• 匹配规律表达式简单明确实用范围却很有限

    The expression of the matching law is simple and clear, but there are some limits in its applications.


  • 满足广义匹配规律表面反射位相发生突变

    We also find the phase jump of electromagnetic wave of surface reflection when the generalized matching law is satisfied.


  • 这些实验现象分析结果为后期键合参数匹配规律系统动态特性研究打下基础

    These experiment phenomena and analysis results are useful to the research of parameters match and dynamic feature of system in the future.


  • 同时本文结合广义匹配规律推导多层干涉型吸波材料厚度公式功率反射率公式。

    Using the General Matching Law, the formulas of thickness and power reflectivity of multi-layer interference absorbing materials are developed.


  • 重复结构韵律节奏以及图画英文短语匹配等都能帮助孩子掌握阅读规律从而增强长期阅读的兴趣

    Repetitive structures, rhyme and rhythm, and a match between pictures and text help children grasping the rules of English reading, which keeps children's interest in English reading on.


  • 精确发动机动态模型制定换挡规律实现车辆动力传动系统最佳匹配基础

    Precise dynamic model of engine is the foundation of making shift schedule and realizing optimal match of vehicle powertrain.


  • 汽车起重机负载运动规律设计液压系统以及优化匹配液压系统负载之间关系基础

    The load movement rules is the basis of the design of hydraulic system and the optimization of matching the relationship between different hydraulic systems and load.


  • 通过参数不同匹配,分析研究影响表面加工质量因素规律

    The factors and rules influencing surface roughness were analyzed by matching different electrical parameters.


  • 揭示机芯放音系统传动参数参数间交互作用机芯抖影响规律寻求传动件参数最佳匹配

    The general regularity for mutual effect of some parameters and effect of the main parameters of the driving parts on "wow and flutter" are presented to find the best parameter matching.


  • 通过分析认为涡流柴油机燃烧系统进行优化匹配改善放热规律,从而提高经济性

    By analysis, optimum matching of combustion system of swirl chamber engine is believed to be capable of improving heat release rate and fuel economy.


  • 依据阻抗匹配原理电磁波传播规律,设计具有阻抗渐变结构双层吸波材料

    According to the resistance matching principle and electromagnetic spreading regulation, double-layer absorbing materials with resistance gradual changing structure were designed.


  • 铁氧体波导相器匹配问题进行实验研究理论计算实验结果十分符合,并总结出一些有助于实验调试的规律性结果。

    Experimental research on the matching of the ferrite waveguide phaser is carried out, and good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained.


  • 模拟结果表明它们喷嘴雾化效果有着各自影响规律但是喷嘴要达到好的雾化质量参数之间必须达到一定的合理匹配

    The simulation result indicates that they have their own effect rule to the spray character of the nozzle. But if the nozzle has very good spray quality, all the parameter must in a reasonable match.


  • 目的探讨长期空间飞行乘员布局颜色匹配一般规律进行工效学设计评价提供基础数据

    Objective To approach general principles of color matching for crew module layout and to provide its ergonomical evaluation with basic data.


  • 根据运动估计的残差图像的DCT变换后交流系数统计分布规律,推导出了一种匹配运动估计的匹配准则

    In this paper, we propose a matching criterion for block-matching motion estimation based on the statistic distribution of DCT AC coefficients.


  • 景象匹配过程中会不可避免会出现匹配错误、匹配精度不够等问题,为此,基于景象匹配过程中载体机动性能规律提出飞行航迹近似直线的误匹配剔除方法

    Based on the carrier maneuverability law in scene matching process, the paper presented a method for eliminating the mismatching points when the flight track was approximated to a straight line.


  • 通过比较分析各元部件振动频率及其相互影响规律总结避免机车驱动系统引发结构共振参数匹配原则

    The frequencies of locomotive drive system and their mutual influence are analyzed. We sum up the parameter matching principle of drive system to avoid resonance on the saturated adhesion condition.


  • 合理操作生产条件冶炼制度对应并且按照高炉冶炼原理煤气流运动分布规律匹配

    Reasonable operational furnace profiles should correspond and match to the manufacture conditions and smelting system according to the blast furnace smelting principle and gas flow distribution law.


  • 立面1-2-1规律划分为0.90的子模块,这种分布规律允许立面出现简单变化这种行政管理大楼的功能非常匹配

    The facade is divided into sub-modules of 0.90m with 1-2-1 rhythms, which allows an easy change of distribution, predictable in this administrative use.


  • 立面1-2-1规律划分为0.90的子模块,这种分布规律允许立面出现简单变化这种行政管理大楼的功能非常匹配

    The facade is divided into sub-modules of 0.90m with 1-2-1 rhythms, which allows an easy change of distribution, predictable in this administrative use.


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