• 里面很多关于服装化妆文章

    It has lots of articles about clothes and make-up.


  • 下面夏天化妆10个小贴士

    Here are ten tips for summer make-up.


  • 沐浴穿衣化妆空隙中喝一口。

    Take bites between showering, dressing, and putting on makeup.


  • 很多喜欢化妆女性有很多她们自己的原因

    Many women who enjoy wearing makeup do so for many reasons.


  • 表示化妆的女性走路时昂首阔步

    She said, "These women stood straight and suffered fewer falls."


  • 眼泪从没有化妆粉色脸颊划下。

    The tears, the raw pink of her face.


  • 眼影眼部化妆重点所在。

    Eye makeup eye shadow is the focus.


  • 可以加入膜剂确保长期喷枪化妆定妆效果。

    Film formers can be added to ensure a prolonged setting of the airbrushed makeup.


  • 他们确实看到化妆你们的时候,会辨认出你们的。

    When he does see you without make up, he won't recognize you. 5.


  • 如果化了记得化妆的效果照片里面显得强烈一些,特别是黑白照片里面。

    If you wear makeup, remember that colors will look more intense in photos, especially on black-and-white film.


  • 第一,开始刮胡子。刮脸上胡子,还预留一点点渣当作化妆的阴影,不刮毛。

    First, a shave (the face only, leaving a touch of stubble for shading; his legs he left alone).


  • 事实上确实这些整形的需求Bledsoe美容学校已经开始提供永久化妆培训课程

    There's such demand for the procedure, in fact, Bledsoe says her cosmetic school has started offering a permanent makeup application training course.


  • 海蒂敲门。“进来。”第一遇到那样。她眼泪没有化妆粉色脸颊划下。

    Heidi knocked. "Let me in." It was like the first time I met her. The tears, the raw pink of her face.


  • 接下来科学家们研究驾驶过程是否同样会削弱我们唱歌能力消化早餐的能力,或者化妆能力。

    Next, maybe the scientists will determine whether driving also impairs our ability to sing, eat breakfast, and put on makeup.


  • 最初设定的最顶端是4个闪亮的菱形福斯特塔楼79390报纸所谓的“化妆的树桩”替代。

    The Foster tower, originally conceived as 79 storeys and 390 metres (1, 270 feet) high, topped by four gleaming diamonds, would be reduced to what the paper calls "a glorified, prettied-up stump".


  • 如果青春亮丽,一点皱纹都没有,或者如果你仅仅为了享受化妆乐趣,担心带来鱼尾纹,那你就随心所欲吧。

    If you're young with nary a wrinkle in sight, or if you just want to have fun with makeup rather than worry about whether it brings out your crow's feet, be as experimental as you'd like.


  • 一代临床认证‘药品’,改变头发皮肤DNA可能会永远转变我们化妆的看法——以及衰老过程本身

    A new generation of clinically approved 'cosmeceuticals', which alter the DNA in your hair and skin, could change for ever the way we look at make-up - and the ageing process itself.


  • 同时要注意,寄之前把泰迪熊打扮因为戈伯不会为它整理头发化妆。“决不会别人玩具太多改动的,”说道

    Also Teddy had better arrive camera-ready because Gerber doesn't do hair and makeup: "I wouldn't dream of doing too much to the toys of other people," he says.


  • 摩尔音乐家丈夫ryanAdams喜欢化妆样子,但是这位女演员告诉《人物》杂志,“化妆迷,我打扮。”

    Moore's musician husband Ryan Adams likes her makeup-free, but the actress tells PEOPLE, "I'm a product junkie. I love playing with makeup."


  • 要是,“我觉得有点儿难受,给化妆女孩就会:‘我难受····八成午餐变质’,于是我就觉得,‘对,一定是午饭了’。”

    If I said, 'I kind of feel sick', the girl doing my make-up would say, 'I feel sick, too · · · · I think the lunch was bad'.


  • 化妆用来修饰的。

    Cosmetics are used for adornment.


  • 人们要是发现化妆高兴的。

    She would not be happy with people seeing her sans makeup.


  • 化妆行业很性感女人推销护肤品

    The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare products.


  • 上次见到那位女化妆时候正不停地往杰里米·福克斯身上涂抹

    The makeup woman had been daubing mock blood on Jeremy Fox when last he'd seen her.


  • 细腻化妆掩盖妆容下年龄痕迹

    Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath.


  • 一些化妆公司那里展示他们的产品

    A selection of cosmetic companies will be there to demonstrate their new products.


  • 化妆遮掩不住年龄

    No amount of make-up could hide her age.


  • 化妆伪造褐色皮肤让皮肤暴露于强烈太阳光线安全。

    It's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun.


  • 灰市香水化妆现在邮购方式售出

    Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail.


  • 灰市香水化妆现在邮购方式售出

    Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail.


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