• 这些物种包括小鼠大鼠几种

    These included cats, dogs, mice, rats and several types of monkey.


  • 包括饲养者所遵循的行为规范

    It could include codes of conduct for owners of cats, dogs, horses, rabbits and birds.


  • 家庭灰尘,可以看到包括扭曲合成羊毛纤维锯齿状昆虫鳞屑花粉植物和昆虫尸体

    Household dust which includes long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, plant and insect remains.


  • 放大了115其中包括扭曲合成羊毛纤维花粉植物和昆虫之类的长毛

    It has been magnified 115 times, but it contains long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, a pollen grain, plant and insects.


  • 柴郡形象装扮好后,萨拉瓦蒂应用编辑眼睛脸部施以重彩浓墨,完成剩余包括咪露齿而在内妆容。

    With her Cheshire cat look, Saraswati used an app to edit her eyes and an impressive amount of make up and face paint to complete the rest of the look, including the cat's signature toothy grin.


  • 长长的皮毛覆盖着他们全身包括他们的眼睛北极低温下帮助他们保暖

    The long fur covers their whole bodies, including both their cat eyes and rabbit feet, to keep them warm in the low temperature in the Arctic.


  • 影片大看点包括野蛮的史莱克、苛刻的奥娜、喋喋不休的驴子、发福的

    Some highlights of the film involve Shrek being gross, Fiona being tough, Donkey talking endlessly, Puss being fat.


  • 自从第一只羊克隆以来,已经有几十动物被克隆了,包括老鼠最近只狗而且越来越明显的是这些动物这样那样的缺陷

    Dozens of animals have been cloned since that first lambmice, cats, cows and, most recently, a dogand it's becoming increasingly clear that they are all, in one way or another, defective.


  • 些冠状病毒导致人类疾病,另一些则在动物中传播疾病,包括骆驼、和蝙蝠。

    Some corona-viruses cause disease in humans, others spread illness among animals, including camels, cats and bats.


  • 其它东方品种包括土耳其日本短尾埃及

    Other Oriental breeds include the Turkish Van cat, the Japanese Bobtail, the Egyptian Mau cat and so on.


  • 离开亲吻房间里所有(包括)。

    Kiss all the people you love in your house (including the dog and cat) before you leave.


  • 另外还有其他一些非小说作品包括关于从小

    In addition, she has written several nonfiction works, including books about cats, a love since childhood.


  • 百老汇最有才华音乐家是安德鲁·韦伯创作了很多非常著名歌舞剧包括》、《芝加哥歌剧媚影》。

    The most talented musician of Broadway is Andrew Webber, who created many very famous musicals and operas, including Cats, Chicago, and the Phantom of the opera House.


  • 不断发现的证据说明许多同类哺乳动物包括啮齿动物猴子等音乐无动于衷甚至讨厌音乐。

    Emerging evidence suggests that many of our fellow mammals, including dogs, cats, rodents and monkeys, are indifferent to music and may even dislike it.


  • 近些年来,尽管诸如狮子王四十二街等英文音乐剧巡演都取得了巨大的成功包括妈妈咪呀

    Although Tours of English-language musicals like Cats, The Lion King and 42nd Street have become massively popular in China in recent years - including a short run of Mamma Mia!


  • 这些天津一家商店的笼子发现的,其中一些已经死亡包括只怀孕

    The cats were found in cages in a store in the city, a few of them, including a pregnant female, already dead.


  • 影片大看点包括野蛮的史莱克、苛刻的奥娜、喋喋不休的驴子发福的靴以及总是说服别人签约侏儒怪。

    Some highlights of the film involve Shrek being gross, Fiona being tough, Donkey talking endlessly, Puss being fat, and Rumpelstiltskin trying to suck people into his contracts.


  • 尽管不二雄是因为创作来自未来机器多拉a梦大雄这对拍档而闻名的,但是博物馆展示了其它作品包括小鬼q太郎以及其它作品

    Although Fujio is most well-known for creating the duo of cat-from-the-future Doraemon and Nobita, the museum also showcases his other works including Obake no Q-taro and others.


  • 关于狗的研究最近才介入的,类物种包括的研究表明动物具有自我意识,远远超过我们的想象

    The dog study is the latest into several species, including cows, horses, cats and sheep, which have shown that animals are far more self-aware than was thought.


  • 美短国短品种当中,所有抑制基因颜色需要白色绒毛出现整个身体当中,包括整个的脊骨线

    In the ASH breed, all colors with a silver inhibitor gene are required to have a "white" undercoat present on all parts of the cats, including along the spine line.


  • 他们很多宠物包括

    They have. many pets, including three cats.


  • 话说,2026年,预计全球有大约四分之一通过阿里巴巴电商平台购物包括淘宝

    In other words, come 2026, he expects roughly one in four people in the world to shop through Alibaba's ecommerce platforms including Taobao and Tmall.


  • 其中包括人和动物互动复杂行为人通过喂食表达喜爱学会通过亲密行为”获得喂食。

    Among them is the complexity of the human-animal bond, namely how humans demonstrate love with food, and how cats learn "affectionate behavior" in order to get fed.


  • 舍尔这些送到密西西比南部动物保护协会这里动物收容所现在收留了250只狗其中包括50只狗崽

    Maciel took all the dogs to the Humane Society of South Mississippi, where a shelter now holds about 250 dogs and cats, including nearly 50 puppies.


  • 作品包括杰克一个伍德·格林动物收容所日庸医,庸医。

    Her works include My Cat Jack, One Day at Wood Green Animal Shelter, and Quack, Quack.


  • 的成功作品包括悲惨世界、星光列车、尼可拉斯·克勒比以及日落大道

    His credits include Miserables, Cats, Starlight Express, Nicholas Nickleby, and Sunset Boulevard.


  • 尤其是情人包括随心所欲角度来看也许

    Especially, the cat lover, including also the whimsical aspect, it is loved, from the person probably will be.


  • 尤其是情人包括随心所欲角度来看也许

    Especially, the cat lover, including also the whimsical aspect, it is loved, from the person probably will be.


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