• 很重要的,包括鱼类贝类一个健康饮食习惯

    It is important to include fish and shellfish within an healthy diet.


  • 福建沿海张网作业获物包括鱼类甲壳类和头足类,共计366

    The catch from coastal bag net operation in Fujian was composed of fish, crustacea and squid, 366 species in total.


  • 的注意。因为一类动物属于最高的脊索脊索动物,包括鱼类哺乳类动物

    Beginning. This genus is considered a chordate, and the phylum Chordata includes fish, mammals and man.


  • 称为史前穴居人饮食旧石器时代的营养饮食计划是以250万年前人类物种饮食为基础的:包括鱼类动物植物

    Also called the caveman diet, the Paleolithic diet is a nurtritional plan based on what human species ate about 2.5 million years ago: fish, animals, plants.


  • 水产养殖专业研究集中如何对淡水海水水产品(包括鱼类贝类水生植物等)进行育种,养殖,捕捞销售

    Aquaculture studies concentrate on the selection. culture. propagation. harvest and marketing of domesticated fish. shellfish and Marine plants. both freshwater and saltwater.


  • 如今,已经与包括鱼类两栖动物类、爬行动物类、鸟类哺乳动物类中的不少种类一样,成为数量正在急剧下降动物种类。

    Snakes now join a list of declining animal populations that includes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.


  • Vodisek餐厅供应一流的地中海伊斯·特利亚半岛当地菜肴包括鱼类特色菜肉类素食菜肴以及当地葡萄酒

    The Vodisek restaurant serves excellent Mediterranean and local Istrian cuisine with fish specialities, meat and vegetarian dishes, accompanied by local wines.


  • Haussler博士想测序1万种脊椎动物基因组,这个数目也即是包括鱼类两栖类爬行类鸟类哺乳动物等所有物种总数的六分之一。

    Dr Haussler wants to sequence 10,000 vertebrates, a sixth of the total number of species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.


  • 这种复杂动物包括鱼类鸟类爬行动物哺乳动物(我们人类),具有高度细化免疫系统这样的系统不会允许这些外来生物体我们细胞中生长

    This group of complex animals, which includes fish, birds, reptiles and mammals (like us humans) have highly specialised immune systems, which should not let these foreign organisms live in our cells.


  • 非常鱼类养殖包括鳕鱼科鱼、贻贝鲑鱼鲟鱼世界各地人们提供了食物

    A huge variety of fish, including cod, bream, mussels, salmon and sturgeon, is being farmed, providing food for people all over the world.


  • 这些传统包括几个世纪以来被称之为bul习俗领导人要求暂停捕捞一些重要种类鱼类总储备量繁衍补充的机会

    These include the centuries-old custom of "bul", where leaders would call a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish stocks an opportunity to replenish.


  • 这些鱼类分为4个主要生态类型包括河口鱼类近海鱼类江海洄游型鱼类淡水鱼类

    These fish could be categorized into four types, including estuarine fishes, marine fishes, diadromous fishes and of freshwater fishes.


  • 经典条件作用所有动物研究中,得到了扩展重复,这些动物包括了螃蟹鱼类蟑螂

    The findings of classical conditioning have been extended and replicated in all sorts of animals including crabs, fish, cockroaches and so on.


  • 我们的名单里包括大部分很容易买到的蔬菜,各种谷物坚果干果瘦肉鱼类橄榄油药草香料

    These include the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meats, fish, olive oil, herbs and spices that are familiar to most people.


  • 事实上,90%过敏反应罪魁祸首以下8类食品牛奶鸡蛋花生坚果(包括巴西坚果,胡桃杏仁胡桃),鱼类贝类大豆小麦

    But in fact there are 8 foods to blame for 90% of allergic reactions to food: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (including Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts), fish, shellfish, soy and wheat.


  • 索瓦餐厅的菜单包括橄榄水瓜柳松子色拉无麸面包果酱橄榄鲑鱼香草酱,以及其他各种鱼类菜肴

    The menu includes salads with olives, capers and pine nuts; gluten-free bread with nut-based butter or olive tapenades; smoked salmon with herb dressing; and other various meat and fish dishes.


  • 鱼类最高限量 - 铅造成一系列广泛病症包括贫血以及肝脏病神经障碍

    Maximum limit for lead in fish – lead can cause a wide range of disorders including anemia and hepatic and neurological disorders;


  • USDA指南中建议人们每天5.5盎司肉类(其中包括鸡肉鱼类);如果不想吃肉,可以选用素(蔬菜蛋白产品)或豆制品

    The USDA guidelines recommend five and a half ounces of meat (defined to include chicken and fish) per day, or meat substitutes (vegetable protein products) or beans if you prefer not to eat meat.


  • 富含omega - 3的鱼类包括大马哈鱼鳟鱼沙丁鱼鲱鱼等

    Fish rich in omega-3s include salmon, trout, sardines and herring.


  • 非常鱼类已被养殖包括鳕鱼小龙虾科鱼、大比目鱼贻贝鲑鱼黑鲈鲟鱼,世界各地人们提供了食物工作岗位

    A huge variety of fish, including cod, crayfish, bream, halibut, mussels, salmon, sea bass and sturgeon, are all farmed, providing jobs and food for people all over the world.


  • 这个保护区180鱼类的栖息地,其中包括已经濒危中华江豚

    The reserve is home to 180 different fish species, including the already endangered Chinese sturgeon and the finless porpoise.


  • 座谈会谈论话题非常广泛,包括过度捕捞鱼类问题以及影响不同物种数量自然环境因素等问题。

    Symposium talks will cover a wide range of subjects from overfishing to physical and environmental factors that affect the populations of different species.


  • 需要饮食包括各种水果蔬菜五谷杂粮、豆类橄榄油坚果、低食物酸奶还有富含欧米伽3脂肪酸鱼类

    It needs a diet that will consist of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, nuts, low-fat dairy products like yogurt and fish that provides the omega-3 fatty acids.


  • 湄公河也拥有700多种鱼类包括一样鲶鱼,但雨季的后期河水浑浊我们没有看见条鱼。

    And while the Mekong heaves with more than 700 varieties of fish, including a catfish as big as a grizzly bear, the water was too opaque, at the end of the rainy season, for us to see any of them.


  • 但是许多鱼类可以看到我们看不到的颜色包括紫外线

    Many fish, however, can see colors that we do not, including ultraviolet.


  • 东安格·利亚大学团队富含蛋白质食物包括肉类鱼类奶制品生产豆子小扁豆花椰菜菠菜含有有益化合物

    The team, from the University of East Anglia, said that protein-rich foods including meat, fish, dairy produce, beans, lentils, broccoli and spinach all contain the beneficial compounds.


  • 珊瑚礁滋养四分之一海洋生物,其中包括超过4000鱼类

    Coral reefs support a quarter of all Marine life including more than 4, 000 species of fish.


  • 000物种其中包括1500鱼类200多种鸟类生活沙洲环礁岛屿上

    More than 10, 000 species, including 1, 500 types of fish and 200 kinds of birds, live on the reef's cays, atolls, and islands.


  • 今天欧洲鳇鱼濒临灭绝,因此大多数鱼鳔来自其他鱼类品种包括越南鲶鱼

    Today the sturgeon is endangered, so most bladders are harvested from other species of fish including the Vietnamese catfish.


  • 今天欧洲鳇鱼濒临灭绝,因此大多数鱼鳔来自其他鱼类品种包括越南鲶鱼

    Today the sturgeon is endangered, so most bladders are harvested from other species of fish including the Vietnamese catfish.


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