• 断裂活动区域性研究表明四川活动断裂具有明显区域分布差异性

    Regional research of fault activity indicates that the distribution of active faults in Sichuan has an obvious feature of variation with region.


  • 我国汉代墓葬分布区域广,发现数量多已经具备了进行区域性研究的条件。

    A number of Han tombs have been discovered in China, while we can do regional research because of their widely distributed.


  • 地理学区域性研究更具创造性实用性综合性研究更具系统性和 深刻性。

    The regional study of geography will give emphasis on creativity and practicability, and the comprehensive study of geography on systematization and profundity.


  • 区域性研究经常使用未经选择的资料作为模型确认值,因而很难获得这一重要结论

    This important conclusion is difficult to get from regional studies that often use unselected data for the model validation.


  • 汉代墓葬区域性研究可以推进整个汉代墓葬综合性研究进而达到我们进行墓葬考古学研究最终目的

    The regional research could advance the comprehensive study of Han tombs, and then we can do archaeological research of tombs for the ultimate aim.


  • 进行汉代墓葬区域性研究要作基础性研究,又要基础性研究之上作相关社会研究,并在研究过程中坚持正确理论方法这样才能做到对区域性墓葬的全面研究

    To study the regional Han tombs comprehensively needs both basic and the related social investigation, so we must adhere to correct theories and methods in the process of research.


  • 我们普遍认为气候变化全球性区域性现象但是这项研究表明,它能对局部地区产生重大影响

    We tend to think of climate change as a global or regional phenomenon. But, as this research suggests, you have to also think locally.


  • 第三必须伊朗进行和解,一方面承认区域性强国地位,一方面劝放弃造成不稳定因素的核武器研究

    Third, he must reach an accommodation with Iran that acknowledges its place as a regional power while dissuading it from getting a destabilising nuclear weapon.


  • 我们研究表明许多区域生活区域性社会,它们的居住密度相当大,定居而且从事半精耕细作农业

    Our work suggests there were many areas with regional societies, that were fairly densely settled, sedentary, and practiced semi-intensive agriculture.


  • 1990年代起科学家区域性管理机构就已经开始了数据收集工作,通过对“食物链等级”上不同种群生态平衡变化进行定量研究

    Since the late 1990s, scientists and regional management organisations have used catch data to measure changes in the balance of species across so-called "trophic levels."


  • 与此同时优秀研究指出,环保主义者不能因为负担不起大型区域性保护费用,就牺牲掉目标物种集中保护。

    At the same time, prominent researchers said conservationists cannot afford to shortchange large and regional protections at the expense of focusing on targeted species.


  • 北美华文文学,作为海外华文文学区域性阶段性特征鲜明文学类型,具有重要的研究价值

    The study of new overseas Chinese writing in North American, with very distinctively regional and transitional features among this writing, merits our efforts.


  • 目的探讨不同年龄胸腺细胞胸腺内区域性分布的形态学变化研究木犀草素衰老胸腺形态学免疫功能氧化能力影响

    Objective to study the morphologic changes with age in thymocytes and to explore the effect of luteolin on the aging changes in thymocyte morphology, immunity and anti-oxidation activity in aged mice.


  • 因此研究增强楚雄市作为区域性中心城市辐射力具有重要理论现实意义

    Therefore, study how to enhance urban radiation of Chuxiong as regional central city has important theoretical and practical significance.


  • 本文素质教育区域性推进作较深入研究和探索。

    This paper tries to study the regional advance of quality-oriented education in depth.


  • 作为一种独特的区域性体育文化我国农村区域体育文化有它特有研究意义存在价值实践对其研究普及不够深入

    As a unique regional sports cultures, countryside area sports culture of Chinese has special research meaning and existing value, but the study and promotion in practice was not deep.


  • 一项相关性研究发现区域性平均智商传染性发病率关联

    In a correlational study lower average regional intelligence was found to be linked with higher infectious disease rates.


  • 清代内蒙古地区灾荒史研究一个颇具特色区域性的断代研究

    The study on calamitous history of Inner Mongolian Region during Qing Dynasty is a dynastic research with regional characters.


  • 研究表明今后集镇建设方向是创建高层次的中心集镇,形成区域性的集镇经济网络

    Research results indicate that the developing orientation of marketing towns in high levels so as to form the regional economic network of marketing towns.


  • 话说,不典型增生,作为区域性癌变标志,目前来说被严重地低估,也没有被很好的研究

    In other words, dysplastic changes as a sign of field cancerization is really underestimated and not well-studied yet.


  • 并根据全省区调成果资料,适当作了区域性综合研究、分析归纳。

    The regional comprehensive research are concerned with, according to the survey result and the data in the whole province.


  • 研究目的:克服目前我国城市土地价格影响因素研究只局限于单一城市的缺陷,评估区域性城市土地价格提供依据

    The purpose of this paper is to overcome shortcomings in the study on urban land price, then provide the gist to evaluate regional urban land price.


  • 研究表明:(1)海域盐度分布有着明显区域性差异楚科奇温、盐度普遍低于白令海

    The results show that: (1) the distribution of temperature and salinity present obvious regional difference in both the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea.


  • 北美华文文学,作为海外华文文学区域性阶段性特征鲜明文学类型,具有重要的研究价值

    The study of new overseas Chinese writings in North American, with very distinctively regional and transitional features among this writing, merits our efforts.


  • 再次区域性研究具体一个县的研究之又少。

    Again, regional studies, study specific to a few counties.


  • 表明此法一种可行的方法区域性开展木材需求预测研究具有实际意义

    The method, therefore, is feasible and practically significant to the regional research on the wood demand forecast.


  • 虽然近代湖南社会控制作用比较突出,但作为一个区域性研究课题没有得到系统的整理。

    Although the social control in modern Hunan function is more outstanding, the research topic that be a local area have not studied commendably.


  • 作者认为文化学研究最主要特征两个,区域性创新性

    There are twe characteristics of Culture Research: one is cross area, another is blazing new.


  • 本文理论架构研究方法,对区域性遗产整体保护研究有着较为重要的借鉴意义。

    In this paper, the theoretical framework and research methods is offered as a reference for the overall protection of the regional heritage studies.


  • 本文理论架构研究方法,对区域性遗产整体保护研究有着较为重要的借鉴意义。

    In this paper, the theoretical framework and research methods is offered as a reference for the overall protection of the regional heritage studies.


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