• 他们可以追踪大陆冰川生长收缩即使是温度变化不大海洋区域——比如赤道附近

    They could trace the growth and shrinkage of continental glaciers, even in parts of the ocean where there may have been no great change in temperaturearound the equator, for example.


  • 考虑当前温度、当前湿度当前季节,以便监视区域确定供热空调设置

    It takes into account current temperature, current humidity, and current season of the year in determining the heating or air conditioning setting for the area being monitored.


  • 大脑最后激活区域下丘脑用来调控温度饥饿感干渴感疲惫感的‘控制区域

    The final part of the brain to be activated is the hypothalamus, the 'control' part which regulates temperature, hunger, thirst and tiredness.


  • 大脑最后激活区域下丘脑用来调控温度饥饿感干渴感疲惫感的‘控制区域.

    The final part of the brain to be activated is the hypothalamus, the ‘control’ part which regulates temperature, hunger, thirst and tiredness.


  • 用来改变某一区域空气温度湿度的。

    It is designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area.


  • 用水区域,其水供给温度方面是否足够?

    Is water supply adequate in quality, quantity, and temperature in areas where needed?


  • 地图上绿色区域气候变化敏感性意味着它们能够更好地适应温度水资源可利用量云层覆盖度变化

    Areas shown in green on the map have a lower sensitivity to climate change - that means they're better able to adapt to variations in temperature, water availability and cloud cover.


  • 较高温度这种材料全部体,随着冷却就进入铁素体奥氏体稳定状态区域

    At high temperatures, the material is entirely austenite, but upon cooling enters a region where the stable phases are ferrite and austenite.


  • 提高压出半部分区域温度一般可以增大粘度提高压力

    Increasing the temperature in the zones of the final half of the extruder will generally result in lower viscosity and pressure.


  • 可见光区域薄膜透射反射率随着基板温度提高均有所下降。

    The transmittance and reflectivity in the visible region of these films lowed with the increasing of the substrate temperature.


  • 加热炉装有加热元件元件它们划分一定数目区域各区温度计算机进行单独控制

    Built with heating elements and furnace temperature measurement devices, they are divided into a certain number of regions, districts individually temperature controlled by a computer.


  • 由于模具工作带附近应力温度其它部位大,从而使得模具工作带成为挤出模具失效主要区域

    Because stress and temperature around the die land is higher than others else, the die land will become a main area of die invalidation.


  • 目的观察膜外麻醉下阻滞阻滞区域体表温度变化核心体温变化关系。

    Objective To observe the changes of body surface temperatures in block and non block area and their association with the changes of core temperatures in patients with epidural anesthesia.


  • 结果显示:气液相间速度滑移温度滑移整个两相一直存在在绝大部分区域内,这种平衡性并不显著;

    The results show that both the inter-phase velocity slip and temperature slip always exist in the whole two-phase region, but are not obvious.


  • 本文结合实测试验资料分析局部区域温度梯度分布特点变化规律,讨论了它们水平观测影响

    With the help of observed data, this paper analyses the distribution of temperature gradient in Local areas and discusses the effect on observation horizontal angles.


  • 土壤水分平衡原理出发,以降水量温度区域水文观测因子为基础,建立了土壤干旱指数模型

    Based on the principle of soil water balance, including precipitation, temperature and other observations, this article built a model of soil drought index.


  • 木星土星区域适合这种星存在的合适温度距离太阳古比皮带奥尔都要。 这两者大多数可能形成地方

    The Jupiter-Saturn region would have been just the right temperature for such a comet, which is much closer to the sun than the Kuiper Belt or Oorl Cloud where most comets probably formed.


  • 当前消防报警控制系统中,被探测区域温度准确测量有效控制消防工作质量的根本保证

    In the present system of fire controlling and alarming, it is essential to take the exact measurement and effective control of the actual temperature and its ascending speed in the detecting area.


  • 利用耦合区域气候模式大气化学模式模拟对流层臭氧的产生、分布辐射传输、地表温度、气温影响

    The effects of ozone in troposphere on climate factors such as radiative forcing, surface temperature air temperature, have been discussed by coupling regional climate model and chemical model.


  • 相同条件下重复实验得出被灸体中心区域温度-时间曲线温度由表层至内部热量扩散的函数曲线。

    Based on many experiments in the same conditions, finally the temperature -time curve of center areas was figured out, and the energy distribution curve of physical material was obtained.


  • 井下静止温度地质区域不同时间函数可使用计算机程序预测其大小。

    Tables, charts and computer routines are used to predict BHST as functions of depth, geographic area and various time functions.


  • 结果表明流化床煤部分气化炉内存在较佳气化温度空煤比区域

    The results indicate that there exists a suitable range of gasification temperature, air to coal ratio and steam to coal ratio for air-blown fluidized bed gasifier.


  • 本文从热分析角度,研究了由于车灯内部局部湿空气流动缓慢以及车灯配光镜反射部分区域温度低引起的结问题,分析各种典型车灯中存在雾气问题的形成原因。

    Because part of moister air in the lamp flows very slow and temperature of part of lamp cover and reflector is low, the fog forms on the lamp cover and reflector easily.


  • 相变温度区域里,介电热电压电明显效应,具有一级相变特性。

    Near the transition temperature, a thermal hysteresis was found in dielectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric measurements. Thus the transition should be of the first order transition.


  • 结合传热模型计算温度分布普遍使用临界相率极限固相率,得出轻压下的压下区域

    From the results of heat transfer model, generally used critical solid fraction and limit solid fraction, the soft reduction zone was obtained.


  • 传统方法只能进行观测计算遥感的出现使得计算区域温度成为可能

    Traditional observations and calculations are based on a point, while remote sensing makes it possible to calculate the region LST.


  • 更高温度保温处理使得回火马氏体晶粒发生偏转导致许多区域整体的取向关系难以满足K-S关系N-W关系。

    The heat treatment with higher temperature caused the orientation of martensite grains rotated to some extent, which caused most areas in the heated samples do not follow K-S and N-W OR accuratly.


  • 伴随着致密进程电流增大,系统最大温度区域石墨冲头末端粉末内部移动

    With increasing the current and densification process, the position of the maximum temperature moves from the extremes of graphite punches into the interior of powders.


  • 分析冷却速度大小、进口圆环宽度干燥塔内干燥介质温度影响。 模拟结果表明确定冷却风速度大小进口圆环宽度时,考虑它们的冷却效果及对干燥塔内高温区域的影响。

    The results show that when the velocity of cooling air and the width of inlet-cirque are changed, the effects on wall cooling and high temperature region of drying-tower must be considered.


  • 分析冷却速度大小、进口圆环宽度干燥塔内干燥介质温度影响。 模拟结果表明确定冷却风速度大小进口圆环宽度时,考虑它们的冷却效果及对干燥塔内高温区域的影响。

    The results show that when the velocity of cooling air and the width of inlet-cirque are changed, the effects on wall cooling and high temperature region of drying-tower must be considered.


- 来自原声例句

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