• 类别其他包括酱菜咖啡

    Other items in the category are lead, pickled vegetables and coffee.


  • 这些废弃电脑预计超过一万才能分解留下许多有毒物质包括

    It's estimated that dumped computers take ten thousand years to break down, leaving a cocktail of toxic materials including lead and mercury.


  • 重金属污染包括污染可能正是由于水源输送用户管道本身的腐蚀而引起的。

    Heavy metal pollution, including lead, zinc, and cooper may be caused by corrosion of the very pipes that carry water from its source to the consumer.


  • 我们知道许多有毒化学物品大脑的发育都有影响,这包括、甲基、多氯联苯有机磷杀虫剂阻燃领苯二甲酸盐

    We know that plenty of toxic chemicals are harmful to developing brains—including lead, methylmercury, PCBs, organophosphate pesticides, flame retardants (PBDEs) and phthalates.


  • 重点放在氯化湿法冶金,包括精矿直接电解精矿氯化铁出、从中间产物氯化中回收及复杂硫化矿处理的研究

    Emphasis of the paper is placed on investigation of chloride hydrometallurgy of lead, which includes direct electrolysis of lead concentrates, ferric chloride leaching of lead$…


  • 引起一系列广泛疾病包括贫血肝病以及神经紊乱食品可能一个重要接触途径

    Lead can cause a wide range of disorders, including anaemia and hepatic and neurological disorders and food can be a major route of exposure.


  • 灰渣含有多种危险物质包括硒等然而田纳西流域管理局起先矢口否认煤灰渣中含有健康有害的物质。

    Coal ash is known to contain dangerous elements including arsenic, lead, and selenium, yet the TVA refused at first to issue any health warnings about contamination from the spill.


  • 手机已划入有可能致癌”的一类一类中包括杀虫剂洗剂发动机尾气泡菜还有咖啡

    Cellphones were placed in a "possibly carcinogenic" category that also includes pesticides, dry cleaning chemicals, engine exhaust, lead, pickled vegetables and coffee.


  • 空气中的来源很广,包括熔炼钢铁厂

    Lead in the air comes from myriad sources, including smelters as well as iron and steel foundries.


  • 煤灰含有有毒重金属包括水银这些会从供水系统过滤处理,有风时候空中

    Coal ash contains toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead, which leach into water systems and get blown into the air during windy days.


  • 中国世界许多原材料生产大国,其中包括铁矿石灰

    It is the world's top producer of cadmium, gold, indium, iron ore, lime, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, phosphate, salt, tin, tungsten, vanadium and zinc.


  • 目前仍然存在的暴露包括涂料民间偏方陶器郊区土壤饮用水

    Current exposure sources include lead paint, folk remedies, glazed pottery, soil and drinking water in some urban areas with older housing.


  • 鱼类最高限量 - 造成一系列广泛病症包括贫血以及肝脏病神经障碍

    Maximum limit for lead in fish – lead can cause a wide range of disorders including anemia and hepatic and neurological disorders;


  • 那次行动”中有1300名巴勒斯坦人被杀,大多武装军人,也有数百无辜市民其中包括数十名儿童

    Some 1, 300 Palestinians died in "Operation Cast Lead", most of them armed militants but many hundreds of them innocent civilians, including scores of children.


  • 那次行动”中约有1300名巴勒斯坦人被杀,大多武装军人,也有数百无辜市民其中包括数十名儿童

    Some 1,300 Palestinians died in "Operation Cast Lead", most of them armed militants but many hundreds of them innocent civilians, including scores of children.


  • 稳定之间存在系元素,包括稳定灌了爆炸性事件超需出示锕。

    Since the unstable nuclei exist between actinides, including thorium and stable nuclei like lead and bismuth, explosive events such as supernovae are required to produce actinides.


  • 有色金属材料不是金属基材,包括很多合金

    Nonferrous materials have a base metal other than iron and include aluminum, magnesium, zinc, lead, bismuth, copper, and a variety of alloys.


  • 同样地许多工业促进燃烧过程这些工业包括玻璃水泥或者垃圾焚化回收相关的工业。

    Similarly, oxygen enhances the combustion process in industries that manufacture glass, aluminum, copper, gold, lead, and cement or that are involved in waste incineration or remediation.


  • 大约25%食品1食品含有多于1微克包括豆蔻葫芦巴胡椒粉

    About 25% of the food items, including spices such as cardamom, fenugreek and chili powder, contained more than 1 microgram of lead per gram of product.


  • 索尔研究所使用建材包括混凝土柚木玻璃钢材

    The materials that make up the Salk Institute consist of concrete, teak, lead, glass, and steel.


  • 除了手机2B其他物质包括亚洲泡菜咖啡某些食物染料还有救火员干洗店员的工作环境等。

    Along with cell phones, other items in Group 2b include lead, traditional Asian pickled vegetables, coffee, certain food dyes and working as a firefighter or dry cleaner.


  • 主要讨论阀控蓄电池故障主要原因包括腐蚀损失早期容量损失、热失控

    The major cause of failure of VRLA batteries, including grid corrosion, water loss, premature capacity loss and thermal runaway, are discussed in this .


  • 主要讨论阀控蓄电池故障主要原因包括腐蚀损失早期容量损失、热失控

    The major cause of failure of VRLA batteries, including grid corrosion, water loss, premature capacity loss and thermal runaway, are discussed in this paper.


  • 影响土壤植物有效性因素包括土壤、土壤理化性质、土壤微生物、高等植物等。

    The main factors that affect the availability of Pb in soil are the total amount of Pb, soil nature, soil microbial, and plants growing on the soil, etc.


  • 影响土壤植物有效性因素包括土壤、土壤理化性质、土壤微生物、高等植物等。

    The main factors that affect the availability of Pb in soil are the total amount of Pb, soil nature, soil microbial, and plants growing on the soil, etc.


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