• 大马哈鱼2002年加利福尼亚洲拉马斯中,当时河水温度它们而言过高了。

    Tens of thousands of salmon died in Northern California's Klamath River in 2002 when the water temperature got to high for them.


  • 分真诚保证不管是马克、迪还是卢安瓜自然生态保护项目其它任何一名员工他们都没出现枪杀现场

    I can assure you in the strongest way possible that neither Mark nor Delia Owens nor any other North Luangwa Conservation Project staff were even in the area at the time of this shooting.


  • 刚果(金)省,成千受惊群众将该省的条条大道吐得水泄不通;平民这次南部大迁移为了保护自己以及其家人。

    Tens of thousands of terrified civilians are jamming the roads of Congo’s North Kivu province in a frantic southbound exodus in the hope of self-preservation (see map).


  • 1992年,俄勒冈州大部分地区变成了花斑猫头鹰生存栖地”指定区,限制伐木业失去1工作机会

    The designation of much of Oregon as a critical habitat for the northern spotted owl in 1992 led to restrictions on logging and the loss of some 10,000 jobs.


  • 然而柏林法国人没法摧毁这座堡垒,留下了座炮楼160立方残骸

    However, the French were unable to destroy the fortress in their northern Berlin sector, leaving two towers and 1.6 million cubic yards of debris.


  • 先前八月战争逃离南奥塞梯3格鲁吉亚现在回迁格鲁吉亚地区成片的难民营里。

    The first of some 30,000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 先前八月战争逃离南奥塞梯3格鲁吉亚现在回迁格鲁吉亚地区成片的难民营里。

    The first of some 30, 000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 还有一些年收入近百美元的公司:23岁RayLand佛罗里达州(Florida)租用了40汽车组建了自己车队,该车队去年为其带来$300美元的收入。

    Some are multimillion-dollar operations: 23-year-old Ray Land built a fleet of 40 charter buses in northern Florida that brought in $3 million last year.


  • MPSEZL是印度最大的私营港口运营商,而艾博特角港昆士兰散货公司所有,该港座深水煤炭装卸码头,年吞吐能力达5,000

    Owned by the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, Abbot Point has a deepwater coal terminal capable of handling 50 million tons annually.


  • 但是即使是最大版本,印度语版本里仅有100000文章(英语的则380文章)。

    But even the largest of these, Hindi, has only 100, 000 articles (against over 3.8m for English).


  • 白山青余里,愁长安

    White cloud mountain million, I look straight north of Changan.


  • 值得一提是,纳姆无数个雷霆钧的灌篮打的太阳屁滚尿流找不着,从此潜能也是人们整个联盟茶余饭后话题

    Moreover, Andrew's outstanding performance included an array of thunderous ally-oop dunks that sent the Phoenix Suns running for the hills and set the league ablaze with talk of his massive potential.


  • 地区位于—诸广褶断带内次级复式向斜

    Chung region WanYang located more than give -- the wide mountain mountain in fault depression plait subprime north to the entry to the east wing.


  • 来自澳门位上天入地,,花花开车载,人见人小小人迷网络人称功夫小子虾米

    I is a heaven, from macau rushed north, rushed south hana-mi-cherry blossom, car see on-board, beloved still want to love the little fox, the network said: kungfu boy and shrimp monsters.


  • 口岸蒙古国科布多接壤,距对方塔格口岸仅6.5公里,距科布多省会科布多300公里

    Port and Hovd Mongolia province, which borders Wanxian Boer, the other from the northern port tag is only 6.5 kilometers from the provincial capital of Hovd Hovd city 300 km.


  • 遭遇了场不同寻常的炎热天气。热浪似乎整个小镇变成了一个大火炉,焦着地上的

    An incredible heat wave struck Beilun and turned the whole town into an oven, baking everything to crispy brown.


  • 碧波的洱海,西苍山南端的斜阳相对

    North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative.


  • 建筑面积8平方米的“·立方”,预计本月就能投入使用

    This is the construction named "Shibei · Cloud Cube" whose total area is up to 80000 square meters. It is expected to be put into use in this month.


  • 建筑面积8平方米的“·立方”,预计本月就能投入使用

    This is the construction named "Shibei · Cloud Cube" whose total area is up to 80000 square meters. It is expected to be put into use in this month.


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