• 中午过后菜花似的云朵盖过了由东北飘去灰色

    Just after noon, the cauliflower-textured plume rises well above the gray-beige smoke plume that blows toward the north-northeast.


  • YungasElCamino delaMuerte西班牙语叫做死亡之路)43海里长,连接La Pazand Coroico,位于玻利维亚La Paz东北35英里

    The North Yungas Road (also known as the El Camino de la Muerte, ‘Road of Death’ in Spanish) is a 43 mile road connecting La Paz and Coroico, 35 miles northeast of La Paz in Bolivia.


  • 节拍”网站报道说,巴里亚门东北125英里之外干巴鲁、250英里之外的占碑明古鲁,人们逃离住宅和办公室,街道

    Tempo reported that in Pekanbaru, about 125 miles North-East of Pariaman, and Jambi and Bengkulu, both 250 miles from Pariaman, people had fled houses and offices, spilling onto the streets.


  • 温度升高已经让枫树生产中心移到了加拿大境内,阻碍鲑鱼美国东北部的数量保持。

    Rising temperatures have already pushed the center of maple production into Canada and will also hamper efforts to restore salmon populations in the Northwest.


  • 中国帮助建设一家炼油厂、数个出口码头苏丹石油输至位于该国东北海岸苏丹输油管道

    China also helped build a refinery, export terminals and the pipeline that transports much of the country's oil up to port Sudan on the North-East coast.


  • 全盛时期,版图一度括满洲中部(今中国东北),南越今日之首尔

    At its height, Koguryo territory stretched all the way from central Manchuria (North-East China) to south of present-day Seoul.


  • 这里分布着东北平原平原、长江中下游平原。

    Here, from north to south, are the Northeast Plain, the north China Plain and the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain.


  • 花园东北方向的。

    The Garden is oriented at the north-northeast.


  • 山海关位于东北交界处峦叠翠的燕山,烟波浩淼的渤海

    Shanhaiguan is located at the junction of North and Northeast, Beiyi Emerald Group Yanshan mountain ranges, South lapel vastness of the Bohai Sea.


  • 中午过后,椰菜花似的云朵盖过了东北飘去的灰色

    Just after noon, the cauliflower -textured plume rises well above the gray-beige smoke plume that blows toward the north-northeast.


  • 邻繁峙西原平,南界台,山阴,东北应县相接,西朔州毗邻

    Fanshi east west Yuanping, five south, adjoin Shanyin north, Northeast and phase should be the county, adjacent to the northwest and Shuozhou.


  • 明清间逐渐赣南东北定居的汉族人。

    And during the Ming and Qing dynasties they had settled in southern Jiangxi, northwestern Fujian and northeastern Guangdong Province.


  • 西东北)方吹来。

    The wind is from the north(south, east, west, northeast).


  • 自然地理苏里南位于南美洲东北海岸法属圭亚那巴西西圭亚那大西洋。

    Location: located on the northeast coast of South America suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east Brazil to the south Guyana to the west and the Atlantic ocean to the north.


  • 嫩江是松花江东北地区重要河流

    The Nen river, the northern source of the Songhua river, is the important river of northeast region.


  • 通过方位对准状态西天坐标系东北天坐标系定位测量水平陀螺漂移,在水平精对准状态下记录速度采用最小二乘法解算方位陀螺漂移。

    Horizontal gyro drift is measured in state of azimuthal alignment by the two localization laws of the three directions of north, west and up, as well as east, north and up.


  • 自然地理苏里南位于南美洲东北海岸法属圭亚那巴西西圭亚那大西洋。

    Location: Located on the northeast coast of south America, Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north.


  • 银山多金属矿床位于东北断裂西侧。

    Yinshan Au Cu polymetallic ore deposit is situated on the NW side of ne Jiangxi deep fracture zone.


  • 中国多金属结核开辟位于东北太平洋夏威夷东南海域,赤道流和赤道逆流交界处,其南侧赤道太平洋上升流区,为我们深入了解营养盐动力学提供了绝佳的机会。

    The China Pioneer Area of Eastern Pacific Ocean is to the north of the equatorial high nutrients area, across the the boundary of the North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent.


  • 长城东北交织,绵延伏我们伟大祖国辽阔土地上。

    The great Wall thing south north interleave, continue long Fu in us great broad land in the motherland up.


  • 沿南东北西南方向,狭长的侧面

    There is a long, narrow profile that follows a north-north-east / south-south-west axis, with a north-facing slope.


  • 周日早晨,“国王”级海潮低气压系统提升威力,并且东北“推波助澜”,侵袭了整个的海岸线

    Sunday morning's king tide was "lifted" by a low pressure system, and pushed by northeasterly winds into north-facing coastlines.


  • 该市位于派延奈(Lake paijanne)岸,坦佩雷东北147公里赫尔辛基270公里。

    It is located on the northern coast of Lake paijanne, 147 kilometres North-East of Tampere and 270 kilometres north of Helsinki.


  • 平川断陷盆地区域断裂控制,形成走向东—西向、倾向东北条带状水文地质单元

    The Hanpingchuan fault basin is controlled by two regional major faults on both north and south, and formed a SE-NW strike, dip NE striped hydrogeological unit.


  • 墨西哥女人岛,尤卡坦-东北这个地方一点点阳光冲浪查找大量受欢迎度假胜地

    Mexico: north beach, Isla Mujeres, Yucatan - Tucked away on the North-East corner, this place is a popular holiday destination for north Americans looking for a little sun and lot of surfing!


  • 水南调工程东北地区一项大型跨流域调水工程,优选调水量是其关键问题之一

    The North-to-South Water Diversion Project is a large-scale inter-basin water transfer project, and the reasonable determination of the volume of water diversion is a key problem.


  • 水南调工程东北地区一项大型跨流域调水工程,优选调水量是其关键问题之一

    The North-to-South Water Diversion Project is a large-scale inter-basin water transfer project, and the reasonable determination of the volume of water diversion is a key problem.


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