most developed regions in our country The developed economy drives the local government to explore the law of logistic development together with enterprises.


  • 整个长江三角地区,计划建设个现代物流园区,有些物流园区已经开始实施建设投入运营

    The Yangtze delta is one of the most developed regions in our country The developed economy drives the local government to explore the law of logistic development together with enterprises.


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