• 国家公路交通安全管理NHTSA提示司机驾驶通过学童区域的技巧如下。

    Here are safety tips from the NHTSA for drivers who travel through areas that have school children present.


  • 国际海底管理理事会今年7月核准了上述申请,中国大洋协会位于西南印度洋的国际海底区域内,获得1万平公里勘探矿区

    The ISA Council approved the application in July, 2011, and COMRA will be allowed to explore an area measuring 10,000 sq km in an international seabed region located in the southwestern Indian Ocean.


  • 1990年,NASA欧洲空间发射了尤利西斯号探测器太阳极地区域首次观察

    In 1990, NASA and the European Space Agency launched the Ulysses probe to make the first observations of its polar regions.


  • 我们停下车考察遭到袭击的伊拉克警察然后检查海军陆战队小分队他们负责守卫处有名危险区域

    We stopped to inspect an Iraqi police station that had been shot up the night before, and then to check on a squad of Marines who guarded a notoriously dangerous area.


  • 格陵兰一位矿产石油官员明确指出,任何想要附近区域开采矿产的公司必须同时开发并且运用储存技术

    An official of the island's Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum has specified that any companies extracting hydrocarbons in the neighbourhood must also develop and use carbon-storage technology.


  • 民航继续,大气层围绕火山灰一个60海里左右的缓冲区域现在靠近爱丁堡、喀来耳、布莱克浦利物浦曼彻斯特机场

    The CAA added a 60 nautical-mile buffer zone imposed around high concentrations of ash in the skies was now close to Edinburgh, Carlisle, Blackpool, Liverpool and Manchester airports.


  • 现在研究表明大脑区域活动发生变化

    But it now appears that sometimes a localised change in brain activity can be involved.


  • 之前泛美卫生(泛美卫生组织秘书处世卫组织美洲区域办事处)助理主任

    Prior to that, she was the Assistant Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, which is the Secretariat of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and of the American Regional Office of WHO.


  • 澳大利亚气象发出海岸飓风警报之后悉尼海港变成了没有船出么区域

    Sydney Harbour was turned into a no-go zone for ferries after the Australian Bureau of Meteorology issued warnings of impending gales for most of the coast.


  • 地震威胁区域来说并不新鲜——美国地质调查报告称,日本海沟自1973年以来已经发生过9次7.0以上地震。

    The threat of earthquakes are not new to the area - the US Geological Survey reported that the Japan trench has had nine earthquakes of 7 magnitude or greater since 1973.


  • 美国宇航凯迪·汉森指出:“暗色条纹临近区域冰雪颜色表明类似情况发生之后沙尘已经沉淀底部冰层中。”

    Candy Hansen from Nasa added: 'the colour of the ice surrounding adjacent streaks of material suggests that dust has settled on the ice at the bottom after similar events.'


  • 我们已经驻在台湾威尔士苏格兰旅游发展联系了,他们提高自己区域年轻人比例有意向我们合作

    We've been in touch with the Wales and Scottish Tourist development offices here in Taiwan and they're interested in working with us to promote their regions to the youth segment.


  • 周日美国环境保护(u.s. EnvironmentProtection Agency)现场协调员SamBorries表示修理人员已经进入泄漏区域但是依然没有找到泄漏

    Repair crews are closing in on the source of a leak but haven't found it yet, Sam Borries, on-scene coordinator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, said Sunday.


  • 这个区域个新的裂缝常见的;美国地质调查火山灾害项目协调员约翰·埃切尔伯格(JohnEichelberger)说,类似的事件在1997年发生过。

    A fissure opening in this area is not unusual-a similar event occurred in 1997, according to John Eichelberger, coordinator for the USGS Volcanic Hazards Program.


  • 负责以下区域维护整个后厨区域, 确保所有设备能保持符合公司/卫生的卫生标准

    Responsible for following and maintaining all BOH area and equipment are up to company & shanghai hygiene department standards.


  • 介绍鹤岗矿务煤层气储量、利用情况发展前景,提出具体开采区域后期的开采方式

    The storage, application and forecast of coal seam gas in Hegang mine field are introduced, and the detailed mining area and way for earlier and later stage are provided.


  • 任何船舶锚地需要起锚开航或者移泊船长都必须提前30分钟征得管辖区域内的海事检查站的许可。

    For any vessel in anchorage needs to heave up anchor for sailing or for shifting, the Master should request for permission 30 minutes before from the Port Control Station of the area concerned.


  • 美联储也寻求当地银行的帮助,就像纽约联邦储蓄一样,实施自己政策监管区域特定的银行。

    The Fed relies on its regional banks, like the New York Fed, to carry out its policies and monitor certain banks in their areas.


  • 人体区域病理变化往往与全身脏腑、气血、阴阳的盛衰有关

    The pathological changes in certain part or region of the human body are usually related to the conditions of viscera, qi and blood as well as yin and yang in the whole body.


  • 方法通过引入区域节点间距函数,人为给定某一定渐变数值可在任一部水域进行网格加密。

    By introducing regional node spacing function, which given a numerical value or varied grade of cell, the mesh could control the changes of element size.


  • 灶性区域可见单个腺体,形似于浸润

    In focal areas of this case, there are small individual glands, which may mimic invasive carcinoma.


  • 美国航空航天计划周二发射演示火箭但是计划肯尼迪太空中心上空密布的云层艘在发射警戒区域四处游逛所打乱。

    NASA planned to launch the demo rocket on Tuesday but was stymied by cloudy skies over the Kennedy Space Center and by a boat that wandered into the launch danger zone.


  • 海事使用了地理围栏(一种动态数字定位区域触发自动计算这些费用说:“通过公然数据一切都是透明的。”

    The authority also uses geofencingdynamic, location-based digital zonesto trigger and automate those fees, "and this is all transparent through open data, " she said.


  • 为了及时地了解城市土地使用违章建筑区域、非法占地、地面绿化状况以及道路情况,需要城市变化进行适时监测

    In order to learn from the layout of city , the utility of land , illegal buildings, the conditions of vegetation covers and layout of road so on, it is necessary to monitor the change of city.


  • 6个发球落点区域发球比例具有显著性差异

    The proportions of the 6 placements to the number of service are of significant differences.


  • 这个夏天,美国宇航火星探测器机遇抵达奋进撞击坑,这里是火星粘土岩石来源处,显示出区域适于居住

    NASA's Mar rover Opportunity arrived at the Endeavour crater this summer - a source of clay-like rocks which could show the area had been habitable.


  • 这个夏天,美国宇航火星探测器机遇抵达奋进撞击坑,这里是火星粘土岩石来源处,显示出区域适于居住

    NASA's Mar rover Opportunity arrived at the Endeavour crater this summer - a source of clay-like rocks which could show the area had been habitable.


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