• 编号包括档案日期

    A reference may also include a file number and a date.


  • 保存策略可以包括档案复制转制转置。

    Preservation strategies can include copying, conversion and migration of records.


  • 配额包括档案空间位元目录相关负荷以及存放区中的其他资讯

    The quota includes bytes of file space as well as the overhead associated with the directory and other information in the store.


  • 档案存在任何期间包括档案系统设计阶段可能进行上述决策

    It should be possible for these decisions to be made at any time in the existence of records, including during the design stage of records systems.


  • ASFMS系统主要功能1。系统生成包括档案信息的登录、修改删除等);

    The main functions of the ASFMS system can be enumerated as follows: 1) System generation (including registration, modification and deletion of archives).


  • 完成转移后,功能会给摄入功能模块发送存储确认信息包括档案信息包存储识别信息。

    Upon completion of the transfer, this function sends a storage confirmation message to Ingest, including the storage identification of the AIPs.


  • 本机测试部署中,测试引擎会在执行测试之前,将部署项目(包括档案资料)复制电脑的资料夹中。

    For local test deployment, the test engine copies deployment items, both files and folders, to a folder on your computer before it runs tests.


  • 网站开发得到了交互技术公司HugeInc的鼎力协助,网站通过一个MyNYC功能提供用户创作内容包括档案评分点评等。

    The site, developed with help from interactive agency Huge inc., will also host user-generated content, including profiles, ratings, and reviews, through a MyNYC feature.


  • 通过研究这些成分科学家获得气候许多方面详细档案包括空气温度降雪大气温室气体的浓度

    By studying these components, scientists have obtained a detailed archive of many aspects of climate, including air temperatures, snowfall, and concentrations of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere.


  • 的刑事犯罪和刑拘记录档案包括最近刺杀位负责记录的行政主管而被判刑一事。

    His rap sheet includes a recent conviction for stabbing a record executive.


  • 软件包括病例档案一个自动化个人通知

    The software also includes a case archive and automated and personalized notifications.


  • 重要提示没有包括,在这个档案发布之前能够访问,并将它分配项目中

    Important: No one, including you, can access this profile to assign it to a project until it gets published.


  • 有人认为如果这份档案包括人们自由交谈的录音,而不仅仅朗读同一篇短文更好了

    Some people think the archive would be better if it included natural speech -- people talking freely, (not just reading the same words.


  • 中心位置创建在线团队成员档案包括照片甚至音频片段这样其他人可以面容其他个人信息名字声音联系起来。

    Create online profiles of team members in a central location, including pictures and even audio clips, so others can connect faces and other personal information to the name and voice.


  • 泄露出这份美军档案至少记录了21起分别英军射杀轰炸阿富汗平民的事件,这些平民中包括妇女儿童

    The US army's archives contain descriptions of at least 21 separate occasions in which British troops are said to have shot or bombed Afghan civilians, including women and children.


  • 所有这些信息包括用户音乐喜好工作状况阅读偏好学校信息组成用户的档案

    This includes your music preferences, employment information, reading preferences, schools, etc. All the things that make up your profile.


  • 最近应征者申请人包括斯德哥尔摩城市规划委员会档案奔驰1886年专利以及CD—ROM高加索民族的原生态音乐

    Recent inductees and applicants include the Stockholm City Planning Committee Archives, the Benz patent of 1886, and Autochthonous Ethnic Music of the Caucasus on CD-ROM.


  • 监狱档案发现数以千计招供文件显示就是那个包括电刑、水刑毫不留情殴打致残等手段使犯人开口的人。

    Thousands of documented confessions found in the prison archives show he was the man who made prisoners talk by using means such as electrocution, waterboarding, merciless beatings and mutilations.


  • 最终份长达159电影名单清单出炉,包括在这份名单上独占鳌头的《》、《隔山》、《美国X档案》、《电锯惊魂影片。

    They ended up with a long list of 159 different movies, including "Brokeback Mountain," which led the list, "the Hills Have Eyes," "American History X," "Saw" and others.


  • 最终份长达159电影名单清单出炉,包括在这份名单上独占鳌头的《》、《隔山》、《美国X档案》、《电锯惊魂影片。

    They ended up with a long list of 159 different movies, including "Brokeback Mountain, " which led the list, "The Hills Have Eyes, " "American History X, " "Saw" and others.


  • ICD10用于包括死亡证书医院档案在内许多类型卫生生命档案记录疾病其它卫生问题进行分类

    ICD 10 is used to classify diseases and other health problems recorded on many types of health and vital records including death certificates and hospital records.


  • 人工记忆包括藏书档案记录组织中重要的。

    The artificial kind of memory that consists of libraries, files, and records, is the most important in organizations.


  • 虽然大学会参看申请学生档案包括平均成绩班级排名特长,但SAT分数仍然十分重要。

    Although colleges look at applicants' portfolios - including their GPA, class ranking, and special talents - SAT scores play a large role too.


  • 马修·贝内特教授(右侧)讲,数字足迹档案包括这个肯尼亚发现的足迹,将会提供关于人类进化的新线索。

    Digital archive of footprints, including this one in Kenya, will shed light on human evolution, according to Professor Matthew Bennet, pictured right.


  • 快速入门档案预先配置好的示例包括需要全部依赖项包括做好运行准备的JBoss应用程序服务器

    The Quick Start archive is a preconfigured set of examples that includes all the dependencies you'll need, including a ready-to-run JBoss application server instance.


  • BladePack建立简单目录以包含安装档案或是包括互动式使用者面的安装内容。

    BladePack can create a simple directory tree containing files to be installed or an installation that includes an interactive user interface.


  • Google个人档案包括Google用户个人信息公开页面增加新的问题

    Google Profiles, the public pages that include information about Google users, continue to add new questions.


  • 去年FBI联合几个使DNA档案包括那些尚未定罪拘役人员。

    And last year, the F.B.I. joined more than a dozen states and moved to include DNA profiles from arrestees not yet convicted.


  • 去年FBI联合几个使DNA档案包括那些尚未定罪拘役人员。

    And last year, the F.B.I. joined more than a dozen states and moved to include DNA profiles from arrestees not yet convicted.


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