• 是因为弱光环境中眼睛对不同调子区分能力降低

    The eye has a harder time differentiating two values in lower light.


  • 根据决策定义条件属性区分能力指数DIa概念,给出DI(a)的若干性质

    Discernibility ability index DI(a) of decision table is defined, some properties about DI(a) are presented.


  • 但是通过分析我们发现由于仅仅使用文档频率衡量特征区分能力,文档频率方法存在两个问题。

    However, because the method of DF only USES document frequency to scale the distinguish capacity, we find it has two disadvantages.


  • 对于工艺采用颜色,应考者必须具有辨别区分能力,只有具有该能力的应考者才能取得认证

    Individuals wishing to attain certification must also be able to adequately distinguish and differentiate colours used in the processes involved;


  • 采用故障特征函数描述模拟电路故障字典法中的模糊,提出了节点故障隔离条件故障隔离度的概念,用其描述节点故障的区分能力

    Eigenfunction is used to describe ambiguity sets for analog circuit diagnosis. Fault isolation and conditional fault isolation are proposed to identify isolation ability of test node.


  • 这些非凡的研究发现表明大象已经具备区分人类声音记忆能力

    These remarkable findings suggest the elephants have built up a memory capacity to make distinctions between human voices.


  • 一项新的研究表明日常生活中的对话节奏可能过于轻快,以致于阻碍了一些孩子区分不同声音单词能力

    A new study suggests that the conversational pace of everyday life may be so brisk it hampers the ability of some children for distinguishing discrete sounds and words.


  • 能力主意一个主意之间进行区分

    He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one.


  • 植物能力区分不同波长

    Plants are also capable of distinguishing between different wavelengths of light.


  • 究人员随后给狗狗展示与训练中完全不同的人的另一半脸,来测试它们区分人类面部表情的能力

    The researchers then tested the dogs' ability to distinguish between human facial expressions by showing them the other half of the person's face on images totally different from the ones used in training.


  • 3中显示缺省视图提供了折叠子元素编辑主体属性以及区分节点类型能力

    The default is displayed in Figure 3; it gives you the ability to fold subelements, edit both bodies and attributes, and differentiate node types.


  • 比如我们认为我们区分正确错误能力我们之所以成为人类一个根本特征,即我们道德哲学的掌握。

    For example, we think of our ability to distinguish between right and wrong as a fundamental part of what makes us human, giving us a grasp of morality and philosophy.


  • 然而如果节点联合单元中,它们可以指派不同节点区分单元不同节点集合能力

    However, as nodes are federated into the cell, they can be assigned to different node groups to distinguish the capabilities of different sets of nodes in the cell.


  • 那么,现在有一点清楚:尽管JAR一个非常实用重用单元,但缺乏区分内部外部能力,因此没有办法隔离外部包。

    It is clear, then, that while the JAR is a very practical unit of reuse, it lacks the capacity to distinguish between externals and internals and has no means to isolate the latter.


  • 专家们认为精神分裂症是令人困惑心理障碍,这种障碍会使患者失去理性区分现实幻想能力

    Experts consider this the most puzzling of mental disorders, one which robs the sufferer of the ability to logically distinguish between reality and fantasy.


  • 识别面孔能力不仅仅方便鸡尾酒会,也是区分朋友敌人以及促进社交互动的关键。

    The ability to recognize faces is not just handy for cocktail parties, it's crucial for distinguishing friend from foe and facilitating social interactions.


  • 版本6中,引进了节点概念用来帮助区分具备不同能力节点

    In Version 6, the concept of node groups is introduced to assist with distinguishing between nodes of different capabilities.


  • 研究人员利用计算机算法鉴别区分能力声学特征根据不同种类将他们分类

    Molnár and colleagues’ tested a computer algorithm’s ability to identify and differentiate the acoustic features of dog barks, and classify them according to different contexts and individual dogs.


  • 方面必须区分缔约国是无能力遵守还是不愿意遵守健康权方面义务

    In this context, it is important to distinguish the inability from the unwillingness of a State Party to comply with its right to health obligations.


  • 欧洲稳定机制支付能力危机同流动性危机区分开来;破产国家债券持有人预计分担损失此项规定2013年后才会生效

    The mechanism distinguishes a “solvencycrisis from a “liquidity” one, with bondholders in insolvent countries expected to take the brunt of losses, but does not come into force until 2013.


  • 倘若两数的差距足够人类可以轻松区分大小,那么动物们也具备这样能力吗?

    Humans can do this with ease - providing the ratio is big enough - but do other animals share this ability?


  • 那种情况下预先提出可以满足需求展望能力关键有竞争力区分

    In that event, the ability to tell a prospect up-front that you can address their requirements could be a key competitive differentiator.


  • 最近研究人员发现乌鸦识别人脸能力它们可以记住那些对他们有威胁,以区分路过的陌生人。

    Recently, researchers found that crows have the ability to recognize individual human faces, allowing them to remember dangerous persons from past encounters.


  • 这项此前爬行动物界未确认发现,意味着这些蜥蜴具有区分同源姊妹染色体能力,”鲍曼

    This discovery, which had until now been unconfirmed in the reptile world, means that "these lizards have a way of distinguishing sister from homologous chromosomes, " Baumann says.


  • Mandelbrot集合各个级别上都非常细微复杂的,但是floatdouble可以失去区分相邻能力之前达到这个细微的级别。

    The Mandelbrot set is infinitely deep and complex at all scales, but a float or a double can go only so deep before losing the ability to distinguish adjacent points.


  • 而该表中的各种类型为了展示SQuirreL区分不同列类型能力

    The variety of column types in the table is intentional to show you the ability of SQuirreL to distinguish between the different column types.


  • 谈到细节各个方面之前,我区分一个两个重要部分性格能力

    Before I talk about detailed aspects, I'd like to distinguish what a person needs to have into two parts: character, ability.


  • 谈到细节各个方面之前,我区分一个两个重要部分性格能力

    Before I talk about detailed aspects, I'd like to distinguish what a person needs to have into two parts: character, ability.


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