• 用户输入可以包括模型动作

    The user input comprises an action concluding the brush model.


  • 本文简洁介绍了四种方法其中包括作者提出序号匹配

    This paper aims at concise and clear introduction to four methods including one brought forward by the author, which is named sum of serial numbers matching method.


  • 包括荧光设置菜单工具栏位置查找窗格便笺列表窗格位置、信纸设置和选项对话的设置。

    These include pen and highlighter settings menu and toolbar positions find pane and note list pane positions stationery settings and settings in the options dialog box .


  • 事实上提前关门Kalkaska 损失了一钱,包括60万美元的教师工作人员失业补助以及失去的25万美元的政府补助

    In fact, closing early is costing Kalkaska a significant amount, including $600,000 in unemployment payments to teachers and staff and $250,000 in lost state aid.


  • 但是公司已经获得大量合约包括美国巴尔第摩马尔迪兰大学东部康涅狄格大学订单。

    Nevertheless, the company had won a raft of new contracts, including a deal to feed students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and Eastern Conneticut State University in the US.


  • 备选交互模式包括语音数字其他模式混合使用

    Alternative modes of interaction include voice and digital pen, and may be used either separately or combined with other modes.


  • 起伏颠簸一生中包括八十年代可卡因有关劣迹,一劣迹使耗尽财产使他因持械抢劫而被判罪,放弃吸烟困难的。

    In an up-and-down life, including a brush with cocaine in the 1980s that wiped out his finances and got him convicted for armed robbery, it was hard to quit.


  • 这种包括麦克风扬声器相机

    The pen contains a microphone, speaker and camera.


  • 交易包括20飞机的订单以及另外15飞机的购买任责权。

    The deal includes firm orders for 20 planes and an option to buy 15 additional aircraft.


  • 面板一些调整包括加入修补工具、仿制图章工具用户自定义

    The brush palette also featured a number of changes, including the new healing brush tool, patch tool, and the ability to create custom brushes.


  • 母亲继承钱,父亲获得了数份产业包括一家大众连锁影院

    His mother had inherited a small fortune, and his father had acquired several businesses, including a popular chain of cinemas.


  • 特点包括内置CD - ROM驱动器用户可自行置换电池红外以及内置输入

    It featured a built-in CD-ROM drive, a user replaceable battery, a large IR port, and a built-in stylus.


  • 猎犬的价格相当于5豪猪的价格包括¥250每桶的去除价格,另一条狗的后腿切除肿瘤也了一大费用。

    One spaniel charged a porcupine five times — with a cost to remove the quills at $250 per poke. Another dog had buckshot removed from its hindquarters.


  • 包括短期借款比如应付账,以及长期借款流动部分,比如10年期贷款最新利息支付

    This is includes both shorter term borrowings, such as accounts payables, along with the current portion of longer term borrowing, such as the latest interest payment on a 10-year loan.


  • 史蒂夫已经驱使我们许多事情上加上了重重的一赌注Xbox实时通讯商业应用程序、IPTV许多包括Live平台在内许多其他方面。

    Steve has driven us to make bold bets on things like Xbox, Real Time Communications, business applications, IPTV, and many others including the Live platform.


  • 这位高产的惊悚小说作家一亿美元协议是在去年秋天,内容包括2012年年底之前写出17本书,高产得让人无法想象!

    The prolific thriller writer's latest deal, signed last fall, involves penning a carpal tunnel-risking 17 books by the end of 2012 for an estimated $100 million.


  • 辞职条件包括一千万美元报酬

    The conditions for his resignation included a ten million dollar payment.


  • 免费下载的矢量文件包括:矢量图标、矢量图案、矢量漩涡、花形图案背景图案、墙纸Illustrator刷等等

    Free downloadable vector files include vector Icons, vector patterns, vector swirls, flourishes, backgrounds, wallpapers, Illustrator brushes, and many more.


  • 第一新西兰教育机构支付首课程学费但是需要包括寄宿家庭的费用或者其他住宿费。

    The first transfer is to the intended education provider in New Zealand covers tuition fees, but does not include payment of homestay or other accommodation costs.


  • 在实际操作当中无论详细的成本估算是否包括意外事件,项目预算列支应急储备金。

    Realistically, a budget accounting item for contingency allowance should be established whenever a contingency amount was included in the final cost estimate.


  • 这根允许会场数字包括一个照相机无线传输器,能够自动拍摄会场画面向外传输

    The digital pen allowed to be brought into the meeting included a camera and a wireless transmitter that can photograph the meeting's picture automatically and transmit outward.


  • 这其中甚至包括电话留言工作

    One of these jobs even included selling pens as a telemarketer.


  • 这种赔偿足以修复汽车支付你的医药费以及损失的薪水,当然这包括了由于这次事故造成的瘸腿长期残疾的赔偿。

    The damages will be amount of money sufficient to repair your auto, to pay your medical bills, to pay for wages you have lost, and to give you something for any permanent disability such as a limp.


  • 欧盟正在加快起草向希腊第二次紧急援助,计划包括下月向希腊发放关键借款规避欧元区国家债务拖欠风险欧盟官员周一说到

    The European Union is racing to draft a second bailout package for Greece to release vital loans next month and avert the risk of the euro zone country defaulting, EU officials said on Monday.


  • 焊工成套工具包括焊钳面罩手提式焊条加热

    A welder's kit contains electrode holder, welding torch, helmet shield, portable electrode heating box and temperature measuring pen.


  • 世界欠下每一帐,包括高利贷当铺债务,加在一起也不到一百

    Every debt he owed in the world, including the pawnshop, with its usurious interest, amounted to less than a hundred dollars.


  • 其他电脑点击输入设备包括信号绘图板以及触摸屏但是鼠标依然我们的主要工作工具。

    Other computer pointing devices include light pens, graphics tablets and touch screens. but the mouse is still our workhorse.


  • 其他电脑点击输入设备包括信号绘图板以及触摸屏但是鼠标依然我们的主要工作工具。

    Other computer pointing devices include light pens, graphics tablets and touch screens. but the mouse is still our workhorse.


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