• 他们并且他们可以采取一些医学保护他们肝脏

    No, they don't, and they can take some medicine else to protect their livers.


  • 报告认为医学工作者行为主要支持审讯,“纵容参与虐囚”,保护囚犯

    But it found that the medical professionals' role was primarily to support the interrogators, not to protect the prisoners, and that the professionals had "condoned and participated in ill treatment."


  • 此前医学遥测设备运行没有得到保护可能受到空白电视频道低功率工作预留的特别频道的干扰

    Prior to this, medical telemetry devices had been operating unprotected from interference either on vacant TV channels or on special channels reserved for low-power operation.


  • 三名美国科学家因为发现了能在细胞分裂防止染色体散裂保护而赢得今年诺贝尔医学奖。

    The discovery of a "protective cap" that prevents chromosomes from falling apart when cells divide has earned three American researchers this year's Nobel prize in medicine.


  • 灰色脂肪种人类抵御肥胖一种天然保护,”哈佛医学细胞生物学家Bruce Spiegelman也是周四发表Nature上文章的作者之一。

    Brown fat is one of the body’s natural defenses against obesity, ” said cell biologist Bruce Spiegelman of Harvard Medical School, who co-authored the paper published Wednesday in Nature.


  • 本文21世纪知识经济为背景,探讨医学人才流失成因,初步提出了挽留人才、保护人才的对策

    In the 21st centurys knowledge-based economy, the article explores the causes of medical talents drain, and puts forward countermeasures for keeping and protecting talents.


  • 比较医学通过实验动物研究人类各种疾病,从而保护增进人类健康服务综合性学科

    Comparative medicine is a synthetical subject, to provide protection and improve healthy medicare of human being by studying all kinds of human diseases using laboratory animals.


  • 综述近年糊精药物食品工业、环境保护除臭剂生物医学化妆品以及电化学方面的应用

    The current applications of cyclodextrins in pharmaceuticals, food, environmental protection, deodorizer, biomedical science, cosmetics and electrochemistry have been reviewed in this paper.


  • 阐述了医学数据库所涉及法律保护问题

    The law protection problems of medical databases are discussed.


  • 巴尔的摩马里兰大学医学中心心脏病学家最近项研究发现还有幽默感保护不受心脏病困扰。

    According to a recent study by cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, laughter, along with an active sense of humor, could help protect you against a heart attack.


  • 这种灾祸大多发生撒哈拉非洲地区这里数百万几乎得不到保护,以抵御的侵袭,也得不到医学治疗

    Most of the fatalities are in Sub-Sahara Africa where millions of people have little protection against malaria mosquitoes and no access to medical treatments.


  • 加利福尼亚干细胞研究机构要求影响力医学部门赞助此次听证会帮助他们拟定纲领保护那些科学自愿奉献女性

    California's stem cell agency asked the influential Institute of Medicine to sponsor the hearing to help it devise guidelines for protecting the women who will step forward in the name of science.


  • 我们的最新CB 222现在用于商业机械医学机械办公设备,安全保护食品工艺设备等。

    Our most popular version the CB222 is now used in Business Machines, Medical equipment, Office Furniture, Safety Guards, and food processing equipment.


  • 预处理心肌保护机制研究入手,探讨缺血性心脏病防治策略受到基础临床医学的高度重视。

    Researchers from basic and clinical medicine have paid much attention to find new strategies for prevention and cure of ischemic heart disease through investigating cardioprotective mechanisms of IPC.


  • 圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学进行的研究表明药物来保护听力不久的一天将会成为可能

    Research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests a medicinal form of hearing protection may someday be a possibility.


  • 如何保护弱势群体患者合法权益促进医学研究为人类健康做出贡献之间找到一个平衡点医学界和法律界共同课题

    How to balance the relationship between medical contribution and legitimate rights and interests of disadvantaged groups is the common subject in medical and law circles.


  • 介绍医学数据库概念和其法律保护的重要性,以及国内外数据库保护现状

    Outlined in this paper are the concept of medical databases, the importance and current status of its law protection at home and abroad.


  • 广泛应用数字城市地形测绘地理信息系统医学工程文物保护机器人导航等各个行业。

    And it has been widely applied in digital city, topographic mapping, geographic information system, medical engineering, preservation of cultural relics and robotic navigation.


  • 如果医学科普给予人们智慧知识就是良好科学训练医生们最好保护

    If popular medicine gave the people wisdom as well as knowledge, it would be the best protection for scientific and well-trained physicians.


  • 本文以传统医学基础筛选出中药复方ZGR,研究ZGR对小鼠急性乙醇中毒症状改善作用对动物乙醇性损伤保护作用。

    The Chinese medicine complex prescription ZGR was newly developed in our laboratory for the treat of acute alcoholism and alcoholic liver damage.


  • 指出使通用疫苗发挥效力的同时,我们针对滴鼻剂在操作时保护鼻子而不像注射流感疫苗需要医学专业技能

    Or a universal vaccine to be effective, however, Fiers pointed out that it must be administered nasally because nose drops, unlike flu shots, don't require medical expertise to be administered.


  • 表示谦虚,自我保护意向,以及医学英语中的翻译方法

    Methods of translating such vague expressions in medical English are also recommended.


  • 随着世界各国动物保护组织建立,医学动物实验受到动物保护组织所倡导动物权利论动物福利法的严重挑战

    After the establishment of animal protection organization, animal experiments are suffering the challenge from the theory on animal rights and animal welfare act.


  • 随着世界各国动物保护组织建立,医学动物实验受到动物保护组织所倡导动物权利论动物福利法的严重挑战

    After the establishment of animal protection organization, animal experiments are suffering the challenge from the theory on animal rights and animal welfare act.


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